14 research outputs found
Alpha-Like Clustering in 20 20 Ne from a Quartetting Wave Function Approach
- Author
- A Tohsaki
- A. Tohsaki
- B. Zhou
- BF Bayman
- Bo Zhou
- C. Xu
- CM Tarbert
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G. Röpke
- GR Satchler
- H Vries de
- H. Horiuchi
- HJ Mang
- I Tonozuka
- M Mirea
- M. Lyu
- Mengjiao Lyu
- Mengjiao Lyu
- P. Schuck
- RG Lovas
- T Matsui
- T. Yamada
- WW Qu
- Xu Chang
- Xu Chang
- Y Bo Zhou
- Y Bo Zhou
- Y. Funaki
- Z Sosin
- Z. Ren
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Fine structure of α decay from the time-dependent pairing equations
- Author
- A Adel
- A Astier
- A Bohr
- A Bohr
- A Carjan
- A Góźdź
- A Ritz
- A Sandulescu
- A Sandulescu
- A Sandulescu
- A Soylu
- A Thiel
- A Tohsaki
- A Zdeb
- AO Silisteanu
- B Nerlo-Pomorska
- C Xu
- C Xu
- C Zener
- CI Anghel
- CI Anghel
- D Bai
- D Deng
- DF Jackson
- DL Hill
- DM Dennison
- DM Wang
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DR Inglis
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- E Badralexe
- E Badralexe
- E Olsen
- E Osnes
- EH Hauge
- FG Kondev
- G Bencze
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- G Röpke
- GG Adamian
- GMCV Bai
- HC Manjunatha
- HC Pauli
- HJ Krappe
- HJ Mang
- HJ Mang
- HM Devaraja
- J Blocki
- J Dudek
- J Dukelsky
- J Maruhn
- J Rekstad
- JA Wheeler
- JR Nix
- JY Park
- K Pomorski
- K Wildermuth
- K-H Schmidt
- KTR Davies
- L Landau
- LJ Jardine
- M Apostol
- M Beyer
- M Brack
- M Ismail
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Mirea
- M Tokieda
- M Warda
- M Warda
- N Schunck
- NG Kelnar
- O Dumitrescu
- O Prior
- O Serot
- P Holzer
- P Moller
- P Moller
- P Moller
- P Moller
- P Ring
- PM Jacobs
- R RodrÃguez-Guzmán
- RG Thomas
- S Bjornholm
- S Cwiok
- S Rosenblum
- S Yang
- SA Giuliani
- SA Gurvitz
- SE Koonin
- T Ledergerber
- V Dehghani
- VM Strutinsky
- VS Olkhovsky
- VV Baran
- W Brodzinski
- W Greiner
- WD Myers
- WM Seif
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Half-lives of proton emitters studied with the KDE0v1 Skyrme interaction
- Author
- A A Sonzogni
- B Buck
- BK Agrawal
- CB Dover
- CN Davids
- D Vautherin
- DN Basu
- DN Basu
- DS Delion
- DT Joss
- E Chabanat
- E Chabanat
- E Chabanat
- E Maglione
- F Guzmán
- HF Zhang
- HF Zhang
- JM Dong
- K Madhuri
- LS Ferreira
- LS Ferreira
- M Balasubramaniam
- M Bhattacharya
- M Dutra
- P Bonche
- P Talou
- PB Demorest
- PJ Woods
- S Aberg
- S Aberg
- S Hofmann
- S Mahadevan
- SG Kadmensky
- TR Routray
- TR Routray
- YM Engel
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cold binary fragmentation of even–even 238–248Pu isotopes
- Author
- A Sandulescu
- A. Sandulescu
- A. Săndulescu
- Annu Cyriac
- C Guet
- C Wagemans
- DS Delion
- F Gonnenwein
- FJ Hambsch
- H Koura
- I Dutt
- I Dutt
- J Blocki
- J Blocki
- J Decharge
- J H Hamilton
- JCD Milton
- K. P. Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- M Girod
- NE Holden
- P Ring
- PG Reinhard
- R Rodriguez-Guzman
- S Goriely
- Sreejith Krishnan
- SS Malik
