936 research outputs found

    Soft x-ray polarizer for optical productions of any orthogonal state of the linear and circular polarization modes

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    An efficient soft x-ray polarizer that is able to optically convert a linear polarization state to any orthogonal state of not only linear but also circular polarization modes is found by means of numerical calculations of the intensities of individual orthogonal polarization components in reflected waves. Calculation results, using the known linear-polarization-mode based Kerr matrix as well as a newly derived circular-polarization-mode based Kerr matrix, indicate that a +45?? or -45?? linearly polarized incident wave can be readily converted to any orthogonal states of both circular and linear polarization modes, i.e., left- and right-handed circular and s - and p -linear polarizations through reflection, at certain grazing angles of incidence near the critical angle from a simple ferromagnetic thin film of Co (9.0 nm) Si substrate. The intensities of almost pure circularly or linearly polarized reflected waves are about 10% or less in a certain spectral soft x-ray range just below the absorption edges of constituent magnetic elements. The counterpart orthogonal states of the linear as well as circular modes can be rapidly switched simply by reversing oppositely the orientation of longitudinal magnetizations. These results suggest that the orthogonal polarization states of the circular- and linear-polarization modes converted from such a polarizing optical element through reflection can be practically used in probing the vector quantities of element specific magnetizations in multicomponent magnetic materials.open2

    Soft X-ray Circular Reflectivity from Ferromagnetic Transition-Metal Films Near the Brewster's Angle: Theoretical and Numerical X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering Study

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    We first report a novel phenomenon that manifests itself in a colossal difference in soft x-ray reflectivity from ferromagnetic transition-metal films between the left- and right-handed circular polarization (LCP and RCP) modes at a resonance near normal Brewster's angle. Theoretical and numerical studies of sft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering using the circular-polarization-mode basis reveal that this effect arises from a totally destructive interference of photons scattered individually from chargem orbital, and spin degrees of freedom in magnetized thin films that selectively occurs only for one helicity of the opposite circular modes when the required criteria are fulfilled. Across the normal Brewster's angle. the polarization state of scattered soft x-ray is continuously variable from the RCP to the LCP mode (or vice versa) through the linear s polarization mode by changing the incidence angle of linear p-polarized x rays at the resonance.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Origin, criterion, and mechanism of vortex-core reversals in soft magnetic nanodisks under perpendicular bias fields

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    We studied dynamics of vortex-core reversals driven by circular rotating fields along with static perpendicular magnetic fields of different direction and strength. We found that the application of perpendicular fields H p modifies the starting ground state of vortex magnetizations, thereby instigating the development of a magnetization dip mz,dip in the vicinity of the original core up to its threshold value, m z,dip cri ???-p, which is necessary for vortex-core reversals, where p is the initial core polarization. We found the relationship of the dynamic evolutions of the mz,dip and the out-of-plane gyrofields hz, which was induced, in this case, by vortex-core motion of velocity ??, thereby their critical value relation ??crihz cri. The simulation results indicated that the variation of the critical core velocity ??cri with Hp can be expressed explicitly as ??cri / ?? cri 0 = (??/ ??0) | -p- m z,dip g |, with the core size ?? and the starting ground-state magnetization dip m z,dip g variable with H p, and for the values of ?? cri 0 and ??0 at H p =0. This work offers deeper and/or new insights into the origin, criterion and mechanism of vortex-core reversals under application of static perpendicular bias fields.open7

    Electric-current-driven vortex-core reversal in soft magnetic nanodots

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    The authors report on electric-current-driven vortex-core (VC) reversal (switching) and the accompanying spin-wave emission, driven by spin-polarized ac currents of different amplitudes and frequencies, investigated by micromagnetic calculations of the dynamic evolution of a magnetic vortex in Permalloy nanodots. The magnetization orientation of the VC is effectively switchable between its upward and downward bistates and controllable by applying current above its threshold density, but with sufficiently small magnitude at frequencies close to the vortex eigenfrequency. This VC reversal phenomenon occurs through the creation of a vortex-antivortex pair and the subsequent annihilation of the initial vortex and the created antivortex, when the velocity of the initial VC reaches its critical value of approximately 340 +/- 20 m/s for the given material and geometry. In the course of these serial processes and immediately after VC switching, strong spin waves are emitted. These results provide physical insights into how and when current-driven VC switching takes place, thereby offering a means to manipulate bistate VC orientations.open554

