22,392 research outputs found

    X-Ray Flares from Postmerger Millisecond Pulsars

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    Recent observations support the suggestion that short-duration gamma-ray bursts are produced by compact star mergers. The X-ray flares discovered in two short gamma-ray bursts last much longer than the previously proposed postmerger energy release time scales. Here we show that they can be produced by differentially rotating, millisecond pulsars after the mergers of binary neutron stars. The differential rotation leads to windup of interior poloidal magnetic fields and the resulting toroidal fields are strong enough to float up and break through the stellar surface. Magnetic reconnection--driven explosive events then occur, leading to multiple X-ray flares minutes after the original gamma-ray burst.Comment: 10 pages, published in Scienc

    Coronal magnetic topology and the production of solar impulsive energetic electrons

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    We investigate two candidate solar sources or active regions (ARs) in association with a solar impulsive energetic electron (SIEE) event on 2002 October 20. The solar particle release (SPR) times of SIEEs are derived by using their velocity dispersion with consideration of the instrumental effect. It is found that there are double electron injections at the Sun. The low-energy (<13 keV) electron injection coincides with a C6.6 flare in AR10154 and is accompanied with prominent type III radio bursts rather than a stronger M1.8 flare in AR10160. The M1.8 flare produces, however, faint type III radio bursts. Whereas electrons of 25 to 300 keV are released 9 min later when a jet-like CME travels to 2.6 solar radii. We further examine the coronal magnetic configurations above the two ARs based on the potential field source surface (PFSS) model. It is found that open field lines, rooted in AR10154 and well connected to the Earth, provide escaping channels for energetic electrons. Only a small portion of magnetic fields are opened above AR10160, being responsible for the faint type III radio bursts. These lines are, however, not well connected, making it impossible for SIEEs detection by near-Earth spacecraft. The results appear to establish a physical link between coronal magnetic topology, formation of type III radio bursts, and production of SIEEs.Comment: A&A Letters, accepte

    Intrinsic Parameters of GRB990123 from Its Prompt Optical Flash and Afterglow

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    We have constrained the intrinsic parameters, such as the magnetic energy density fraction (ϵB\epsilon_{B}), the electron energy density fraction (ϵe\epsilon_e), the initial Lorentz factor (Γ0\Gamma_0) and the Lorentz factor of the reverse external shock (Γrs\Gamma_{rs}), of GRB990123, in terms of the afterglow information (forward shock model) and the optical flash information (reverse shock model). Our result shows: 1) the inferred values of ϵe\epsilon_e and ϵB\epsilon_B are consistent with the suggestion that they may be universal parameters, comparing to those inferred for GRB970508; 2) the reverse external shock may have become relativistic before it passed through the ejecta shell. Other instrinsic parameters of GRB990123, such as energy contained in the forward shock EE and the ambient density nn are also determined and discussed in this paper.Comment: 5 pages, MN LaTeX style, a few changes made according to referee's suggestions, references up dated, MNRAS accepte

    Quantum criticality and nodal superconductivity in the FeAs-based superconductor KFe2As2

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    The in-plane resistivity ρ\rho and thermal conductivity κ\kappa of FeAs-based superconductor KFe2_2As2_2 single crystal were measured down to 50 mK. We observe non-Fermi-liquid behavior ρ(T)T1.5\rho(T) \sim T^{1.5} at Hc2H_{c_2} = 5 T, and the development of a Fermi liquid state with ρ(T)T2\rho(T) \sim T^2 when further increasing field. This suggests a field-induced quantum critical point, occurring at the superconducting upper critical field Hc2H_{c_2}. In zero field there is a large residual linear term κ0/T\kappa_0/T, and the field dependence of κ0/T\kappa_0/T mimics that in d-wave cuprate superconductors. This indicates that the superconducting gaps in KFe2_2As2_2 have nodes, likely d-wave symmetry. Such a nodal superconductivity is attributed to the antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations near the quantum critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - replaces arXiv:0909.485

    Optical Flashes and Very Early Afterglows in Wind Environments

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    The interaction of a relativistic fireball with its ambient medium is described through two shocks: a reverse shock that propagates into the fireball, and a forward shock that propagates into the medium. The observed optical flash of GRB 990123 has been considered to be the emission from such a reverse shock. The observational properties of afterglows suggest that the progenitors of some GRBs may be massive stars and their surrounding media may be stellar winds. We here study very early afterglows from the reverse and forward shocks in winds. An optical flash mainly arises from the relativistic reverse shock while a radio flare is produced by the forward shock. The peak flux densities of optical flashes are larger than 1 Jy for typical parameters, if we do not take into account some appropriate dust obscuration along the line of sight. The radio flare always has a long lasting constant flux, which will not be covered up by interstellar scintillation. The non-detections of optical flashes brighter than about 9th magnitude may constrain the GRBs isotropic energies to be no more than a few 105210^{52} ergs and wind intensities to be relatively weak.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRAS on March 7, 200