- W Reisdorf
- W Schwab
- WD Myers
- YJ Shi
- YJ Yao
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid intake of children and older adults in the U.S.: dietary intake in comparison to current dietary recommendations and the Healthy Eating Index
- Author
- AP Simopolous
- AP Simopoulos
- AP Simopoulos
- Carol L. Cheatham
- CL Cheatham
- CL Martin
- DS Lupu
- H Hausner
- I Elmadfa
- IB Helland
- J Wardle
- JA Dunstan
- JL Atkins
- Kelly W. Sheppard
- KG Sabel
- KW Sheppard
- KW Sheppard
- L Cordain
- L Zimmer
- LR Miller
- M Fleith
- M Martinez
- M Martinez
- MD Niculescu
- N Auestad
- N Salem
- N Salem
- P Kris-Etherton
- PE Wainwright
- PE Wainwright
- PM Guenther
- R Uauy
- RA Gibson
- RW Friesen
- S Aid
- S Chalon
- S Delion
- SA Keim
- SA Sullivan
- SB Eaton
- SC Cunnane
- SD Baxter
- SE Carlson
- SM Innis
- T Moriguchi
- TAB Sanders
- TL Blasbalg
- TL Roth
- V Mikkila
- WD Lassek
- WS Harris
- WS Harris
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cluster radioactivity of neutron-deficient nuclei in trans-tin region
- Author
- A Adel
- A Bhagwat
- A Bhagwat
- A Bhagwat
- A Guglielmetti
- A Guglielmetti
- A Guglielmetti
- A Guglielmetti
- A Parkhomenko
- A Sandulescu
- A Sobiczewski
- A Soylu
- A Staszczak
- A Zdeb
- AC Wahl
- C Mazzocchi
- C Qi
- C Qi
- D Ni
- D Ni
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- DT Akrawy
- E Hourani
- EJD Toit
- FR Xu
- G Audi
- G Royer
- G Shanmugam
- G Shiva Kumara Swamy
- HF Zhang
- HJ Rose
- I Silisteanu
- IS Rogov
- JH Hamilton
- JM Wang
- JP Cui
- JP Cui
- K Manimaran
- K Morita
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- M Balasubramaniam
- M Brack
- M Goncalves
- M Horoi
- M Warda
- N Wang
- O Rodriguez
- OAP Tavares
- OAP Tavares
- OAP Tavares
- P Mohr
- PB Price
- R Bonetti
- R Bonetti
- S Kumar
- S Kumar
- S Singh
- S Zhang
- SB Duarte
- SB Duarte
- SK Arun
- SN Kuklin
- SN Kuklin
- SW Barwick
- TT Ibrahim
- W Greiner
- X-D Sun
- X-D Sun
- XJ Bao
- XJ Bao
- Y Qian
- YL Zhang
- YT Oganessian
- YT Oganessian
- YZ Wang
- YZ Wang
- YZ Wang
- YZ Wang
- Z Ren
- Z Sheng
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Omega-3 fatty acid deficiencies in neurodevelopment, aggression and autonomic dysregulation: Opportunities for intervention
- Author
- Akselrod S
- Anderson SW
- Austead N
- Balogh S
- Bechara A
- Bechara A
- Bechara A
- Berkowitz L
- Bjork JM
- Block E
- Bodnar LM
- Bradbury J
- Calderon F
- Casper RC
- Chalon S
- Christensen JH
- Christensen JH
- Christensen JH
- Christensen JH
- de la Pressa Owens S
- De Vitry F
- Delarue J
- DeLion S
- DeLion S
- Doussard-Roosevelt JA
- Ferris CF
- Freeman MP
- Gesch CB
- Hallahan B
- Haller J
- Hamazaki K
- Hamazaki T
- Heron D
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Hibbeln JR
- Higley JD
- Hu FB
- Ikemoto A
- Innis SM
- Iribarren C
- Itomura M
- Joseph R. Hibbeln
- Kelly SJ
- Khaykin Y
- Kim HY
- Kodas E
- Krauss RM
- Kruesi MJ
- Kruesi MJ
- Lands WEM
- Lauder JM
- Lehnert H
- Lieth E
- Linnoila MV
- Liu J
- Lyons WE
- Mandell AJ
