79 research outputs found

    Effect of different amendments on the mobility of triflusulfuron methyl and imazapyr in Moroccan soil

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    La mobilité de deux herbicides, l’mazapyr et le triflusulfuron methyl (TMS), a été étudiée au laboratoire dans des colonnes de sol pauvre en matière organique et amendé avec de la paille ou de la tourbe ou des surfactants. Les résultats du biotest montrent que l’adsorption des deux herbicides croît avec la teneur en matière organique. La comparaison entre l’amendement en paille et celui en tourbe montre plus d’adsorption en faveur de la paille. D’un autre côté, l’amendement en surfactants s’accompagne d’une mobilité accrue du TMS, alors que pour l’imazapyr, la rétention est plus importante que dans le sol exempt de surfactants

    Effect of different amendments on the mobility of triflusulfuron methyl and imazapyr in Moroccan soil

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    La mobilité de deux herbicides, l’mazapyr et le triflusulfuron methyl (TMS), a été étudiée au laboratoire dans des colonnes de sol pauvre en matière organique et amendé avec de la paille ou de la tourbe ou des surfactants. Les résultats du biotest montrent que l’adsorption des deux herbicides croît avec la teneur en matière organique. La comparaison entre l’amendement en paille et celui en tourbe montre plus d’adsorption en faveur de la paille. D’un autre côté, l’amendement en surfactants s’accompagne d’une mobilité accrue du TMS, alors que pour l’imazapyr, la rétention est plus importante que dans le sol exempt de surfactants

    Salinité et pollution par les nitrates des eaux souterraines de la plaine des Triffa

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    Les eaux souterraines de la plaine des Triffa (Basse Moulouya) deviennent de plus en plus polluées. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la plupart des puits sont chargés en sels et en nitrates, donc impropres à la consommation humaine et peuvent avoir un effet négatif sur les cultures maraîchères de la région. Dans la zone étudiée, des teneurs de 2,32 à 174,70 mg/l de NO3-, de 134 à 3614 mg/l de Cl- et de 103 à 1518 mg/l de Na+ ne sont pas exceptionnelles. Elles dépassent largement les normes fixées par l’OMS et la CEE (50 mg/l pour les NO3 -, de 250 mg/l pour Cl- et de 175 mg/l pour Na+). L’intensification de l’agriculture dans la plaine, notamment dans les périmètres irrigués, l’épandage excessif des engrais, les applications répétées, et à quantités fortes, de fumiers, l’irrigation, les précipitations et la remontée de la nappe dans certaines régions ont engendré une pollution croissante des ressources en eau

    Adsorption of carbofuran (2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl benzofuran-7-yl carbamate) and fenamiphos (ethyl 4-methylthio-m-tolylisopropyl phosphoramidate) by homoionic montmorillonite - humic acid complex

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    L'étude de l'adsorption a montré l’influence du cation de saturation des complexes argilo-humiques sur le phénomène d’adsorption des deux pesticides carbofuran et phénamiphos. L’analyse des résultats des différents complexes argilo-humiques (Me-M-HA) a montré que l'adsorption du phénamiphos est plus importante que celle du carbofuran. L'analyse des spectres d’absorption infra-rouge a montré des modifications importantes dans les fréquences de vibration des groupements fonctionnels des deux molécules pesticides au cours de leur adsorption par les complexes argilo-humique. L’analyse par diffraction aux rayons-X des complexes argilo-humiques traité par le carbofuran ou le phénamiphos a montré une augmentation significative de la distance réticulaire d001, indiquant la possibilité de pénétration de ces molécules dans l'espace interlamellaire des complexes saturés par des cations polyvalents

    Salsolinol Facilitates Glutamatergic Transmission to Dopamine Neurons in the Posterior Ventral Tegmental Area of Rats

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    Although in vivo evidence indicates that salsolinol, the condensation product of acetaldehyde and dopamine, has properties that may contribute to alcohol abuse, the underlying mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. We have reported previously that salsolinol stimulates dopamine neurons in the posterior ventral tegmental area (p-VTA) partly by reducing inhibitory GABAergic transmission, and that ethanol increases glutamatergic transmission to VTA-dopamine neurons via the activation of dopamine D1 receptors (D1Rs). In this study, we tested the hypothesis that salsolinol stimulates dopamine neurons involving activation of D1Rs. By using whole-cell recordings on p-VTA-dopamine neurons in acute brain slices of rats, we found that salsolinol-induced increase in spike frequency of dopamine neurons was substantially attenuated by DL-2-amino-5-phosphono-valeric acid and 6, 7-dinitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione, the antagonists of glutamatergic N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors. Moreover, salsolinol increased the amplitude of evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) and the frequency but not the amplitude of spontaneous EPSCs. Additionally, SKF83566, a D1R antagonist attenuated the salsolinol-induced facilitation of EPSCs and of spontaneous firing of dopamine neurons. Our data reveal that salsolinol enhances glutamatergic transmission onto dopamine neurons via activation of D1Rs at the glutamatergic afferents in dopamine neurons, which contributes to salsolinol's stimulating effect on p-VTA dopamine neurons. This appears to be a novel mechanism which contributes toward rewarding properties of salsolinol

    Formalization of the classification pattern: Survey of classification modeling in information systems engineering

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    Formalization is becoming more common in all stages of the development of information systems, as a better understanding of its benefits emerges. Classification systems are ubiquitous, no more so than in domain modeling. The classification pattern that underlies these systems provides a good case study of the move towards formalization in part because it illustrates some of the barriers to formalization; including the formal complexity of the pattern and the ontological issues surrounding the ‘one and the many’. Powersets are a way of characterizing the (complex) formal structure of the classification pattern and their formalization has been extensively studied in mathematics since Cantor’s work in the late 19th century. One can use this formalization to develop a useful benchmark. There are various communities within Information Systems Engineering (ISE) that are gradually working towards a formalization of the classification pattern. However, for most of these communities this work is incomplete, in that they have not yet arrived at a solution with the expressiveness of the powerset benchmark. This contrasts with the early smooth adoption of powerset by other Information Systems communities to, for example, formalize relations. One way of understanding the varying rates of adoption is recognizing that the different communities have different historical baggage. Many conceptual modeling communities emerged from work done on database design and this creates hurdles to the adoption of the high level of expressiveness of powersets. Another relevant factor is that these communities also often feel, particularly in the case of domain modeling, a responsibility to explain the semantics of whatever formal structures they adopt. This paper aims to make sense of the formalization of the classification pattern in ISE and surveys its history through the literature; starting from the relevant theoretical works of the mathematical literature and gradually shifting focus to the ISE literature. The literature survey follows the evolution of ISE’s understanding of how to formalize the classification pattern. The various proposals are assessed using the classical example of classification; the Linnaean taxonomy formalized using powersets as a benchmark for formal expressiveness. The broad conclusion of the survey is that (1) the ISE community is currently in the early stages of the process of understanding how to formalize the classification pattern, particularly in the requirements for expressiveness exemplified by powersets and (2) that there is an opportunity to intervene and speed up the process of adoption by clarifying this expressiveness. Given the central place that the classification pattern has in domain modeling, this intervention has the potential to lead to significant improvements.The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant EP/K009923/1)
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