5 research outputs found

    Boundary conditions at a thin membrane for normal diffusion equation which generate subdiffusion

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    We consider a particle transport process in a one-dimensional system with a thin membrane, described by a normal diffusion equation. We consider two boundary conditions at the membrane that are linear combinations of integral operators, with time dependent kernels, which act on the functions and their spatial derivatives define on both membrane surfaces. We show how boundary conditions at the membrane change the temporal evolution of the first and second moments of particle position distribution (the Green's function) which is a solution to normal diffusion equation. As these moments define the kind of diffusion, an appropriate choice of boundary conditions generates the moments characteristic for subdiffusion. The interpretation of the process is based on a particle random walk model in which the subdiffusion effect is caused by anomalously long stays of the particle in the membrane.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Infographics – Engaging Educational Environment

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    tworzenia w celu efektywnej wizualizacji informacji, danych i wiedzy oraz publikowania ich w portalach LCMS dla osiągnięcia celów pedagogicznych. Zwraca uwagę na znaczenie, jakie mają w stymulowaniu studentów do aktywnego i kreatywnego uczestniczenia w procesie uczenia się. Podkreśla także ich ogromną rolę w innowacyjnej edukacji, w szczególności we współczesnej edukacji akademickiej, której zadaniem jest wspieranie każdego studenta w rozwoju umiejętności twardych i miękkich potrzebnych do osiągnięcia sukcesu w zmieniającym się środowisku pracy. Zdaniem autorów infografiki czynią zwłaszcza kształcenie zdalne jeszcze bardziej interaktywnym, stymulującym i satysfakcjonującym doświadczeniem.The paper aims to analyse a wide spectrum of issues related to infographics: how to design them so that they can effectively visualise information, data and knowledge, how to upload them to an LCMS for pedagogic gain, how to use them to engage students in learning and make them active and creative participants. It also emphasises their important role in innovative education, particularly in modern academic education, which should support every student to develop both hard and soft skills and empower them to succeed in the changing work context. The authors view the use of infographics as a step forward in making online learning an interactive, stimulating and rewarding experience

    3D Virtual Worlds in Academic Education

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    W artykule Aspekty edukacyjne wirtualnych światów. Aplikacja Second Life uczestnicy spotkań SEA-Poznań omówili pokrótce funkcjonalność edukacyjną światów wirtualnych na przykładzie Second Life (SL) z perspektywy użytkownika, osoby potencjalnie zainteresowanej korzystaniem z zasobów tego świata w celach edukacyjnych lub poznawczych. Podano też przykłady polskie grup zainteresowań działających w SL, obszarów czy konkretnych miejsc w SL. Niniejszy artykuł jest poświęcony zagadnieniom związanym z edukacją akademicką oraz życiem akademickim, które toczy się w SL nieustannie od kilkunastu lat. Artykuł wprowadza do istoty światów wirtualnych, aby następnie przejść do zagadnień ze świata akademickiego w różnych jego aspektach. Mówimy zatem o innowacyjności wirtualnych placówek edukacyjnych, wydarzeniach akademickich, konferencjach naukowych i dydaktycznych odbywających się albo całkowicie wirtualnie w SL, albo hybrydowo. Został również uwzględniony akcent polski: krótko o popularyzacji wirtualnych uczelni w kraju oraz o dyplomach realizowanych w świece wirtualnym. Ostatnia część artykułu poświęcona jest krytycznej ocenie wirtualizacji edukacji.The article is a continuation of the discussion initiated in the first part, Educational aspects of virtual worlds. The application of Second Life. Here, different aspects of academic education and academic research are discussed – also on the example of SL – which has its 13th anniversary this year. The article consists of a few parts. Part One explains the essence of virtual worlds as platforms for communication, education and research. Part Two discusses innovations in education provided in virtual campuses. Part Three presents selected academic events organized in SL, e.g. discussion groups and regular meetings of researchers and educators, as well as scientific conferences – both hybrid ones and performed entirely in SL. Part Four focuses on the popularization of virtual education and virtual campuses in Poland. Part Five is devoted to certificates and diplomas from virtual schools, as well as academic defenses performed in SL. Polish Academia Electronica is described shortly here, too. The last part presents a critical analysis of the virtualization of education. Here, both affordances and limitations of 3D virtual environments in education are mentioned

    Online Interactivity – A Shift towards E-textbook-based Medical Education

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    Textbooks have played the leading role in academic education for centuries and their form has evolved, adapting to the needs of students, teachers and technological possibilities. Advances in technology have caused educators to look for new sources of knowledge development, which students could use inside and outside the classroom. Today’s sophisticated learning tools range from virtual environments to interactive multimedia resources, which can be called e-textbooks. Different types of new educational materials that go beyond printed books are now used to support the academic curriculum, with the most interesting ones exemplified in this article to show their value in medical and life sciences education. Certain interesting attempts by Polish publishers at applying technology to support both self-paced and tutor-paced student learning in the medical profession and related areas are presented. The data was collected through a review of literature, discussions with e-learning specialists and medical students, as well as an analysis of examples of good practices. The article also discusses the results of a countrywide survey on the use of e-textbooks to enhance medical education. The research investigates the targeted academic staff’s attitudes towards the use of e-textbooks, the limitations of their implementation, and the character of e-resources currently used by Polish higher education medical institutions