65 research outputs found

    Editorial note

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    Production technology of strawberry

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    Domaći tržiÅ”no orijentirani proizvođači jagoda nakon ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju suočeni su s dodatnim pritiskom uvoza jeftinih proizvoda iz država s bolje organiziranom proizvodnjom. Nedostatak ulaganja u nova znanja i samu tehnologiju poljoprivredne proizvodnje dovodi do znatnijeg zaostajanja u odnosu na konkurenciju. Proizvodnja hortikulturnih vrsta koje se uzgajaju u modernim zaÅ”tićenim prostorima poput jagode postala je u nekim dijelovima svijeta visokosofisticirana. Takva proizvodnja zahtijeva visokoobrazovanu radnu snagu koja ima znanja iz različitih područja (biologija, kemija, fizika, informatičke tehnologije i dr.), a da bi se tako ostvarila profitabilnost i opstali proizvođači. Konkurentnost na tržiÅ”tu moguće je održati samo praćenjem trendova u proizvodnji te poznavanje najnovijih dostignuća u tehnologiji proizvodnje jagoda, a koja uključuju postupke od odabira terena, sorte i tipa sadnice pa do odabira repromaterijala i tehnike uzgoja.In Republic of Croatia commercial strawberry fruit production for year 2013 is about 360 ha with yield 13,3 t/ha (near 4800 tons) . Several basic features ofstrawberry growing are described in detail: planting material, environmental conditions and technology of production. Compared to the current situation in Croatia, systems of strawberry production in developed countries have become more sophisticated in the last few years

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    Blueberry mineral fruit composition

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    Početkom 21. stoljeća borovnice zbog svojih nutritivnih svojstava plodova postaju popularne među potroÅ”ačima, a Å”to povećava njihovu potražnju. Kultivirane borovnice stoga zauzimaju sve veći značaj kako u svjetskoj tako i u hrvatskoj proizvodnji voća. Mineralni sastav plodova je važna komponenta koja utječe na kvalitetu plodova i njihovu nutritivnu vrijednost. U ovom radu napravljen je prikaz mineralnog sastava plodova borovnice, kao i nutritivne vrijednosti. Na temelju proučene literature utvrđeno je kako su u plodovima borovnice najzastupljeniji makroelementi duÅ”ik i kalij dok su kod mikroelemenata to mangan i željezo. Obrađeni su i najvažniji čimbenici koji imaju utjecaj na mineralni sastav borovnica, kao Å”to su: sorta, klima, tlo, agrotehnički i pomotehnički zahvati. Odabirom i upravljanjem navedenih čimbenika moguće je povećati kvalitetu ploda, ali i utjecati na mineralni sastav plodova borovnica.Blueberries are becoming increasingly popular among consumers at the beginning of the 21st century due to their nutritional properties, which increases their demand. For this very reason, cultivated blueberries are becoming increasingly important in both global and Croatian fruit production. The mineral composition of the fruit is an important component that influences the quality of the fruit and its nutritional value. In this paper, the mineral composition of blueberries and their nutritional value are presented. Based on the literature studied, it was found that the most abundant macroelements in blueberries are nitrogen and potassium, while the microelements are manganese and iron. The main factors that have an influence on the mineral composition of blueberries, such as: cultivar, climate, soil, agro- and pomo-techniques, are also addressed. By selecting and controlling the above factors, it is possible to increase the quality of the fruit, but also to influence the mineral composition of blueberries

