59 research outputs found


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    Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is a native plant to Indonesia which has many properties and benefits. Howevel the population in the natural forest is increasingly rare due to excessive exploitation. Pasak bumi has recalcitrant seeds type phenological conditions it is a monopodial type plant so that its multiplication can be produced vegetatively by stem cutting. This research aimed to get the suitable method for pasak bumi plant propagation. This study an experimental method by comparing generative with seeds and stump method and used vegetative cuttings. Seed germinated an moss began on day 12 th with a percentage of 38,84%, whereas on sand media did not germinate at all. Stump survival percentage was 84,5%, new shoots grow out after 1 month after planting. The growing percentage of cuttings was 20,8%. Both seedling stump and cutting were growing sprout from the shoots and was stems, with a varying number of buds. Environmental conditions such as air temperature, humidity, and light intensity affected the processes of the pasak bumi propagation. Keywords : generative propagation, pasak bumi, seedlings, vegetative propagation


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    Mangrove forests are natural resources that have an important role for living things in the sea and on land. Because the location of mangrove forests is very specific, has an enormous ecological role, and has high socio-economic value potency. Economically, these ecosystems are a source of non-timber forest products for the local community, in addition to the benefits of environmental services, and physically play a role in preventing abrasion. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the growth of mangrove plants In the mangrove area of Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang City. The benefit of this research is that this research is expected to provide useful information, especially for area managers and also for other researchers who will conduct more basic research on the growth of mangrove plants This research is expected to support development activities in the mangrove area of Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang City. The research method used was a survey with a plot technique that was placed systematically. Plant samples taken came from the 2015-2018 planting year, mangrove growth data plant Was obtained from direct measurements and observations of the object of research in the field. Every year of planting, 5 plots measuring 3x3 meters were made. All the plants in the measuring plots were taken with measurement samples. The results showed that the average diameter growth in plants those aged 5 years, 4 years, 3 years and 2 years were 3.25 cm, 2.5 cm, 2.06 cm and 1.46 cm respectively. Meanwhile, the average height growth rate was high in plant those aged 5 years, 4 years, 3 years and 2 years respectively are 255.53 cm, 239.35 cm, 146.01 cm and 92.22 cm.Keywords: Diameter and height growth, Mangrove, systematic samplingAbstrakHutan mangrove merupakan sumberdaya alam yang memiliki peran penting untuk mahluk hidup yang hidup di laut maupun di darat. Karena letak hutan mangrove yang sangat spesifik, peranan ekologis, dan berpotensi memiliki nilai sosial ekonomis tinggi. Secara ekonomis, ekosistem ini  merupakan sumber hasil hutan bukan kayu bagi masyarakat setempat, disamping selain manfaat jasa lingkungan dan secara fisik berperan mencegah terjadinya abrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah  mendapatkan informasi tentang pertumbuhan tanaman bakau di kawasan mangrove Kelurahan Setapuk Besar Kota Singkawang. Manfaat Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi yang berguna terutama bagi pengelola kawasan dan juga kepada peneliti-peneliti lain yang akan melakukan penelitian lebih mendasar mengenai pertumbuhan tanaman bakau. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung kegiatan pengembangan di kawasan mangrove Kelurahan Setapuk Besar Kota Singkawang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik petak ukur yang diletakkan secara  sistematis. Sampel tanaman yang diambil berasal dari tahun tanam 2015-2018. Data pertumbuhan bakau diperoleh dari pengukuran dan pengamatan secara langsung terhadap objek penelitian di lapangan. Setiap tahun tanam di buat 5 petak berukuran 3x3 meter. Semua tanaman yang terdapat di dalam petak ukur diambil sampel pengukuran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata pertumbuhan diameter pada tanaman bakau yang berumur 5 tahun, 4 tahun, 3 tahun dan 2 tahun berturut-turut sebesare 3,25 cm, 2,5 cm, 2,06 cm dan 1,46 cm. Sedangkan rerata pertumbuhan tinggi rerata tinggi pada tanaman Rhizophora spp. yang berumur 5 tahun, 4 tahun, 3 tahun dan 2 tahun berturut-turut sebesar  255,53 cm, 239,35 cm, 146,01 cm dan 92,22 cm.Kata Kunci: Mangrove, pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi, sistematik samplin


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    Nepenthes spp is one of plant species that protected in its natural habitat as population continues decreasing.In West Kalimantanits population is found only in some places for example in the lake Sebedang Sambas district. This study aimed to determine diversity and site conditions in the lake region. The study was conducted using multifle plots technique that were purposive sampling. Results show that there were 3 species of Nepenthes  found; Nepenthes mirabilis ( Lour ) Druce , Nepenthes gracilis Korth , and Nepenthes neglecta. Among three diferent sites condition (shrubs,open area and secondary lowland forest) two common species found ,yet only in shrubs area Nepenthes neglecta was found. Keywords : Nepenthes, diversity, habita


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    Indonesia is a country with the richest orchids spesies in the world. Forest degradation could be one of the factors that threatens the existence of orchids in the tropial forest. The purpose of this study was to search information on forest degradation impact on epiphytic orchid populations as well as the characteristics of the orchid site condition in the areal Ambawang Mountain  Kubu Raya Regency. This study used survey method with stratified sampling technique on forest cover condition. Sampling area was 3 of a 40 m x 40 m, plot which divided into 4 sub plots of 20 m x 20 m. The results found 17 species of orchids with an 98 individual. There were 14 spesies orchid host trees with 130 number of trees, with three characters of bark on the host tree: rough, medium, and slightly smooth bark. Among 3 characters tree-bark type, the most orchid was found on  rough-bark type. It also found differences in the number of population of orchid species at each level of canopy closure. Mute orchid spesies populations were found under therefore, the close forest cover condition. should be maintained. There for the forest canopy closure should be maintaind.Keywords: forest degradation, orchids spesies, site characteristics


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    Nepenthes is one of plant species that found in Indonesian tropical forests. This plant has uniqueness and many benefits make this plant being hunted and exploited, caused the existence of its population are decreasing. Nepenthes inhabit in various conditions, one of the site is in lowland secondary forest. This study aims to find out site diversity of nepenthes in various secondary forest land cover conditions in Bukit Batu Village. This research is expected to be a baseline information on nepenthes diversity for the goal of protection and use fullness of nepenthes. This research employed survey method with purposive sampling on plot placement. Plot size was 20 m × 20 m with sub plot was of 10 m × 10 m. The results show that secondary forest of Bukit Batu Village which were varied on coverage condition, on open canopy 4 species of nepenthes were found such as N. ampullaria jack., N. bicalcarata Hook.F., N. rafflesiana Jack. and N. gracilis korth., under medium canopy coverage there was 3 nepenthes species found, which was N. ampullaria jack., N. bicalcarata Hook. F. and N. rafflesiana Jack., and under closed canopy conditions there was 2 species of nepenthes found N. ampullaria jack. and N. bicalcarata Hook. F. The results showed that only few nepenthes species found in this forest area and species nepenthes found more under open canopy condition, due to those species needed more light to survive.Keywords: Canopy Cover, Diversity, Nepenthes spp, Secondary Fores


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    This study aims to obtain data on the diversity of pioneer plant species in the ex-illegal gold mining area from Bugang Village, Hulu Gurung District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The research method used is a survey method with vegetation data sampling in the form of a single plot measuring 50 m x 100 m. Furthermore, 10 plots of 20m x 20m were made in single plots and the remaining 20m x 10m were 5 plots, 5m x 5m for saplings and 2m x 2m for seedlings and understorey 15 plots each. The results showed that there were 1,059 individual pioneer plants from 20 species and 11 families. The value of understorey vegetation density, seedling level and salpling level showed high criteria. The highest index of importance of understorey was 53.9% for Diplazium esculentum, 37.5% for Bellucia axinanthera and saplings 123% for Brookea tomentosa. The diversity index value (H ') for understorey, seedling level and sapling level has a value of <1. This value indicates that the ex gold mining site has a low level of diversity but still has a high level of control with a stable abundance of species and the number of individuals of each plant species that are evenly distributed. Keywords: Bugang Village, ex-illegal gold mining, pioneering plant, species diversityAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan pionir di lahan bekas penambangan emas tanpa izin Desa Bugang Kecamatan Hulu Gurung Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan pengambilan contoh data vegetasi berupa petak tunggal berukuran 50m x 100m. Selanjutnya dibuat 10 petak berukuran 20m x 20m dalam satu petak dan sisanya 20m x 10m ada 5 petak, 5m x 5m untuk pancang dan 2m x 2m untuk semai dan tumbuhan bawah masing-masing 15 petak . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 1.059 individu dari 20 jenis dan 11 famili. Kerapatan vegetasi tumbuhan bawah, tingkat semai dan pancang termasuk dalam kriteria  hutan yang baik. Indeks nilai penting tumbuhan bawah tertinggi adalah 53,9% untuk Diplazium esculentum, semai 37,5% untuk Bellucia axinanthera dan pancang 123% untuk Brookea tomentosa. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah, tingkat semai dan pancang memiliki nilai <1. Nilai ini menunjukkan bahwa lokasi bekas penambangan emas memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman yang rendah namun masih memiliki tingkat kelimpahan jenis yang stabil dan jumlah individu tiap jenis tumbuhan yang tersebar merata. Kata kunci: Bekas penambangan emas tanpa izin, Desa Bugang, keanekaragaman jenis, tumbuhan pioni


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    The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) identifies eight provinces considered prone to forest and land fires in Indonesia. Four provinces are in Sumatra and four are in Kalimantan, one of which is West Kalimantan. Forest and land fires seem to have become a disaster in West Kalimantan, especially every dry season. Burning activies in the preparation of land for agriculture in the village of Rasau Jaya General is still using a relatively simple technology, namely the method of "slash and burn". The impacts caused by the peat fire process are in the form of water vapor from the combustion process in the air so that smoke formed which is very thick, causes environmental pollution and can affect soil conditions such as physical and chemical properties of peat soils. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the effects of repeated burning on peatlands on soil characteristics in Rasau Jaya Umum Village, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan. This research was conducted by survey method and carried out with purposive sampling on 3 research sites, which were on land that had repeated burning twice, 4 times and 5 times. Soil physical properties observed were peat maturity (fiber content), water content, soil moisture, water level and bulk density. The level of fertility of peatlands is influenced by the chemical nature of the soil. The chemical nature of the soil is one of the limiting factors for knowing nutrients in the soil that are beneficial for plant growth. Determination of the level of soil fertility in peatlands can be done by analyzing the chemical properties of the soil. Analysis of the soil chemical properties includes analysis of the main element content such as acidity (pH), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The physical properties of the soil consisting of the weight of the contents, the moisture content varies with different levels of burning, the higher the value of the weight of the contents, the more dense a soil and vice versa. In the value of water content, the amount of combustion influences the amount of ground water content, the more number of combustion, the value of water content also increases. Peat environmental conditions observed in the field consisted of soil moisture, soil temperature and ground water level measured for 7 days and obtained a mean value that also varied did not show its effect on the number of repeated fires. The chemical properties of peat soils on the number of repeated burning can increase and decrease each nutrient value consisting of N, P, K and also CEC. Nutrients that increase in the amount of combustion are pH, N, and CEC while the value of nutrients that decrease is K and P. This shows that the greater the level of combustion, the pH, N, and CEC greater.Keywords: peatlands, repeated burning, soil characteristic


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    Kelulut bees is a kind of honey-producing bee that does not have a sting (stinglees bees), in the green open space area of the Tanjungpura University Campus in Pontianak, kelulut bees live naturally by nesting in tree trunks and building gaps. This study aims to obtain information about the ecological potential which includes identification of the types of kelulut bees and their habitat including micro-climate, edaphic, biological environment and tree species where kelulut bees nest conditions in the Tanjungpura University Pontianak Campus. The research method used is a survey method, while in finding the existence of kelulut nests done by cencus method. Where kelulut nests are found, plots measuring 20m x 20m and The results of observations show that found the types of bees, namely Heterotrigona itama, tetragonua fuscobalteata, tetragonula laeviceps. Beehives are in building gamps 68%, 23% dead trees, and 9% live trees. Average daily temperature, humidity, and light intensity at the location of the faculty of forestry are 29,2oC, 80,2%RH, and 3603 fc. Average daily temperature, humidity and light intensity at the jogging track location are 30,2oC, 77,3%RH, and 3073 fc, while the average edaphic in all plots obtained soil pH 6,85, soil temperature 29,1oC and soil moisture is 50,5%RH. Average daily temperature, humidity and light intensity at the arboretum location 29,2oC, 82,6%RH, and 1675 fc. While the average of all plots at the arboretum location obtained soil pH 6,6, soil temperature 28,75oC and 45,5%RH for soil moisture. Tree analysis was dominated by Accacia sp 121,71%, the pole rate of Eucalyptus deglupta 59,18%, the sapling rate of Melicope elleyarna 44,02%, and the seedling rate of Leea indica 70,64%. Keywords: Green open space, Kelulut bees, Kelulut nest, Tanjungpura University.AbstrakLebah kelulut adalah sejenis lebah penghasil madu yang tidak memiliki sengat (stingless bee), dikawasan RTH kampus Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak lebah kelulut hidup secara alami dengan bersarang pada batang pohon maupun celah bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai potensi ekologi yang meliputi identifikasi jenis – jenis lebah kelulut dan kondisi habitatnya meliputi iklim mikro, edafis, lingkungan biologi dan jenis pohon tempat bersarang kelulut yang berada di lingkungan kampus Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey, sedangkan dalam mencari keberadaan sarang kelulut dilakukan dengan metode sensus. Setiap lokasi ditemukannya sarang kelulut kemudian dibuat plot berukuran 20m x 20m. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ditemukan jenis lebah yaitu Heterotrigona itama, Tetragonula fuscobalteata, Tetragonula laeviceps. Tempat bersarang lebah berada di celah bangunan 68%, pohon mati 23%, dan pohon hidup 9%. Rerata suhu harian, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya di Fakultas Kehutanan adalah 29,2oC, 80,2%RH, dan 3603fc. Rerata suhu harian, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya di jogging track adalah 30,2oC, 77,3%RH, dan 3073 fc, sedangkan edafis rerata pada semua plot di jogging track didapat pH tanah 6,85, suhu tanah 29,1oC, dan kelembaban tanah adalah 50,5% RH. Rerata suhu harian, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya di Arboretum 29,2oC, 82,6%RH, dan 1675 fc, sedangkan rerata semua plot pada lokasi Arboretum didapat pH tanah 6,6, suhu tanah 28,75oC dan untuk kelembaban tanah 45,5% RH. Analisis pohon didominasi oleh Accacia sp 121,71%, tingkat tiang Eucalyptus deglupta 59,18%, tingkat pancang Melicope elleyarna 44,02%, dan tingkat semai Leea indica 70,64%. Kata kunci: Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Kelulut, Sarang Kelulut, Universitas Tanjungpur