37 research outputs found

    沈み込む海洋地殻のレオロジー : 天然と実験により変形した青色片岩からの制約

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    Subduction zone could generate strong stresses especially within subducting slab and also it makes special high pressure and low temperature environments. Ergo study on blueschist is important to understand active stresses in subduction zone and in addition to reveal geofluid circulations owing to abundant hydrous phases in it. Fabric analyses of naturally and experimentally deformed blueschists were investigated to delineate its implications for seismic anisotropy and source of seismicity in subducting oceanic crust.……広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(理学)Sciencedoctora

    Exploring electron backscatter diffraction analysis as a tool for understanding stromatolite : Quantitative description of Cretaceous lacustrine stromatolite reveals formative processes and high-resolution climatic cycles

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    The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Associate Editor Mike Rogerson and two anonymous reviewers for their valuable insights and constructive feedback, which improved the quality of this manuscript. They also thank J. Dabkowski for providing Fig. 7F, R. Riding for discussing stromatolite and S. Choi for discussing EBSD.Peer reviewe

    Tidal Modulation of a Lateral Shear Margin: Priestley Glacier, Antarctica

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    We use high resolution, ground-based observations of ice displacement to investigate ice deformation across the floating left-lateral shear margin of Priestley Glacier, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Bare ice conditions allow us to fix survey marks directly to the glacier surface. A combination of continuous positioning of a local reference mark, and repeat positioning of a network of 33 stakes installed across a 2 km width of the shear margin are used to quantify shear strain rates and the ice response to tidal forcing over an 18-day period. Along-flow velocity observed at a continuous Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) station within the network varies by up to ∼30% of the mean speed (±28 m a−1) over diurnal tidal cycles, with faster flow during the falling tide and slower flow during the rising tide. Long-term deformation in the margin approximates simple shear with a small component of flow-parallel shortening. At shorter timescales, precise optical techniques allow high-resolution observations of across-flow bending in response to the ocean tide, including across-flow strains on the order of 10–5. An elastodynamic model informed by the field observations is used to simulate the across-flow motion and deformation. Flexure is concentrated in the shear margin, such that a non-homogeneous elastic modulus is implied to best account for the combined observations. The combined pattern of ice displacement and ice strain also depends on the extent of coupling between the ice and valley sidewall. These conclusions suggest that investigations of elastic properties made using vertical ice motion, but neglecting horizontal displacement and surface strain, will lead to incorrect conclusions about the elastic properties of ice and potentially over-simplified assumptions about the sidewall boundary condition

    Ultrasonic and seismic constraints on crystallographic preferred orientations of the Priestley Glacier shear margin, Antarctica

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    Crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) are particularly important in controlling the mechanical properties of glacial shear margins. Logistical and safety considerations often make direct sampling of shear margins difficult, and geophysical measurements are commonly used to constrain the CPOs. We present here the first direct comparison of seismic and ultrasonic data with measured CPOs in a polar shear margin. The measured CPO from ice samples from a 58 m deep borehole in the left lateral shear margin of the Priestley Glacier, Antarctica, is dominated by horizontal c axes aligned sub-perpendicularly to flow. A vertical-seismic-profile experiment with hammer shots up to 50 m away from the borehole, in four different azimuthal directions, shows velocity anisotropy of both P waves and S waves. Matching P-wave data to the anisotropy corresponding to CPO models defined by horizontally aligned c axes gives two possible solutions for the c-axis azimuth, one of which matches the c-axis measurements. If both P-wave and S-wave data are used, there is one best fit for the azimuth and intensity of c-axis alignment that matches the measurements well. Azimuthal P-wave and S-wave ultrasonic data recorded in the laboratory on the ice core show clear anisotropy of P-wave and S-wave velocities in the horizontal plane that match that predicted from the CPO of the samples. With quality data, azimuthal increments of 30∘ or less will constrain well the orientation and intensity of c-axis alignment. Our experiments provide a good framework for planning seismic surveys aimed at constraining the anisotropy of shear margins

    Microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientations of an azimuthally oriented ice core from a lateral shear margin: Priestley Glacier, Antarctica

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    A 58 m long azimuthally oriented ice core has been collected from the floating lateral sinistral shear margin of the lower Priestley Glacier, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. The crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) and microstructures are described in order to correlate the geometry of anisotropy with constrained large-scale kinematics. Cryogenic Electron Backscatter Diffraction analysis shows a very strong fabric (c-axis primary eigenvalue ∼0.9) with c-axes aligned horizontally sub-perpendicular to flow, rotating nearly 40° clockwise (looking down) to the pole to shear throughout the core. The c-axis maximum is sub-perpendicular to vertical layers, with the pole to layering always clockwise of the c-axes. Priestley ice microstructures are defined by largely sub-polygonal grains and constant mean grain sizes with depth. Grain long axis shape preferred orientations (SPO) are almost always 1–20° clockwise of the c-axis maximum. A minor proportion of “oddly” oriented grains that are distinct from the main c-axis maximum, are present in some samples. These have horizontal c-axes rotated clockwise from the primary c-axis maximum and may define a weaker secondary maximum up to 30° clockwise of the primary maximum. Intragranular misorientations are measured along the core, and although the statistics are weak, this could suggest recrystallization by subgrain rotation to occur. These microstructures suggest subgrain rotation (SGR) and recrystallization by grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM) are active in the Priestley Glacier shear margin. Vorticity analysis based on intragranular distortion indicates a vertical axis of rotation in the shear margin. The variability in c-axis maximum orientation with depth indicates the structural heterogeneity of the Priestley Glacier shear margin occurs at the meter to tens of meters scale. We suggest that CPO rotations could relate to rigid rotation of blocks of ice within the glacial shear margin. Rotation either post-dates CPO and SPO development or is occurring faster than CPO evolution can respond to a change in kinematics

    생체적합, 연신가능, 투명하고 고유전율 PVC gel 기반 고성능 마찰전기 나노발전기와 위치 센서

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    The recent rapid development of stretchable/attachable devices requires the development of correspond-ing energy devices. We propose TENG as a corresponding energy device. We added DBA to PVC to create a biocompatible, stretchable, and transparent PVC gel. And we fabricated TENG based on PVC gel.NI. Introduction 1 1.1 Stretchable/attachable devices 1 1.2 Stretchable/attachable TENG 2 1.2.1 TENG 2 II. PVC gel TENG 4 2.1 Fabrication of PVC gel TENG 4 2.2 Property of PVC gel 5 2.3 Performance of PVC gel TENG 7 Ⅲ. Attachable TENG 9 3.1 The theory of attachable PVC gel TENG 9 3.2 Performance of attachable PVC gel TENG 10 Ⅳ. Position sensor 10 4.1 Position sensor 12 Ⅴ. Conclusion 15 References 16 요약문 17MasterdCollectio