3 research outputs found

    Management of Epulis Fissuratum of Mandibular Anterior Region By Maintaining The Vestibular Depth. A Case Report

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    OBJECTIVES Epulis Fissuratum or Denture-induced hyperplasia is benign tumor-like hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue, which develops usually in association with an ill-fitting complete or partial denture.  The aim of this report is to present a case showing the treatment of Epulis fissuratum in relation to an ill-fitting denture with a Simple but innovative technique. The epulis was removed with the conventional surgical approach in which the excision of the epulis was carried out by a split-thickness flap approach in which the wound healing is achieved by secondary closure. The existing denture was relined with a soft tissue conditioner to maintain the depth of the vestibule by preventing the post-surgical wound contracture during healing and to prevent further surgery for vestibulopathy. In addition, the patient continued using the existing denture for functional and aesthetic purposes. After two weeks of wound healing, the vestibular depth was maintained by the relined existing denture. Then the new dentures were fabricated accordingly. After one month of follow-up, no signs of recurrence of epulis fissuratum were noticed

    Comparison of Linear Dimensional Accuracy Between One Step and Two-step Impression Technique Using Polyvinyl Siloxane Impression Material

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    Objectives: This study compares the linear dimensional accuracy between one step and two-step impression techniques using polyvinyl siloxane impression material. Methodology: The Randomized controlled trial was done in the Department of Prosthodontics, FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry Lahore and Pakistan Council for Science and Industrial Research Lahore. All impression samples which fall under the inclusion criteria in the Department of Prosthodontics, FMH College of Medicine and Dentistry Lahore and Pakistan Council for Science and Industrial Research Lahore were included. Samples were divided into two groups, i.e., Group 1 (single-step technique) & Group 2 (two-step technique). The impression's longitudinal length and inter-line distance were measured to assess the outcome i-e linear dimensional accuracy. Result: A total of 60 impression samples with polyvinyl siloxane impressions material were made. The linear dimensional accuracy in one step & two-step impression technique was seen in 5 (8.33%) & 13(21.66%) samples, respectively, (p=0.011). Conclusion: Compared to the one-step impression technique, the higher linear dimensional accuracy of the two-step impression technique uses polyvinyl siloxane impression material

    Reasons for Lack of Research In Dentistry; A Cross Sectional Survey on Dentists and Students in Teaching Hospitals of Pakistan: Lack of research in dentistry

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    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the barriers or factors preventing dentists from engaging in research in teaching institutes of Pakistan. METHODOLOGY: The descriptive, cross sectional online survey was conducted at the department of Prosthodontics, Rehman College of Dentistry, Peshawar over a period of six months. Sample size of 780 was taken in the descriptive study and questionnaires were communicated through emails and the response was noted. The data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS statistic version 20. Statistical analysis was done using counts and percentages and the results were further analyzed statistically by the Chi square test. RESULTS: Completed surveys were collected from 280 participants. Completed surveys were collected from 780 dentists, 40.7% were male and 59.3% were female. Participants’ age ranged between 20-50 years; about half of them (55%) were younger than 30 years of age. Other demographic characteristics of the participants such as designation, work experience, and qualification given in Table 1 were also recorded. Majority of the participants were dentists (35%), followed by senior registrar (10%) and assistant (10.7%), associate (and professors (4.3%). Details are depicted in Table 1. Overall, 47.9% participants were found to be involved in research and having publications. Simple graduates were more in number as compared to postgraduates. When inquired about publication published in an indexed journal or not 22.1% responded with yes and 46.4% responded with No. 65% participants had received workshops for writing papers and only 34.3% institute conducted continuous training programs. The main reason reported for lack of research was lack of motivation and don’t know how to do it. Other less common factors were lack of funds and no professional benefits as depicted in Table 2. CONCLUSION: Identifying and minimizing all the barriers in the way of research may help dental authorities to intervene for enhancing research friendly environments