34 research outputs found

    Quantum nature of laser light

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    All compositions of a mixed-state density operator are equivalent for the prediction of the probabilities of future outcomes of measurements. For retrodiction, however, this is not the case. The retrodictive formalism of quantum mechanics provides a criterion for deciding that some compositions are fictional. Fictional compositions do not contain preparation device operators, that is operators corresponding to states that could have been prepared. We apply this to Molmer's controversial conjecture that optical coherences in laser light are a fiction and find agreement with his conjecture. We generalise Molmer's derivation of the interference between two lasers to avoid the use of any fictional states. We also examine another possible method for discriminating between conerent states and photon number states in laser light and find that it does not work, with the equivalence for prediction saved by entanglement

    Qubit portrait of the photon-number tomogram and separability of two-mode light states

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    In view of the photon-number tomograms of two-mode light states, using the qubit-portrait method for studying the probability distributions with infinite outputs, the separability and entanglement detection of the states are studied. Examples of entangled Gaussian state and Schr\"{o}dinger cat state are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, TeX file, to appear in Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    MuSR method and tomographic probability representation of spin states

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    Muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (MuSR) technique for studying matter structures is considered by means of a recently introduced probability representation of quantum spin states. A relation between experimental MuSR histograms and muon spin tomograms is established. Time evolution of muonium, anomalous muonium, and a muonium-like system is studied in the tomographic representation. Entanglement phenomenon of a bipartite muon-electron system is investigated via tomographic analogues of Bell number and positive partial transpose (PPT) criterion. Reconstruction of the muon-electron spin state as well as the total spin tomography of composed system is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Subcycle Quantum Electrodynamics

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    Besides their stunning physical properties which are unmatched in a classical world, squeezed states of electromagnetic radiation bear advanced application potentials in quantum information systems and precision metrology, including gravitational wave detectors with unprecedented sensitivity. Since the first experiments on such nonclassical light, quantum analysis has been based on homodyning techniques and photon correlation measurements. These methods require a well-defined carrier frequency and photons contained in a quantum state need to be absorbed or amplified. They currently function in the visible to near-infrared and microwave spectral ranges. Quantum nondemolition experiments may be performed at the expense of excess fluctuations in another quadrature. Here we generate mid-infrared time-locked patterns of squeezed vacuum noise. After propagation through free space, the quantum fluctuations of the electric field are studied in the time domain by electro-optic sampling with few-femtosecond laser pulses. We directly compare the local noise amplitude to the level of bare vacuum fluctuations. This nonlinear approach operates off resonance without absorption or amplification of the field that is investigated. Subcycle intervals with noise level significantly below the pure quantum vacuum are found. Enhanced fluctuations in adjacent time segments manifest generation of highly correlated quantum radiation as a consequence of the uncertainty principle. Together with efforts in the far infrared, this work opens a window to the elementary quantum dynamics of light and matter in an energy range at the boundary between vacuum and thermal background conditions.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure