4 research outputs found

    Nuclear security and nuclear safety: Definition, legal aspects and holistic approach to the concepts

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    Predmet rada predstavlja naučnu deskripciju pojmova nuklearna bezbednost i nuklearna sigurnost, sa osvrtom na međunarodnopravne aspekte i neophodni holistički pristup ovim konceptima. Imajući u vidu da u domaćoj i stranoj literaturi često dolazi do preklapanja i nekonsekventne upotrebe pomenutih termina, cilj rada jeste da ih precizno opiÅ”e, ukaže na glavne terminoloÅ”ke sličnosti i razlike, kako bi se omogućilo njihovo razumevanje, adekvatna upotreba u naučnoj i stručnoj literaturi, kao i holistički pristup u praksi. Veza između termina proizilazi iz njihovog zajedničkog cilja - zaÅ”tita ljudi i životne sredine od Å”tetnog uticaja radioaktivnosti, a razmimoilaze se u oblastima u kojima se zahtevi za postizanje nuklearne bezbednosti i nuklearne sigurnosti nalaze u potpunoj suprotnosti. Nuklearna bezbednost se odnosi na zaÅ”titu nuklearnih materijala i postrojenja od neovlaŔćenog pristupa, krađe i zloupotrebe, gde je primarni fokus sprečavanje kriminalnih aktivnosti. Nuklearna sigurnost, s druge strane, ima za cilj sprečavanje akcidenata na nuklearnim postrojenjima, kao i zaÅ”titu ljudi i životne sredine od potencijalno Å”tetnog uticaja radioaktivnosti. Holistički pristup zahteva da mere nuklearne bezbednosti i sigurnosti budu integrisane, tako da se postigne sinergija između oba koncepta, a da se istovremeno obezbedi da njihova implementacija ne ugrozi jedna drugu. Na taj način, druÅ”tva i države mogu smanjiti rizike po nuklearne materijale i objekte, kako od neovlaŔćenog pristupa, tako i od potencijalnih opasnosti koje proizlaze iz nuklearnih procesa i postrojenja.The subject of this paper refers to scientific description of the terms nuclear security and nuclear safety, with the emphasis on achieving the necessary holistic approach to these concepts in practice. There is confusion and inconsistent use of the previously mentioned terms both in domestic and foreign literature, thus the aim of this paper is to precisely describe them and point to the similarities and differences in terminology. In addition, the aim is to enable correct understanding and use of these terms in scientific and professional context, and the application of holistic approach in practice. The main aim of both concepts is protection of people and the environment from radioactive hazards, but the difference between them lies in the ways this goal is achieved. The key is to design and implement security and safety measures in an integrated way so that they do not jeopardize each other. Nuclear security and nuclear safety are two concepts which are often used together, but they have different meanings and applications. Nuclear security refers to the measures and practices applied for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access to nuclear materials, facilities and technologies, as well as preventing abuse of nuclear materials or facilities for harmful purposes, while nuclear safety refers to the measures taken in order to ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities and prevent accidents or incidents. The IAEA defines the concepts of nuclear security and safety in its documents and publications. The IAEA documents describe the concepts of nuclear security as prevention, detection and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access or illegal transportation of nuclear materials or facilities referring to them. The difference between these two concepts comes from different requirements and priorities set up for the purpose of achieving nuclear security and nuclear safety. The importance of holistic approach for these concepts implies that the measures for their implementation must be observed, applied and solved together in order to create efficient nuclear and radiological risks management system. Holistic approach implies that these concepts are inter-connected and that they must be observed within a comprehensive system

    CBRN crime scene management and investigation

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    Investigation of a CBRN incident has to be conducted in a systematic, objective, and timely manner in order to collect, preserve and analyse physical evidence from the associated site to be admissible in a criminal or civil proceeding, as well as in prosecution of acts of terrorism and war crimes. The inherently hazardous character of a crime scene involving CBRN agents adds complexity to investigative actions and requires additional expertise, equipment and conditions. The specific investigation strategies are necessary, together with the adapted CBRN detection equipment and forensics methods and procedures. This paper deals with the management of a CBRN crime scene and the specifics of investigation process, including interfaces between CBRN safety and security, and emergency response. The necessary framework, the conduct of operations, and an integrated command structure are outlined. The role of the technical support organisations with adequate CBRN expertises is emphasised

    Matrix Adaptation for Modern Challenges: Nuechterlien\u27s Role in National Interest Research

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    Donald Nuechterlein\u27s matrix for researching the intensity of national interest holds a pivotal position in the field of national interest research within international relations and security sciences. Widely adopted, this matrix serves as a fundamental tool for theorists, either in its original form or with various modifications tailored to enhance precision in measuring investigated phenomena. This paper presents both Nuechterlein\u27s original matrix and several of its adaptations. The primary contribution of this paper lies in the author\u27s modification of the matrix, resulting in the creation of a tailored analytical framework for investigating national security issues. By incorporating the parameter of internal stability of homeland, this adapted matrix becomes particularly adequate for examining a state\u27s national security policy. The recognition that national interest encompasses both internal and external dimensions, related to the political stability and order of the state as well as its international position and security, underscores the paper\u27s significance. This enhanced matrix offers researchers and policymakers a more comprehensive tool for nuanced analyses of national security concerns

    Matrix Adaptation for Modern Challenges: Nuechterlienā€™s Role in National Interest Research

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    Donald Nuechterlein's matrix for researching the intensity of national interest holds a pivotal position in the field of national interest research within international relations and security sciences. Widely adopted, this matrix serves as a fundamental tool for theorists, either in its original form or with various modifications tailored to enhance precision in measuring investigated phenomena. This paper presents both Nuechterlein's original matrix and several of its adaptations. Preuzmite članak u PDF formatu The primary contribution of this paper lies in the author's modification of the matrix, resulting in the creation of a tailored analytical framework for investigating national security issues. By incorporating the parameter of internal stability of homeland, this adapted matrix becomes particularly adequate for examining a state's national security policy. The recognition that national interest encompasses both internal and external dimensions, related to the political stability and order of the state as well as its international position and security, underscores the paper's significance. This enhanced matrix offers researchers and policymakers a more comprehensive tool for nuanced analyses of national security concerns