    Oppositely rotating eigenmodes of spin-polarized current-driven vortex gyrotropic motions in elliptical nanodots

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    The authors found that there exist two different rotational eigenmodes of oppositely rotating sense in spin-polarized current-driven vortex gyrotropic motions in soft magnetic elliptical nanodots. Simple mathematical expressions were analytically calculated by adopting vortex-core (VC)-rotation-sense- dependent dynamic susceptibility tensors based on the linearized Thiele equation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 30, 230 (1973)]. The numerical calculations of those analytical expressions were confirmed by micromagnetic simulations, revealing that linear-regime steady-state VC motions driven by any polarized oscillating currents can be interpreted simply by the superposition of the clockwise and counterclockwise rotational eigenmodes. The shape of the orbital trajectories of the two eigenmodes is determined only by the lateral dimension of elliptical dots. Additionally, the orbital radii and phases of the two eigenmodes' VC motions were found to markedly vary with the frequency of applied currents, particularly across the vortex eigenfrequency and according to the vortex polarization, which results in overall VC motions driven by any polarized oscillating currents.open8

    MLN51 and GM-CSF involvement in the proliferation of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of unclear etiology. This study was conducted to identify critical factors involved in the synovial hyperplasia in RA pathology. We applied cDNA microarray analysis to profile the gene expressions of RA fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) from patients with RA. We found that the MLN51 (metastatic lymph node 51) gene, identified in breast cancer, is remarkably upregulated in the hyperactive RA FLSs. However, growth-retarded RA FLSs passaged in vitro expressed small quantities of MLN51. MLN51 expression was significantly enhanced in the FLSs when the growth-retarded FLSs were treated with granulocyte – macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or synovial fluid (SF). Anti-GM-CSF neutralizing antibody blocked the MLN51 expression even though the FLSs were cultured in the presence of SF. In contrast, GM-CSF in SFs existed at a significant level in the patients with RA (n = 6), in comparison with the other inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β and TNF-α. Most RA FLSs at passage 10 or more recovered from their growth retardation when cultured in the presence of SF. The SF-mediated growth recovery was markedly impaired by anti-GM-CSF antibody. Growth-retarded RA FLSs recovered their proliferative capacity after treatment with GM-CSF in a dose-dependent manner. However, MLN51 knock-down by siRNA completely blocked the GM-CSF/SF-mediated proliferation of RA FLSs. Taken together, our results imply that MLN51, induced by GM-CSF, is important in the proliferation of RA FLSs in the pathogenesis of RA

    A New Theranostic System Based on Gold Nanocages and Phase-Change Materials with Unique Features for Photoacoustic Imaging and Controlled Release

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    This communication reports a new theranostic system with a combination of capabilities to both enhance the contrast of photoacoustic (PA) imaging and control the release of a chemical or biological effector by high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). The fabrication of this system simply involves filling the hollow interiors of gold nanocages with a phase-change material (PCM) such as 1-tetradecanol that has a melting point of 38−39 °C. The PCM can be premixed and thus loaded with a dye, as well as other chemical or biological effectors. When exposed to direct heating or HIFU, the PCM will melt and escape from the interiors of nanocages through small pores on the surface, concurrently releasing the encapsulated molecules into the surrounding medium. We can control the release profile by varying the power of HIFU, the duration of exposure to HIFU, or both

    SREBP and MDT-15 protect C. elegans from glucose-induced accelerated aging by preventing accumulation of saturated fat

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    Glucose-rich diets shorten the life spans of various organisms. However, the metabolic processes involved in this phenomenon remain unknown. Here, we show that sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) and mediator-15 (MDT-15) prevent the life-shortening effects of a glucose-rich diet by regulating fat-converting processes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Up-regulation of the SREBP/MDT-15 transcription factor complex was necessary and sufficient for alleviating the life-shortening effect of a glucose-rich diet. Glucose feeding induced key enzymes that convert saturated fatty acids (SFAs) to unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), which are regulated by SREBP and MDT-15. Furthermore, SREBP/MDT-15 reduced the levels of SFAs and moderated glucose toxicity on life span. Our study may help to develop strategies against elevated blood glucose and free fatty acids, which cause glucolipotoxicity in diabetic patients.112217Ysciescopu