33 research outputs found

    Effect of Sampling Time on Feed Intake Data and Residual Feed Intake when Compared to Extended Sample Times

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    A shorter term of feed intake monitoring, whether it is from a consecutive number of days or from a periodic sampling, correlates fairly well with a full duration accumulation of feed intake data in a normal bull performance test for the weaning contemporary group

    An On-Farm Demonstration of Calcium Hydroxide Treatment of Corn Silage with Subsequent Observations in the Cooperating Dairy Herd

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    Calcium hydroxide is best used when treating over mature fibrous forage to improve dry matter digestibility and energy availability to the recipient animal. There does not seem to be a strong impact on treating high quality feeds such as good quality corn silage. The treated feed tends to ferment slower, but cattle accept it well and production does not seem to be adversely affected and may, in fact tend to reduce some day to day production variation

    ISU Feedlot Monitor – v3

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    Versions of the ISU Feedlot and Cost Monitoring Software have been in place since 1982 and the latest version is now available upon request from he Iowa Beef Center Although the mechanics of computer op ration tend to take most of the attention of what is presented, this software has given a face to a long time philosophy held by the Iowa Beef Center that cattle feeding operations need to objectively measure, monitor and react appropriately to livestock and financial performance on a continuous basis in order to better manage the events of tomorrow from known current and historical data. This software provides an affordable means to compile cattle feeding financial and performance information and to assist in the interpretation of what is occurrin

    Diesel Fuel Price as a means of Forecasting Livestock Yardage Costs

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    Current retail values of diesel fuel can be used as an index to estimate current and near-future yardage charges in maintaining livestock

    Relationship Between Feed Efficiency Measures During the Heifer Development Stage and Measures Taken During First Lactation in Purebred Angus—Final Report (Report to the American Angus Association, St. Joseph, MO)

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    Angus first-calf heifers were evaluated for feed intake utilizing the Feed Intake Monitoring System developed at ISU. Average dry matter intake for the feeding period was 3877 pounds with difference in dry matter intakes from the lowest to the highest intake female averaging 2143 lbs over the three years of the study. During the study an average difference between the lowest and highest consuming firstcalf heifer was 22.3 lbs daily to 38.4 lbs. Mixed model procedures identified significant components of a residual feed intake (RFI) model to be : initial metabolic body weight, female average daily gain, pounds of milk produced daily, days since lactation initiation, and the interaction between milk production and lactation initiation. The correlation between yearling and first-lactation RFI ranged from .44 to .77 for the three years with only one year being significant at less than the .05 level. However, when the Student T-test was conducted the conclusion was that a significantly positive correlation existed between yearling and first lactation RFI

    Feed Particle Separation Due to Feed Delivery and Time in Feed Bunk and Effects on Cattle Performance

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    By utilizing a Penn State feed particle separation box, consistency of feed wagon deliveries can be assessed and performance differences between pens explained in some situations. This study revealed a feed wagon that tended to unload a slightly higher level of the bulkier feed ingredients toward the end of the unloading process and thus those animals receiving the first portions tended to have a higher caloric intake per unit of ration and subsequent greater rate of weight gain because of this bias. We therefore consider it imperative to evaluate a feed wagon’s delivery characteristics prior to use in order to maintain an acceptable level of quality control in ration delivery

    The Feeding Value of Heat Damaged Soybeans in Cattle Diets

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    Heat damaged grain, if not completely destroyed by fire, takes on a roasted appearance ranging from a slight brownish tint to black. This grain can be salvaged and used in cattle rations. The color can be used to determine relative digestibility and subsequent available energy in the diets of cattle

    Impact of Contemporary Group Assignment on Sire Means in Feed Efficiency Testing

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    Designating correct contemporary groupings is important in reporting performance traits in beef cattle performance programs. An analysis of 166 bulls over a three-year period showed that grouping all cattle into one contemporary group each year lead to major errors in evaluating sires for their average feed intake, feed conversion and residual feed intake (RFI). Under this grouping strategy, sire progeny averages were estimated incorrectly; 58% of sire averages for dry matter intake were off by .5 lbs daily or more, 25% were off by .5 lbs or more in feed conversion and 67% were off by .5 lb or more for RFI. Also 25%, 29% and 33% were estimated with the wrong sign for dry matter intake, feed:gain ratio and RFI, respectively, which means sire progeny averages either received a positive sign for the trait rather than negative, or vice versa

    Relationship between Feed Efficiency Measures during the Heifer Development Stage and Measures Taken During First Lactation in Purebred Angus—Progress Report

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    Fifteen Angus first-calf heifers were evaluated for feed intake utilizing the Feed Intake Monitoring System developed at ISU. Average dry matter intake for the 142- day period was 4718 pounds with over a 3100 pound range in female feed intake. On a daily basis, the low to high spread in daily dry matter intake was 24.7 to 46.6 pounds

    Relationship between Feed Efficiency Measures during the Heifer Development Stage and Measures Taken During First Lactation in Purebred Angus—Second Year Progress Report

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    Angus first-calf heifers were evaluated for feed intake utilizing the Feed Intake Monitoring System developed at ISU. Average dry matter intake for the feeding period was 3904 pounds with a 3100 pound difference in dry matter intakes from the lowest to the highest intake female in year one while in year two there was over a 1425 lb difference in dry matter intake. This quantified to low to high spread in daily dry matter intake was 17.5 to 46.6 pounds. Feed intake during first year lactations between negative and positive RFI groups appears small after two years of observation