- Mann JJ
- Mann JJ
- Martin RE
- Mezzacappa E
- Mirochnik V
- Nizzo MC
- Olsson NU
- Pawlosky RJ
- Perry BD
- Pine DS
- Pine DS
- Pine DS
- Rabinowitz SH
- Raine A
- Raine A
- Raine A
- Raine A
- Raine A
- Raine A
- Raygada M
- Richardson AJ
- Roy A
- Salerno-Kennedy R
- Satcher D
- Sawazaki S
- Scarpa A
- Schachter HM
- Schulz KP
- Stanley B
- Stanley M
- Stevens LJ
- Stoll AL
- Tanya L. Blasbalg
- Teresa A. Ferguson
- Thienprasert A
- Till C
- Tsukada H
- US Department of Health and Human Services
- Ustun TB
- van Praag HM
- van Praag HM
- Virkkunen M
- Virkkunen M
- Virkkunen ME
- Weidner G
- Weisinger HS
- Whitaker-Azmitia PM
- Whitaker-Azmitia PM
- Willatts P
- World Health Organization
- Wu A
- Yoshida S
- Zanarini MC
- Zimmer L
- Zimmer L
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Basic Properties of the Atomic Nucleus
- Author
- A Bohr
- A Bohr
- A Bohr
- A Bohr
- A Insolia
- A Insolia
- A Johnson
- A Krasznahorkay
- A Krasznahorkay
- AH Wapstra
- AH Wapstra
- AS Davydov
- B Aharmin
- B Blank
- B Buck
- B Buck
- B Buck
- B Buck
- BA Brown
- BF Bayman
- BG Petterson
- BM Nyakó
- BR Mottelson
- BS Dzhelepov
- BS Pudliner
- CF Weizsäcker von
- CMG Lattes
- CP Burgess
- CS Wu
- CS Wu
- CS Wu
- D Lunney
- DH Perkins
- DL Hillis
- DM Brink
- DM Brink
- DR Hartree
- DR Inglis
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- DS Delion
- E Comay
- E Fermi
- EE Berlovich
- EG Nadjakov
- EJ Konopinski
- EK Hyde
- EU Condon
- EU Condon
- F Iachello
- F Iachello
- F Iachello
- F Iachello
- F Iachello
- F Mandl
- F Reines
- F Reines
- F Rösel
- F Tabakin
- FND Kurie
- FS Stephens
- FS Stephens
- G Audi
- G Fricke
- G Gamow
- GA Miller
- GC Hanna
- GT Garvey
- GT Garvey
- H Ejiri
- H Geiger
- H Geiger
- H Morinaga
- H Yukawa
- HA Bethe
- HA Bethe
- HD Zeh
- HJ Mang
- HJ Mang
- HJ Mang
- HJ Rose
- I Angeli
- I Angeli
- I Angeli
- I Ragnarsson
- I Ragnarsson
- I Ragnarsson
- I Talmi
- IM Band
- IM Band
- J Bardeen
- J Dechargé
- J Jolie
- J Jänecke
- J Kantele
- J Rainwater
- JA Carlson
- JG Valatin
- JH Christenson
- JH Heisenberg
- JM Blatt
- JO Rasmussen
- JO Rasmussen
- K Allaart
- K Heyde
- K Varga
- K Varga
- KE Lassila
- KF Pál
- KLG Heyde
- KN Mukhin
- L Eisenbud
- L Spanier
- L Wilets
- LI Schiff
- LR Hafstad
- LRB Elton
- M Bertschy
- M Bolsterli
- M Csatlós
- M Deutsch
- M Freer
- M Freer
- M Goeppert Mayer
- M Goeppert Mayer
- M Lacombe
- M Lacombe
- M Thoennessen
- M Wloch
- MAJ Mariscotti
- ME Rose
- MN Harakeh
- MP Avotina
- N Dasgupta-Schubert
- N Zeldes
- NI Tarantin
- NJ Stone
- NN Bogoliubov
- O Haxel
- O Haxel
- O Kofoed-Hansen
- O Nathan
- O Scholten
- O Scholten
- P Marmier
- P Möller
- P Möller
- P Möller
- P Möller
- P Möller
- P Navrátil
- P Raghavan
- P Ring
- Particle Data Group
- PC Sood
- PC Sood
- PE Garrett
- PJ Brussaard
- PJ Nolan
- PJ Twin
- PM Endt
- PM Endt
- PM Endt
- R Machleidt
- R Taagepera
- R Wilson
- RD Albert
- RD Lawson
- RF Bishop
- RF Casten
- RG Lovas
- RG Thomas
- RH Spear
- RM Lieder
- RV Jolos
- RV Reid
- S Benedetti De
