16 research outputs found

    Compliance with the zero suicide initiative by mental health clinicians at a regional mental health service : development and testing of a clinical audit tool

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the compliance of mental health clinicians in applying the Zero Suicide (ZS) approach to their clinical practice in a rural and regional health community setting. Methods: A retrospective clinical audit of six mental health teams was undertaken at a single site. A clinical audit tool was developed and validated using a six-step approach. The data was extracted and analysed via descriptive and inferential statistics and compared to a specialised mental health team, experienced with the ZS approach. Results: A total of 334 clinical records were extracted for January, April, August, November 2019 and June 2020. The clinical audit and analysis confirmed that the mental health teams are not consistently using the assessments from their training and are therefore not implementing all of these elements into their practice. This could have implications for the risk formulation and treatment for people at risk of suicide. Conclusions: The use of a validated clinical audit tool can be beneficial to establish compliance with the mental health clinicians and to determine any areas requiring further improvement. Further education and reinforcement may be required to ensure consistency with incorporating the elements of ZS into everyday clinical practice. © 2022 by the authors

    Exploring hospital inpatients’ awareness of their falls risk : a qualitative exploratory study

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    Patient falls in hospital may lead to physical, psychological, social and financial impacts. Understanding patients’ perceptions of their fall risk will help to direct fall prevention strategies and understand patient behaviours. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions and experiences that influence a patient’s understanding of their fall risk in regional Australian hospitals. Semi-structured, individual interviews were conducted in wards across three Australian hospitals. Participants were aged 40 years and over, able to communicate in English and were mobile prior to hospital admission. Participants were excluded from the study if they returned a Standardised Mini-Mental State Examination (SMMSE) score of less than 18 when assessed by the researcher. A total of 18 participants with an average age of 69.8 years (SD ± 12.7, range 41 to 84 years) from three regional Victorian hospitals were interviewed for this study. Data were analysed using a reflexive thematic analysis identifying three major themes; (1) Environment (extrinsic) (2) Individual (intrinsic), and (3) Outcomes, as well as eight minor themes. Participants recognised the hazardous nature of a hospital and their personal responsibilities in staying safe. Falls education needs to be consistently delivered, with the focus on empowering the patient to help them adjust to changes in their clinical condition, whether temporary or permanent. © 2022 by the authors

    Adult inpatients’ perceptions of their fall risk : a scoping review

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    Patient falls in hospitals continue to be a global concern due to the poor health outcomes and costs that can occur. A large number of falls in hospitals are unwitnessed and mostly occur due to patient behaviours and not seeking assistance. Understanding these patient behaviours may help to direct fall prevention strategies, with evidence suggesting the need to integrate patients’ perspectives into fall management. The aim of this scoping review was to explore the extent of the literature about patients’ perceptions and experiences of their fall risk in hospital and/or of falling in hospital. This review was conducted using a five-stage methodological framework recommended by Arksey and O’Malley. A total of nine databases were searched using key search terms such as “fall*”, “perception” and “hospital.” International peer-reviewed and grey literature were searched between the years 2011 and 2021. A total of 41 articles, ranging in study design, met the inclusion criteria. After reporting on the article demographics and fall perception constructs and measures, the qualitative and quantitative findings were organised into five domains: Fall Risk Perception Measures, Patients’ Perceptions of Fall Risk, Patients’ Perceptions of Falling in Hospital, Patients’ Fear of Falling and Barriers to Fall Prevention in Hospital. Approximately two-thirds of study participants did not accurately identify their fall risk compared to that defined by a health professional. This demonstrates the importance of partnering with patients and obtaining their insights on their perceived fall risk, as this may help to inform fall management and care. This review identified further areas for research that may help to inform fall prevention in a hospital setting, including the need for further research into fall risk perception measures. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A scoping review of community-based adult suicide prevention initiatives in rural and regional australia

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    The need for continued research into suicide prevention strategies is undeniable, with high global statistics demonstrating the urgency of this public health issue. In Australia, approximately 3000 people end their lives each year, with those living in rural and regional areas identified as having a higher risk of dying by suicide. Due to decreased access and support services in these areas, community-based suicide prevention initiatives provide opportunities to educate and support local communities. A scoping review was conducted to explore the literature pertaining to such programs in rural and/or regional communities in Australia. This review follows the five-stage Arksey and O’Malley (2005) framework and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist. Nine databases were searched, from which studies were considered eligible if suicide prevention programs were community-based and catered for adults (age

    A systematic literature review of workplace physical activity programs : an exploration of barriers and enabling factors

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    Physical inactivity continues to be a global issue with many adolescents and adults failing to meet the recommendations for daily exercise. Efforts to reduce physical inactivity in adults include the incorporation of strategies such as workplace physical activity programs, especially for sedentary workers. In this systematic literature review we examined current literature about the efficacy of workplace physical activity programs, as well as the barriers and enablers to these programs. Six EBSCO databases were searched (Academic Search Complete, CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE, APA PsycInfo, APA PsycArticles and SPORTDiscus with full text) between a ten year period (2011 to 2021). The search terms used were “physical activity”, “workplace” and “program” along with their variations. Following a systematic process, eighteen papers met the eligibility criteria. The authors analysed the findings using a narrative synthesis, in which four themes emerged from the data. These include Benefits to physical health, Benefits to mental health, Barriers to workplace physical activity and Workplace activity enablers. These findings provided several recommendations for organizations that endeavour to improve the health of workplace employees. Generalised workplace physical activity programs were viewed favourably by both employees and employers. Incorporating these practices into daily work structures may provide favourable outcomes such as increased work productivity and reduced physical inactivity. © 2023 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license

