13 research outputs found

    Kinematic and kinetic analysis of dogs during trotting after amputation of a thoracic limb

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    Objective-To characterize biomechanical differences in gait between dogs with and without an amputated thoracic limb. Animals-Client-owned dogs (16 thoracic-limb amputee and 24 quadruped [control] dogs). Procedures-Dogs were trotted across 3 in-series force platforms. Spatial kinematic and kinetic data were recorded for each limb during the stance phase. Results-Amputees had significant increases in stance duration and vertical impulse in all limbs, compared with values for control dogs. Weight distribution was significantly increased by 14% on the remaining thoracic limb and by a combined 17% on pelvic limbs in amputees. Braking ground reaction force (GRF) was significantly increased in the remaining thoracic limb and pelvic limb ipsilateral to the amputated limb. The ipsilateral pelvic limb had a significantly increased propulsive GRF. The carpus and ipsilateral hip and stifle joints had significantly greater flexion during the stance phase. The cervicothoracic vertebral region had a significantly increased overall range of motion (ROM) in both the sagittal and horizontal planes. The thoracolumbar vertebral region ROM increased significantly in the sagittal plane but decreased in the horizontal plane. The lumbosacral vertebral region had significantly greater flexion without a change in ROM. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Compared with results for quadruped dogs, the vertebral column, carpus, and ipsilateral hip and stifle joints had significant biomechanical changes after amputation of a thoracic limb. The ipsilateral pelvic limb assumed dual thoracic and pelvic limb roles because the gait of a thoracic limb amputee during trotting appeared to be a mixture of various gait patterns. (Am J Vet Re

    Comparison of Gonadal Toxicity of Single-Fraction Ultra-High Dose Rate and Conventional Radiation in Mice

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    Purpose: Increasing evidence suggests that ultra-high-dose-rate (UHDR) radiation could result in similar tumor control as conventional (CONV) radiation therapy (RT) while reducing toxicity to surrounding healthy tissues. Considering that radiation toxicity to gonadal tissues can cause hormone disturbances and infertility in young patients with cancer, the purpose of this study was to assess the possible role of UHDR-RT in reducing toxicity to healthy gonads in mice compared with CONV-RT. Methods and Materials: Radiation was delivered to the abdomen or pelvis of female (8 or 16 Gy) and male (5 Gy) C57BL/6J mice, respectively, at conventional (∼0.4 Gy/s) or ultrahigh (>100 Gy/s) dose rates using an IntraOp Mobetron linear accelerator. Organ weights along with histopathology and immunostaining of irradiated gonads were used to compare toxicity between radiation modalities. Results: CONV-RT and UHDR-RT induced a similar decrease in uterine weights at both studied doses (∼50% of controls), which indicated similarly reduced ovarian follicular activity. Histologically, ovaries of CONV- and UHDR-irradiated mice exhibited a comparable lack of follicles. Weights of CONV- and UHDR-irradiated testes were reduced to ∼30% of controls, and the percentage of degenerate seminiferous tubules was also similar between radiation modalities (∼80% above controls). Pairwise comparisons of all quantitative data indicated statistical significance between irradiated (CONV or UHDR) and control groups (from P ≤ .01 to P ≤ .0001) but not between radiation modalities. Conclusions: The data presented here suggest that the short-term effects of UHDR-RT on the mouse gonads are comparable to those of CONV-RT