- S Raman
- S Raman
- S Raman
- S Wohlrab
- SA Moszkowski
- SB Duarte
- SC Pieper
- SE Larsson
- SG Nilsson
- SG Nilsson
- SM Harris
- T Bengtsson
- T Fényes
- T Fényes
- T Fényes
- T Hamada
- T Kibédi
- T Tashibana
- V Bernard
- V Fock
- V Paar
- VA Kravtsov
- VG Soloviev
- VG Soloviev
- VM Strutinsky
- VM Strutinsky
- W Andrejtscheff
- W Greiner
- W Heitler
- W Heitler
- WD Myers
- WD Myers
- WD Myers
- WN Cottingham
- X-L Han
- Y Suzuki
- YuA Lazarev
- Z Szymański
- Zs Dombrádi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and Behavior
- Author
- A Ammouche
- A Gerbi
- A Yonekubo
- DA Levitsky
- DG Birch
- DS Lin
- E Birch
- EA Kiyatkin
- EE Birch
- G Ploeger
- G Wolterink
- GV Williams
- H Abbey
- H Francès
- HJ Roberts
- HJ Roberts
- I Watanabe
- J Amt
- J Benjamin
- J Colombo
- J Farquharson
- J Flood
- J Tinoco
- J Tonkiss
- J Tonkiss
- J Tonkiss
- J Tonkiss
- J-M Bourre
- J-M Bourre
- JB Mitchell
- JD Salamone
- JD Sokolowski
- JD Sokolowski
- JF Fagan
- JL Smart
- JM Mandler
- JR Dyer
- JR Galler
- JS Forsyth
- JS Janowsky
- K Blum
- KE Banks
- KS Bedi
- LA Thompson
- LJ Stevens
- M Doherty
- M Foot
- M Makrides
- M Makrides
- M Makrides
- M Neuringer
- M Neuringer
- M Neuringer
- M Neuringer
- M Neuringer
- M. Bubser
- MH Johnson
- ML Pita
- MS Hooks
- MS Lamptey
- N Yamamoto
- N Yamamoto
- N Yamamoto
- Noel
- P Morgane
- PA Broderick
- PE Wainwright
- PE Wainwright
- PE Wainwright
- PE Wainwright
- RB McCall
- RD Uauy
- RE Bowman
- RP Ebstein
- S Almeida
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Reisbick
- S Yehuda
- S Yehuda
- SA Rose
- SE Carlson
- SE Carlson
- SE Carlson
- SE Carlson
- SE File
- SH Werkman
- SP Yeaton
- SS Delion
- SW Jacobson
- SW Jacobson
- T Sawaguchi
- TG Wheeler
- TS Weidmann
- VM Gunderson
- Y Nakashima
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Studies on the Existence of Various 1p, 2p Halo Isotopes via Cluster Decay of Nuclei in Superheavy Region
- Author
- BA Brown
- D Ghiorso
- DN Poenaru
- DN Poenaru
- DS Delion
- E Pakou
- E Ryberg
- E Sauvan
- EF Aguilera
- EF Aguilera
- F Carstoiu
- G Munzenberg
- G Saxena
- G Saxena
- H Koura
- H Simon
- H Tanihata
- H Tanihata
- HY Zhang
- J Al-Khalili
- J Blocki
- J Blocki
- J Lubian
- JA Tostevin
- JH Hamilton
- JM Oliveira Jr
- K Morita
- K Prathapan
- K. P. Anjali
- K. P. Santhosh
- K. Prathapan
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- KP Santhosh
- LS Geng
- M Poskanzer
- M Tanihata
- M Wang
- MJG Borge
- MV Zhukov
- N Kobayashi
- N Kobayashi
- O Haxel
- P Egelhof
- P Moller
- PG Hansen
- PR Chowdhury
- PR Chowdhury
- R Crespo
- R Lewis
- R Smolanczuk
- R. K. Biju
- RC Barber
- RK Gupta
- S Bottoni
- S Hofmann
- S Hofmann
- S Hofmann
- S Hofmann
- S Kumar
- SG Nilsson
- Sobiczewski
- T Bjerge
- T Leistenschneider
- T Ozawa
- T Ozawa
- T Sumikama
- U Mosel
- V Guimarães
- V Morcelle
- VY Denisov
- VY Denisov
- W Geithner
- W Schwab
- XX Xu
- Y Oganessian
- Y Oganessian
- Y Togano
- Z Ren
- Z Ren
- Z Ren
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study