175 research outputs found

    Analisi carpologiche per la Vasca dello Specchio (Ferrara, XIV-XV sec. d.C.): metodologie d’indagine e risultati

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    Lo scavo condotto tra Corso Porta Reno e Via Vaspergolo, nel centro storico di Ferrara, ha portato alla luce un vano sotterraneo rettangolare denominato “Vasca dello Specchio”, utilizzato per lo smaltimento dei rifiuti tra XIV e XV secolo. Il riempimento, in parte già analizzato e pubblicato, ù stato oggetto di nuove analisi carpologiche. I semi e i frutti, conservati prevalentemente per sommersione e in ottimo stato, sono complessivamente oltre 400.000 e la lista floristica comprende 168 taxa. La maggior parte dei reperti appartiene a piante coltivate/coltivabili o spontanee correlate all’uomo, che forniscono nuove informazioni sulla dieta vegetale e sull’ambiente urbano della Ferrara basso-medievale/rinascimentale. I reperti evidenziano anche pratiche domestiche e culinarie talora curiose

    The 1998 outburst of the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 as observed with BeppoSAX

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    We report on the results of a series of X-ray observations of the transient black hole candidate XTE J2012+381 during the 1998 outburst performed with the BeppoSAX satellite. The observed broad-band energy spectrum can be described with the superposition of an absorbed disk black body, an iron line plus a high energy component, modelled with either a power law or a Comptonisation tail. The source showed pronounced spectral variability between our five observations. While the soft component in the spectrum remained almost unchanged throughout our campaign, we detected a hard spectral tail which extended to 200 keV in the first two observations, but became barely detectable up to 50 keV in the following two. A further re-hardening is observed in the final observation. The transition from a hard to a soft and then back to a hard state occurred around an unabsorbed 0.1-200 keV luminosity of 10^38 erg/s (at 10 kpc). This indicates that state transitions in XTE 2012+281 are probably not driven only by mass accretion rate, but additional physical parameters must play a role in the evolution of the outburst.Comment: Paper accepted for publication on A&A (macro included, 9 pages, 5 figures

    BeppoSAX observations of the black hole candidates LMC X-1 and LMC X-3

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    We describe BeppoSAX observations of the black hole candidates LMC X--1 and LMC X--3 performed in Oct. 1997. Both sources can be modelled by a multicolor accretion disk spectrum, with temperature ∌1\sim 1 keV. However, there is some evidence that a thin emitting component coexists with the thick disk at these temperatures. In the direction of LMC X--1, we detected a significant emission above 10 keV, which we suspect originates from the nearby source PSR 0540-69. For LMC X--1, we estimate an absorbing column density of ≃6×1021\simeq 6\times 10^{21} cm−2^{-2}, which is almost ten times larger than that found for LMC X--3. In both sources, we find no indication of emission or absorption features whatsoever.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for pubblication in the Proc. of 32nd Cospar scientific assembly, Nagoya, 13-15 July 199

    BeppoSAX observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1

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    We report on the spectral (pulse averaged) and timing analysis of the ~ 20 ksec observation of the X-ray binary pulsar Vela X-1 performed during the BeppoSAX Science Verification Phase. The source was observed in two different intensity states: the low state is probably due to an erratic intensity dip and shows a decrease of a factor ~ 2 in intensity, and a factor 10 in Nh. We have not been able to fit the 2-100 keV continuum spectrum with the standard (for an X--ray pulsar) power law modified by a high energy cutoff because of the flattening of the spectrum in ~ 10-30 keV. The timing analysis confirms previous results: the pulse profile changes from a five-peak structure for energies less than 15 keV, to a simpler two-peak shape at higher energies. The Fourier analysis shows a very complex harmonic component: up to 23 harmonics are clearly visible in the power spectrum, with a dominant first harmonic for low energy data, and a second one as the more prominent for energies greater than 15 keV. The aperiodic component in the Vela X-1 power spectrum presents a knee at about 1 Hz. The pulse period, corrected for binary motion, is 283.206 +/- 0.001 sec.Comment: 5 pages, 4 PostScript figure, uses aipproc.sty, to appear in Proceedings of Fourth Compton Symposiu
