22 research outputs found

    Exploring Massachusetts Health Care Reform Impact on Fee-For-Service Funded Substance Use Disorder Treatment Providers

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    The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is forecast to increase the demand for and utilization of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. Massachusetts implemented health reforms similar to the ACA in 2006 -2007 that included expanding coverage for SUD treatment. This study explored the impact of Massachusetts health reforms from 2007 to 2010 on SUD treatment providers in Massachusetts, who relied on fee-for-service billings for more than 50% of their revenue. The changes across treatment facilities located in Massachusetts were compared to changes in other similar fee-for- service funded SUD treatment providers in Northeast states bordering Massachusetts and in all other states across the US. From 2007-2010, the percentage changes for Massachusetts based providers were significantly different from the changes among providers located in the rest of the US for admissions, outpatient census, average weeks of outpatient treatment, residential/in-patient census, detoxification census, length of average inpatient and outpatient stays, and provision of medication assisted treatment. Contrary to previous studies of publicly funded treatment providers, the results of this exploratory study of providers dependent on fee-for-service revenues were consistent with some predictions for the overall effects of the AC

    Governance in Permanent Whitewater: the board's role in planning and implementing organisational change

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    Theoretical perspectives on organisational governance tend to position boards and top management teams in relationships characterised either as control or collaboration. These perspectives may not take into account the realities faced by organisations needing to undertake changes to meet the demands of turbulent environments. What are the critical roles that boards should play to successfully accomplish organisational change? This study first examines research on organisational change in order to identify critical contributions that boards can make to successful planning and implementation of organisational change. Testable propositions are then presented that suggest roles boards should play in effectively guiding organisational change while protecting the interests of an organisation's stakeholders. Copyright (c) 2007 The Author; Journal compilation (c) 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

    Relational demography and employee job satisfaction

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    Ph.D.Terry C. Blu

    Determinants of Follower Perceptions of a Leader's Authenticity and Integrity

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    This study proceeds from the perspective that a leader's authenticity and integrity must be recognizable to the members of a work unit in order for these qualities to make a difference in the degree or nature of the leader's influence. The study builds from previous studies in cognitive and social psychology to develop and apply a model of person perception. The study examines how actions and attributes of a leader and aspects of the situation in which leaders and followers interact may affect the agreement among followers concerning the authenticity and integrity of a leader. Propositions are developed for empirical testing in future research.Follower perceptions of leader Leader authenticity Determinants of perceptions

    Symposium introduction

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    Trust and tacit knowledge sharing and use

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