85 research outputs found

    Pristup stalnim odrezom radijativnim raspadima hiperona u CHK SU(3)-solitonskom modelu

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    We give a brief review a quantum stabilization method for the SU(2) σ-model, based on the constant-cutoff limit of the cutoff quantization method developed by Balakrishna et al., which avoids the difficulties with the usual soliton boundary conditions pointed out by Iwasaki and Ohyama. We then study the radiative decays of hyperons in the constant-cutoff approach to the bound state soliton model, developed by Callan, Hornbostel and Klebanov. The results for the total decay widths and the E2/M1 ratios, corresponding to decouplet-to-octet electromagnetic transitions, are obtained in a qualitative agreement with the results obtained using constant-cutoff approach to the SU(3) collective model, the complete Skyrme models and quark-based models.Daje se kratak pregled metode kvantne stabilizacije za SU(2) σ-model, zasnovan na granici stalnog odreza odrezno-kvantizacijske metode od Balakrishne i sur., koja izbjegava teškoće s običnim graničnim uvjetima koje su našli Iwasaki i Ohyama. Razmatraju se radijativni raspadi hiperona pristupom stalnog odreza modelu vezanog solitona koji su razvili Callan, Hornbostel i Klebanov. Ishodi za ukupne širine i omjere E2/M1, koji odgovaraju elektromagnetskim prijelazima dekuplet-oktet, su u kvalitativnom suglasju s ishodima postignutim pristupom stalnog odreza kolektivnom SU(3) modelu, potpunim Skyrmovim modelima i modelima zasnovanim na kvarkovima

    Pristup stalnim odrezom radijativnim raspadima hiperona u CHK SU(3)-solitonskom modelu

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    We give a brief review a quantum stabilization method for the SU(2) σ-model, based on the constant-cutoff limit of the cutoff quantization method developed by Balakrishna et al., which avoids the difficulties with the usual soliton boundary conditions pointed out by Iwasaki and Ohyama. We then study the radiative decays of hyperons in the constant-cutoff approach to the bound state soliton model, developed by Callan, Hornbostel and Klebanov. The results for the total decay widths and the E2/M1 ratios, corresponding to decouplet-to-octet electromagnetic transitions, are obtained in a qualitative agreement with the results obtained using constant-cutoff approach to the SU(3) collective model, the complete Skyrme models and quark-based models.Daje se kratak pregled metode kvantne stabilizacije za SU(2) σ-model, zasnovan na granici stalnog odreza odrezno-kvantizacijske metode od Balakrishne i sur., koja izbjegava teškoće s običnim graničnim uvjetima koje su našli Iwasaki i Ohyama. Razmatraju se radijativni raspadi hiperona pristupom stalnog odreza modelu vezanog solitona koji su razvili Callan, Hornbostel i Klebanov. Ishodi za ukupne širine i omjere E2/M1, koji odgovaraju elektromagnetskim prijelazima dekuplet-oktet, su u kvalitativnom suglasju s ishodima postignutim pristupom stalnog odreza kolektivnom SU(3) modelu, potpunim Skyrmovim modelima i modelima zasnovanim na kvarkovima

    Rješenja za Rosen-Morseov potencijal pomoću faznih integrala

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    We apply the phase-integral condition to the motion of a quantal particle in the Rosen-Morse potential V (x) = B0 tanh (x/x0) − U0 cosh−2 (x/x0) to show that it yields the energy eigenvalues exactly in any order of approximation, when the base function is chosen conveniently. Thereafter, we show that the phase-integral formula for the normalization factors of bound states agrees very satisfactorily with the exact calculation. Finally, we apply the phase-integral formula for the reflexion coefficient to the transmission of a quantal particle through the above potential to show that it gives very accurate results.Fazno-integralni uvjet primijenjen je na gibanje kvantne čestice u Rosen– Morseovom potencijalu V (x) = B0 tanh(x/x0) − U0 cosh−2 (x/x0). Pokazano je da se uz izbor prikladne valne funkcije dobiva egzaktna vrijednost energije u svim redovima aproksimacije, te da se izraz za normalizacijski faktor zadovoljavajuće podudara s rezultatom egzaktnog računa. Također je pokazano da fazno–integralna formula za koeficijent refleksije daje vrlo točne rezultate

    Tuneliranje τ –leptona kroz statički jednodimenzijski Higgsov potencijal

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    Using the GWS lagrangian for electroweak interactions in the (1+1)–dimensional case, we studied the τ–lepton tunneling through the static one–dimensional Higgs potential. We obtained the exact solution for the Dirac τ–lepton wave functions and the exact expression for the transmission coefficient of τ–leptons.Primjenom GSW lagranžijana elektroslabog međudjelovanja u (1+1)–dimenziji proučava se tuneliranje τ–leptona kroz statički jednodimenzijski Higgsov potencijal. Dobiveno je egzaktno rješenje za Diracovu valnu funkciju τ–mezona i egzaktan izraz za koeficijent transmisije τ–leptona

    Pristup Skyrmionskoj tekućini stalnim odrezom

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    We review a quantum stabilization method for the SU(2) σ-model, based on the constant cut-off limit of the cut-off quantization method developed by Balakrishna et al., which avoids the difficulties with the usual soliton boundary-conditions pointed out by Iwasaki and Ohyama. We investigate the baryon number B = 1 sector of the model and show that after the collective coordinate quantization, it admits a stable soliton solution which depends on a one-dimensional arbitrary constant. We then study a soliton fluid coupled to the dilaton field and the ω meson field in this model. We use the mean-field theory in which the dilaton and the ω field acquire a mean value determined by the solitons. Thus, we calculate the soliton binding energy, effective soliton mass, pressure, chemical potential and the entropy per soliton, showing that there is a good qualitative agreement of the present results with those obtained using the complete Skyrme model.Daje se pregled kvantne stabilizacijske metode za SU(2) σ-model koja se zasniva na limesu stalnog odreza kvantizacijske metode koju su razvili Balakrishna i suradnici. Ta metoda izbjegava teškoće solitonskih graničnih uvjeta kako su to uočili Iwasaki i Ohyama. Istražuje se sektor B = 1 modela i pokazuje kako je nakon kolektivne koordinatne kvantizacije moguće stabilno rješenje koje ovisi o samo jednoj proizvoljnoj dimenzijskoj stalnici. Zatim se proučava solitonska tekućina vezana s dilatonskim poljem i poljem ω mezona. Rabi se teorija srednjeg polja u kojoj dilaton i ω polje poprimaju srednje vrijednosti određene solitonima. Tako se izračunava energija vezanja solitona, efektivna solitonska masa, tlak, kemijski potencijal i entropija po solitonu, i pokazuje da se postiže dobro kvalitativno slaganje ovih ishoda s ishodima cjelovitog Skyrmeovog modela

    Rješenja za Rosen-Morseov potencijal pomoću faznih integrala

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    We apply the phase-integral condition to the motion of a quantal particle in the Rosen-Morse potential V (x) = B0 tanh (x/x0) − U0 cosh−2 (x/x0) to show that it yields the energy eigenvalues exactly in any order of approximation, when the base function is chosen conveniently. Thereafter, we show that the phase-integral formula for the normalization factors of bound states agrees very satisfactorily with the exact calculation. Finally, we apply the phase-integral formula for the reflexion coefficient to the transmission of a quantal particle through the above potential to show that it gives very accurate results.Fazno-integralni uvjet primijenjen je na gibanje kvantne čestice u Rosen– Morseovom potencijalu V (x) = B0 tanh(x/x0) − U0 cosh−2 (x/x0). Pokazano je da se uz izbor prikladne valne funkcije dobiva egzaktna vrijednost energije u svim redovima aproksimacije, te da se izraz za normalizacijski faktor zadovoljavajuće podudara s rezultatom egzaktnog računa. Također je pokazano da fazno–integralna formula za koeficijent refleksije daje vrlo točne rezultate

    Tuneliranje τ –leptona kroz statički jednodimenzijski Higgsov potencijal

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    Using the GWS lagrangian for electroweak interactions in the (1+1)–dimensional case, we studied the τ–lepton tunneling through the static one–dimensional Higgs potential. We obtained the exact solution for the Dirac τ–lepton wave functions and the exact expression for the transmission coefficient of τ–leptons.Primjenom GSW lagranžijana elektroslabog međudjelovanja u (1+1)–dimenziji proučava se tuneliranje τ–leptona kroz statički jednodimenzijski Higgsov potencijal. Dobiveno je egzaktno rješenje za Diracovu valnu funkciju τ–mezona i egzaktan izraz za koeficijent transmisije τ–leptona

    Pristup Skyrmionskoj tekućini stalnim odrezom

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    We review a quantum stabilization method for the SU(2) σ-model, based on the constant cut-off limit of the cut-off quantization method developed by Balakrishna et al., which avoids the difficulties with the usual soliton boundary-conditions pointed out by Iwasaki and Ohyama. We investigate the baryon number B = 1 sector of the model and show that after the collective coordinate quantization, it admits a stable soliton solution which depends on a one-dimensional arbitrary constant. We then study a soliton fluid coupled to the dilaton field and the ω meson field in this model. We use the mean-field theory in which the dilaton and the ω field acquire a mean value determined by the solitons. Thus, we calculate the soliton binding energy, effective soliton mass, pressure, chemical potential and the entropy per soliton, showing that there is a good qualitative agreement of the present results with those obtained using the complete Skyrme model.Daje se pregled kvantne stabilizacijske metode za SU(2) σ-model koja se zasniva na limesu stalnog odreza kvantizacijske metode koju su razvili Balakrishna i suradnici. Ta metoda izbjegava teškoće solitonskih graničnih uvjeta kako su to uočili Iwasaki i Ohyama. Istražuje se sektor B = 1 modela i pokazuje kako je nakon kolektivne koordinatne kvantizacije moguće stabilno rješenje koje ovisi o samo jednoj proizvoljnoj dimenzijskoj stalnici. Zatim se proučava solitonska tekućina vezana s dilatonskim poljem i poljem ω mezona. Rabi se teorija srednjeg polja u kojoj dilaton i ω polje poprimaju srednje vrijednosti određene solitonima. Tako se izračunava energija vezanja solitona, efektivna solitonska masa, tlak, kemijski potencijal i entropija po solitonu, i pokazuje da se postiže dobro kvalitativno slaganje ovih ishoda s ishodima cjelovitog Skyrmeovog modela

    Analytical solution for wave propagation through a graded index interface between a right-handed and a left-handed material

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    We have investigated the transmission and reflection properties of structures incorporating left-handed materials with graded index of refraction. We present an exact analytical solution to Helmholtz' equation for a graded index profile changing according to a hyperbolic tangent function along the propagation direction. We derive expressions for the field intensity along the graded index structure, and we show excellent agreement between the analytical solution and the corresponding results obtained by accurate numerical simulations. Our model straightforwardly allows for arbitrary spectral dispersion.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure