8 research outputs found

    Visualization of direct and diffusion-assisted RAD51 nucleation by full-length human BRCA2 protein

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    Homologous recombination (HR) is essential for error-free repair of DNA double-strand breaks, perturbed replication forks (RFs), and post-replicative single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) gaps. To initiate HR, the recombination mediator and tumor suppressor protein BRCA2 facilitates nucleation of RAD51 on ssDNA prior to stimulation of RAD51 filament growth by RAD51 paralogs. Although ssDNA binding by BRCA2 has been implicated in RAD51 nucleation, the function of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding by BRCA2 remains unclear. Here, we exploit single-molecule (SM) imaging to visualize BRCA2-mediated RAD51 nucleation in real time using purified proteins. We report that BRCA2 nucleates and stabilizes RAD51 on ssDNA either directly or through an unappreciated diffusion-assisted delivery mechanism involving binding to and sliding along dsDNA, which requires the cooperative action of multiple dsDNA-binding modules in BRCA2. Collectively, our work reveals two distinct mechanisms of BRCA2-dependent RAD51 loading onto ssDNA, which we propose are critical for its diverse functions in maintaining genome stability and cancer suppression

    Systemic therapy of Cushing’s syndrome

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    Cushing’s disease (CD) in a stricter sense derives from pathologic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion usually triggered by micro- or macroadenoma of the pituitary gland. It is, thus, a form of secondary hypercortisolism. In contrast, Cushing’s syndrome (CS) describes the complexity of clinical consequences triggered by excessive cortisol blood levels over extended periods of time irrespective of their origin. CS is a rare disease according to the European orphan regulation affecting not more than 5/10,000 persons in Europe. CD most commonly affects adults aged 20–50 years with a marked female preponderance (1:5 ratio of male vs. female). Patient presentation and clinical symptoms substantially vary depending on duration and plasma levels of cortisol. In 80% of cases CS is ACTH-dependent and in 20% of cases it is ACTH-independent, respectively. Endogenous CS usually is a result of a pituitary tumor. Clinical manifestation of CS, apart from corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH-), ACTH-, and cortisol-producing (malign and benign) tumors may also be by exogenous glucocorticoid intake. Diagnosis of hypercortisolism (irrespective of its origin) comprises the following: Complete blood count including serum electrolytes, blood sugar etc., urinary free cortisol (UFC) from 24 h-urine sampling and circadian profile of plasma cortisol, plasma ACTH, dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone itself, and urine steroid profile, Low-Dose-Dexamethasone-Test, High-Dose-Dexamethasone-Test, after endocrine diagnostic tests: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultra-sound, computer tomography (CT) and other localization diagnostics. First-line therapy is trans-sphenoidal surgery (TSS) of the pituitary adenoma (in case of ACTH-producing tumors). In patients not amenable for surgery radiotherapy remains an option. Pharmacological therapy applies when these two options are not amenable or refused. In cases when pharmacological therapy becomes necessary, Pasireotide should be used in first-line in CD. CS patients are at an overall 4-fold higher mortality rate than age- and gender-matched subjects in the general population. The following article describes the most prominent substances used for clinical management of CS and gives a systematic overview of safety profiles, pharmacokinetic (PK)-parameters, and regulatory framework

    Parental nucleosome segregation and the inheritance of cellular identity

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    Gene expression programmes conferring cellular identity are achieved through the organization of chromatin structures that either facilitate or impede transcription. Among the key determinants of chromatin organization are the histone modifications that correlate with a given transcriptional status and chromatin state. Until recently, the details for the segregation of nucleosomes on DNA replication and their implications in re-establishing heritable chromatin domains remained unclear. Here, we review recent findings detailing the local segregation of parental nucleosomes and highlight important advances as to how histone methyltransferases associated with the establishment of repressive chromatin domains facilitate epigenetic inheritance. Maintenance of cell-type identity requires the faithful inheritance of chromatin states through cell division, despite the challenges posed by the disruptive passage of the DNA replication fork and the dilution of nucleosome components in complex with the daughter DNA strands. In this Review, Escobar, Loyola and Reinberg discuss how methodological advances are providing unprecedented mechanistic insights into the segregation of parental nucleosomes, how these mechanisms maintain gene expression programmes and how non-faithful nucleosome segregation is linked to differentiation and disease