5 research outputs found

    Permasalahan Kuomintang dalam politik China, 1911-1949: satu tinjauan umum

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    China pada awal dan pertengahan abad ke-20 mengalami pelbagai masalah yang mengancam kedaulatannya. Dinasti Qing gagal memerintah China dengan baik telah disingkirkan oleh pihak nasionalis yang kemudiannya menubuhkan Kuomintang (KMT). KMT juga menghadapi masalah besar untuk memulihkan masalah di China. Yuan Shih Kai yang diharap memimpin China dengan baik gagal berbuat demikian dan telah mengkhianati perjuangan KMT. Kematian Yuan Shih Kai membawa masalah besar apabila China berpecah berdasarkan penguasaan panglima perang. Dengan pertolongan Soviet Union, KMT telah berjaya menyatukan China pada tahun 1928. Walaupun berjaya berkuasa di China tetapi KMT masih mempunyai masalah besar. Panglima Perang masih lagi tidak menunjukkan taat setia yang kuat kepada KMT. Manakala hubungan KMT dan komunis mula rengang pada pertengahan tahun 1920an. Hal ini mewujudkan masalah antara mereka sehingga KMT berusaha melenyapkan komunis di China. Pencerobohan tentera Jepun pada tahun 1930an membawa masalah KMT semakin rumit. Walaupun mendapat sokongan Soviet Union dan Amerika Syarikat dalam melawan Jepun tetapi KMT gagal menangani kemaraan Jepun. Tamatnya perang tidak menamatkan masalah KMT. KMT terpaksa pula berhadapan dengan masalah lama iaitu komunis. Masalah antara kedua-dua pihak ini berterusan sehingga tamatnya Perang Dunia Kedua. Akhirnya KMT gagal menpertahankan China apabila ditewaskan oleh pihak komunis pada tahun 1949

    Pertikaian Inggeris-Belanda di Hindia Timur dan usaha penyelesaiannya melalui Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824

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    Artikel ini membincangkan usaha menyelesaikan pertikaian kuasa dan lingkungan pengaruh yang tercetus di antara Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur kesan daripada Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814. Pertikaian di antara Belanda dengan British pasca Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814 berlaku apabila pegawai-pegawai British di Hindia Timur berusaha mendapatkan penempatan baru bagi menyaingi monopoli perdagangan Belanda. Kemuncaknya adalah apabila berlaku pertikaian akibat pertapakan British di Singapura pada tahun 1819. Usaha-usaha rundingan untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian di antara Belanda dengan British mula digerakkan namun menemui kegagalan. Pertikaian ini akhirnya berjaya diselesaikan apabila Belanda dan British bersetuju menandatangani Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824. Justeru itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang timbul dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian di antara Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur dari tahun 1814 sehingga 1824. Permasalahan dari sudut hak penguasaan dan kedaulatan sesebuah kawasan yang dipertikaikan merupakan antara subjek perbincangan kajian ini. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah kualitatif yang berasaskan metodologi kajian sejarah dengan meneliti dokumen pentadbiran Belanda dan British terutamanya catatan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai kolonial Belanda seperti C.T. Elout dan J.C. Baud. Sumber sekunder yang releven dan berautoriti turut dirujuk khususnya perjanjian-perjanjian dan surat-menyurat peribadi yang dikumpul oleh P.H.V.D. Kemp dan A.R. Falck. Hasil kajian mendapati Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814 telah mencetuskan permasalahan dan pertikaian di antara Belanda dan British. Namun begitu, Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824 berjaya menyelesaikan pertikaian kuasa dan lingkungan pengaruh serta memperkukuh hubungan Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur

    The Fifth Column in British India : Japan and the INA's secret war 1941-1945

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    This thesis attempts to examine the activities of the INA's secret service, which was' established during WWII and was responsible for espionage and propaganda work in India. It takes an in depth look at this )ong-forgotten subject within the INA historiography. It begins by examining the existence of the Japanese intelligence activities in India before the Pacific War. It shows' that the Japanese were interested in India even before the war. The Japanese also adopted a liberal policy towards Indian revolutionaries who worked for the Indian cause from abroad, particularly East Asia, before the war. More importantly, several Indian revolutionaries, such as Hari Singh Rathmore and Hamam Singh who were involved in Indo-Japanese fifth column work. Japan's policy towards Indian revolutionary before the war was different from the policy adopted during the war, as support for Indian revolutionaries was not formal. Supports came from individuals and non-governmental agencies. During the war, Japan's interest in the Indian independence movement became a formal affair through the Indian Independence League (IlL) and Indian National Army (INA), which were established with Japan's support and financial help. Asides from being and offensive army, the INA also took part in secret operations through severalINA secret service agencies. Japanese Kikans were established as liaison departments responsible for helping INA activities. Spy schools were established in Malaya and Burma to train INA spies. Thus, various races were selected, recruited, trained and sent to India with the main objective of collecting intelligence information and establishing spy networks within India. The, Indo-Japanese collaboration was of the opinion that establishing spy networks was the only way to assess the current situation in India. This thesis also looks at the British Intelligence responses to INA's secret war. British intelligence used various strategies to overcome the INA's threat. These included the introduction of the 'Josh Group' and the recruiting of double-cross agents such as Rahmat Khan. These methods were used to disintegrate the INA secret network in India. This effort was made easier with the help of several treacherous acts by INA secret agents, which eventually affected INA's secret war activities.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Surviving stateless refugees: the uncertain future of Rohingya’s children in Malaysia

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    It is unsurprised that Malaysia drawn the mass migration of Rohingya refugees who are fleeing the sporadic massacres as well as the persecution of the Myanmar government. According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the flow of these refugees accounts to a total of 154,000 as of end of March 2017. 1 The Rohingya refugees have been in Malaysia since the announcement of the genocide campaign by the Myanmar government against the Muslim Rohingyas a year ago. The need to escape the dire situation in Myanmar, which had been done illegally, these refugees, along with their later generations are identified as illegal migrants. From the legal perspective, the Myanmar children who were born in Malaysia considered no-existence as their births were not documented. The situation, therefore, renders the children to be stateless with an unpromising future. Despite the odds and uncertainty, the communities have crafted themselves for life on the fringe, determined to live their lives as decent human beings and continue to remain Muslims. They have survived without identity cards, jobs or even medical coverage. The purpose of this article is to highlight and analyze the discrimination and inequality faced by the Rohingyas in Malaysia, as well as to propose effective steps to eliminate discrimination and promote equality for the Rohingya refugees. This qualitative article, entails long-recognized human rights problems and aim to shed some light upon less well-known patterns of discriminations against the Rohingyas. For the purpose of this research, the author visited two centers for the Rohingya children; one located in Selayang which is on the outskirt of Kuala Lumpur, and the other in Cheras Baru, Selangor. The latter is chartered by the Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MEHROM) which is operated by the Rohingya community themselves. Interviews were carried out with the principals of the aforementioned centers, as well as officials from the UNHCR and the Rohingya