    ‘I Am Deadly’ project evaluation December 2022

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    CERC (formally CERG) evaluated the implementation of the ‘I Am Deadly’ project, which is a version of the ‘I Am Ready’ project targeting young Aboriginal students. The project aimed at encouraging up to 20 Aboriginal students to take up a trade and providing them with a pathway into a trade. It also aimed to encourage Aboriginal Students to continue their education to allow a greater choice for employment options post-secondary school

    Latrobe City Council Community Engagement Survey 2021 Analysis

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    As part of Latrobe City’s community engagement strategy, a survey was developed and distributed during May to June 2021, collecting both quantitative and qualitative data to capture feedback and suggestions on how Latrobe City could be a better place to live, work, visit and play. The survey also invited residents to share their thoughts on current and future challenges for the City. A total of 1552 responses to the survey were received of which 69 were blank, with 1453 making up the final data set. This report highlights the findings from the survey. The majority of the participants were female (65%, n=744), 33% were from Traralgon, 35% from smaller townships with the remaining 32% from Moe, Newborough, Morwell and Churchill. The participants ranged in age from 17-30 years (15%), 31-40 years (27%), 41-70 years (43%) 70+ years (10%). The majority of the participants were employed in healthcare, education and administrative roles with 89% stating that they live and work in Latrobe City. Friends are family was cited as the most common reason why participants believed that Latrobe City was a good place, with Location in Victoria, Affordability and Natural environment rounding off the top four responses. The most common reason people gave for Latrobe City being a good place to work was Distance from home (n=504) and similarly the most common reason participants gave for it being a good place to study was Close to home. Safety, Economy and Built environment were considered the things most important for Latrobe City Council to focus on this was evident in both the quantitative and qualitative responses. A thematic analysis process was used to analyse the content from the six open-ended questions in the survey. Six main themes emerged; Employment, Safety, Transport, Education, Sport and Entertainment and Hope for the future

    An exploration into suicide prevention initiatives for mental health nurses : a systematic literature review

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    Mental health and suicide prevention are national health priorities in Australia, with research currently focussed towards the ZERO Suicide (ZS) initiative. The aim of this review was to evaluate the impact of suicide prevention programmes, in particular the ZS prevention initiative. A systematic review using the PRISMA guidelines was conducted using six EBSCO Host databases; Academic Search Complete, Australian/New Zealand Reference Centre, CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE, APA PsycINFO, and APA Psyc Articles. The data extracted from the eligible papers were analysed using a thematic approach. The final data set consisted of fourteen (n = 14) peer-reviewed articles meeting the eligibility criteria, which included quantitative (n = 10), mixed methods (n = 2), and qualitative studies (n = 2). Results indicated variances between suicide prevention programmes with some papers examining single workshops and others assessing multimodal, organizational interventions. Five major themes were produced from this review including measuring the success of suicide prevention programmes, improvements to the delivery of suicide prevention programmes, barriers to implementing changes, cultural considerations, and further research required for suicide prevention programmes. This review concludes that further long-term research is required to evaluate the implementation and efficacy of suicide prevention programmes in health care. Cultural awareness in suicide prevention training is another area that may benefit from further research. A growing body of evidence establishes the need for multimodal and organizational approaches for suicide prevention initiatives. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Lt

    A thematic analysis of the perceptions of a community-based exercise program on the health and well-being of ageing adults

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    This study explores a weekly community-based exercise program (CBEP) for ageing adults in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. This program aims to improve the health and well-being of ageing adults and was evaluated using an exploratory qualitative study design. Four focus group discussions and two individual interviews were conducted before a thematic analysis using Braun & Clark's (2006) six-step approach. A total of 23 participants were involved in the study over a 6-week period. The thematic analysis resulted in two main themes: (a) meeting community needs and (b) benefits to health and well-being. Five minor themes stemmed from these two themes, in which participants identified that a service gap existed within the community and the program was adaptive in its design to meet community needs. Participants reported benefits to health and well-being, specifically perceived improved mobility and independence, social connections and ‘recharging the batteries to feel good’. The inclusion of Tai Chi exercises was noted for increased vitality and pain management benefits. The role of the exercise instructor was deemed to be instrumental to the success of the CBEP. The CBEP provides motivation for older adults to attend, increasing physical activity. Future CBEPs for ageing adults should provide a social component and relevant health education for participants. Exercises should be safely adapted by the exercise instructor to suit people of various abilities and to promote a more ‘inclusive’ environment. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Exploring mental health clinicians' perceptions of the zero suicide prevention Initiative

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    Suicide continues to impact rural and regional families and communities across Australia and has become a key focus of healthcare, research, and government policy in recent years. The challenge for healthcare organizations is to translate policy visions and research for clinicians to effectively embed in day to day practice when supporting people who experience suicidal crisis. This study explored the introduction of an evidence-based Zero Suicide framework that includes a suicide prevention pathway and training package to a rural and regional community mental health team in Victoria, Australia. A qualitative semi-structured interview technique was used to explore the perceptions of mental health clinicians of the Zero Suicide approach, the training package and the barriers to inform its implementation across a specialist mental health service. Clinicians were complimentary of the intent of Zero Suicide and the training package and felt they had increased confidence in delivering suicide safe care. Four major themes were identified through thematic analysis: (i) Minimizing risk with realistic expectations; (ii) A good approach to making a difference; (iii) Lessons learnt; and (iv) Barriers to implementation needing to change culture. Overall participants identified the importance of continued regular suicide prevention training for all staff but also in tailoring it to different consumer and clinician needs. In addition, organizational structure and adequate staff resourcing were important to participants as was working within a safety culture. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd