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    Tektonski položaj novih nalaza gipsa na Medvednici (sjeverozapadna Hrvatska)

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    In this paper two newly discovered locations with gypsum on Mt. Medvednica and the structural-tectonic setting are described. The first location with gypsum is situated 2 km S of Marija Bistrica and is associated with dolomites and clastic rocks of Permo-Triassic age, which were during the most recent Neotectonic events, together with Miocene sediments, intensely folded and reverse faulted under the influence of the main stress, oriented N-W. At the other location, in the upper course of the Vidovec stream, gypsum is also found in dolomite, which is in direct discordant contact with black Palaeozoic metapelites. On samples from both locations, sulphur isotope analysis was performed and an Upper Perm to Lower Triassic age was determined. Based on the results of the sulphur analysis it is assumed that investigated localities were connected with an open marine area during the Upper Permian. Therefore, and indirect conclusion concerning the age of the metamorphic rocks of Mt. Medvednica can be made. That is, gypsum occurs in both locations in non-metamorphic dolomites of the Upper Permian age.U radu su opisane dvije nove lokacije s gipsom na planini Medvednici kao i strukturno-tektonski položaj gipsa. Prva lokacija s gipsom nalazi se 2 km južno od Marije Bistrice i vezana je za dolomite i klastite permotrijaske starosti koji su tijekom najmlađih tektonskih događaja, zajedno s miocenskim sedimentima, intenzivno borani i reverzno rasjedani pod utjecajem djelovanja osnovnog stresa na pravcu sjever-jug. Na drugoj lokaciji, u gornjem toku potoka Vidovec, gips se nalazi također u dolomitu koji je u direktnom diskordantnom kontaktu s crnim metapelitima paleozojske starosti. Na gipsu s obje lokacije učinjena je izotopna analiza sastava sumpora i dobivene su starosti evaporita u rasponu gornji perm - gonji trijas. Na temelju rezultata analize sumpora zaključuje se na povezanost istraživanih lokaliteta sa širim marinskim prostorom za vrijeme gornjeg perma. S tim u svezi može se posredno zaključiti i o starosti metamorfnih stijena Medvednice. Naime, gips se na obje lokacije javlja u nemetamorfoziranim dolomitima gornjopermske starosti