    Usage of mulch foils in berry production

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    Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti mulch folije u voćarstvu, te njihovo djelovanje na rast i rodnost jagodastih voćnih vrsta na temelju dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja. Koriste se različite vrste polietilenskih (PE) folija za nastiranje tla koje su podjeljene na crne, prozirne, crno-bijele i obojene te biorazgradive PE folije. U radu se prikazuje djelovanje mulch folija na biljne Å”tetočinje, temperaturu tla, sadržaj vlage u tlu te usvajanje hraniva od biljke. Uporaba mulch folija u proizvodnji jagodastog voća doprinosi očuvanju zemljiÅ”ne vlage zbog smanjenja evaporacije, a u nekim slučajevima imaju pozitivan učinak na povećanje temperature tla, ali nisu pokazale pozitivan učinak na usvajanje. Također predstavljaju barijeru te na taj način sprječavaju Å”tetno djelovanje Å”tetočinja. Uporaba mulch folija najveći utjecaj ima na smanjenje rasta korovskih vrsta te tako doprinosi racionalnoj uporabi herbicida u proizvodnji jagodastog voća. Povoljnim utjecajem na povećanje vlage u tlu te smanjenjem kompeticije jagodastih vrsta i korova mulch folije neposredno djeluju na povećanje priroda jagodastih voćnih vrsta. Kod nekog voća to je povećanje priroda iznosilo i do 110%. Osim toga, zaključilo se da biorazgradive mulch folije mogu vrlo efikasno zamijeniti PE folije u većini gore navedenih svojstava te se na taj način rjeÅ”ava problem njihovog odlaganja i Å”tetnog učinka na okoliÅ”.The aim of this paper according to the studies so far is to present mulch foils in fruit growing and how they effect the growth and fruitfulness. There are different types of polyethylene (PE) foils for mulching, such as black, transparent, black and white, coloured and biodegradable. In this paper the activity of mulch foils is shown through the impact on abiotic and biotic factors of growth and fruitfulness. The biotic factors observed are the impact on pathogenes and pests, and the impact on weed control, while the abiotic factors are the impact on soil temperature, soil moisture and adoption of nutrients. It is concluded that mulch foils are very effective in stopping evaporation from soil, thus increasing its content in the soil. Besides that, these foils can also have a positive impact on increasing the soil temperature, but they do not have the same impact on adopting nutrients depending on types of berries. Considering the impact on pathogenes and pests, the mulch foils represent a barrier for their harmful activity, thus preventing damages. The use of mulch foils is considered a very positive way of weed control and could be used in the future as an alternative to herbicides use. All of the impacts before mentioned influence growth and fruitfulness, so it was observed that productivity of berries increased. Some types of berries increased their productivity up to 110%. Furthermore, it was concluded that biodegradable mulch foils can successfully replace PE foils in most of their above mentioned characteristics and could represent a solution to the problems considering disposal of PE foils and their harmful impact on environment

    Possibilities of Strawberry Integrated Disease Management in Different Cultivation System

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    In the last few years strawberry production in Croatia is constantly increasing. One of the main problems in production are diseases. During two-year trials in strawberry plantations in northern Croatia, the occurrence of diseases was monitored in order to establish the most effective methods of integrated disease management. Trials were performed in three cultivation system: open field, greenhouse and hydroponics. The most frequent disease in all three production systems was gray mould (Botrytis cinerea). In open field production, the occurrence of common leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae) and leaf scorch (Diplocarpon earliana) were also frequently observed, while leaf blotch (Gnomonia comari), leaf blight (Phomopsis obscurans) and fruit anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) were only sporadically present. For the control of the most important disease, gray mould, forecast model BOTMAN was implemented. As relatively simple model based on meteorological data, BOTMAN allowed effective, ecologically and economically more acceptable control, based on integrated chemical and biological measures. Meteorological data were obtained from the State Hydrometeorological Department (DHMZ). Results showed no significant difference in intensity of gray mould infection between usual chemical control and BOTMAN-based control. Two-years research on strawberry disease management in Croatia revealed perspective possibilities of integrated strawberry disease management

    Day-neutral strawberry varieties

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    Uzgoj jagode (Fragaria x ananassa Duch) u svijetu se sve viÅ”e povećava s obzirom zbog produžavanja sezone potroÅ”nje. Za uspjeÅ”nu proizvodnju važno je pratiti poboljÅ”anja u tehnologiji uzgoja ali i izboru sorata ovisno o namjeni ili području proizvodnje. Sorte jagoda neutralnog dana iako postoje već desetljećima, tek su u posljednje vrijeme dobile na važnosti i počele su se povećavati povrÅ”ine zasađene njima, a u tome prednjače Sjedinjene Američke Države. U Hrvatskoj je dosad u proizvodnju uveden manji broj ovih sorata, a neke od njih su joÅ” uvijek u istraživanju. Sorte neutralnog dana omogućavaju proizvodnju jagoda kroz ljetni i jesenski period, a kada bi se u Hrvatskoj mogle plasirati i kroz turistički sektor. Također bi se proizvodnja jagoda mogla proÅ”iriti na klimatski hladnija područja i viÅ”e nadmorske visine, u Hrvatskoj područja Like i Gorskog kotara.World strawberry production (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) is in increasing due prolongation of fruit consumption season. For successful production of strawberries it necessary to know novelties in growing technology and available assortment depending of purpose or production area. Day-eutral strawberry cultivars exist for decades, but only in the 21st century they become important and growing areas are in increasing. Especially USA is leading in this trend. Small number of short-day cultivars is introduced in Croatia. Some of them are still under the survey. Short-day cultivars allow strawberry production during summer and fall season in the period when it is possible to market fruits trough tourist sector. Also, strawberry production with short-day cultivars has potential to spread out in climatic colder areas of Croatia, on higher elevations like Lika and Gorski Kotar
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