8 research outputs found
Comparing injecting and non-injecting illicit opioid users in a multi-site Canadian sample (OPICAN cohort)
Illicit opioid use in Canada and elsewhere increasingly involves a variety of opioids and non-injection routes of administration. Injection and non-injection opioid users tend to differ in various key characteristics. From a public health perspective, non-injection routes of opioid use tend to be less harmful due to lesser morbidity and mortality risks. Our study compared current injectors (80%) and non-injectors (20%) in a multi-site sample of regular illicit opioid users from across Canada ('OPICAN' study). In bivariate analysis, injectors and non-injectors differed by prevalence in social and health characteristics as well as drug use. Logistic regression analysis identified city, drug use, housing status and mental health problems as independent predictors of injection status. Further analysis revealed that the majority of current non-injectors had an injection history. Our results reinforce the need to explore potential interventions aimed at preventing the transition from non-injectors to injecting, or facilitating the transition of injectors to non-injecting, as initiated in several other contexts
Is Sprawl Associated with a Widening Urban–Suburban Mortality Gap?
This paper examines whether sprawl, featured by low development density, segregated land uses, lack of significant centers, and poor street connectivity, contributes to a widening mortality gap between urban and suburban residents. We employ two mortality datasets, including a national cross-sectional dataset examining the impact of metropolitan-level sprawl on urban–suburban mortality gaps and a longitudinal dataset from Portland examining changes in urban–suburban mortality gaps over time. The national and Portland studies provide the only evidence to date that (1) across metropolitan areas, the size of urban–suburban mortality gaps varies by the extent of sprawl: in sprawling metropolitan areas, urban residents have significant excess mortality risks than suburban residents, while in compact metropolitan areas, urbanicity-related excess mortality becomes insignificant; (2) the Portland metropolitan area not only experienced net decreases in mortality rates but also a narrowing urban–suburban mortality gap since its adoption of smart growth regime in the past decade; and (3) the existence of excess mortality among urban residents in US sprawling metropolitan areas, as well as the net mortality decreases and narrowing urban–suburban mortality gap in the Portland metropolitan area, is not attributable to sociodemographic variations. These findings suggest that health threats imposed by sprawl affect urban residents disproportionately compared to suburban residents and that efforts curbing sprawl may mitigate urban–suburban health disparities
Integrating HIV Prevention Activities into the HIV Medical Care Setting: A Report from the NYC HIV Centers Consortium
With the maturing of the HIV epidemic and availability of potent antiretroviral therapies in the US, priorities for HIV prevention have shifted from general population approaches to case finding, treatment, risk reduction and relapse prevention activities among those at greatest risk for acquiring or transmitting HIV infection. The challenges of this approach include ensuring access and adherence to HIV care and treatment and appropriate prevention activities to ensure adequate and sustained sexual and drug use risk reduction across diverse populations. Experience with approaches to address these issues, particularly in the context of primary care, has been limited. An agenda for future research and practice includes continued development and evaluation of interventions that can address this next generation of health care issues