4 research outputs found

    Theorems for asymptotic safety of gauge theories

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    We classify the weakly interacting fixed points of general gauge theories coupled to matter and explain how the competition between gauge and matter fluctuations gives rise to a rich spectrum of high- and low-energy fixed points. The pivotal role played by Yukawa couplings is emphasised. Necessary and sufficient conditions for asymptotic safety of gauge theories are also derived, in conjunction with strict no go theorems. Implications for phase diagrams of gauge theories and physics beyond the Standard Model are indicated

    Notes on Operator Equations of Supercurrent Multiplets and the Anomaly Puzzle in Supersymmetric Field Theories

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    Recently, Komargodski and Seiberg have proposed a new type of supercurrent multiplet which contains the energy-momentum tensor and the supersymmetry current consistently. In this paper we study quantum properties of the supercurrent in renormalizable field theories. We point out that the new supercurrent gives a quite simple resolution to the classic problem, called the anomaly puzzle, that the Adler-Bardeen theorem applied to an R-symmetry current is inconsistent with all order corrections to β\beta functions. We propose an operator equation for the supercurrent in all orders of perturbation theory, and then perform several consistency checks of the equation. The operator equation we propose is consisitent with the one proposed by Shifman and Vainshtein, if we take some care in interpreting the meaning of non-conserved currents.Comment: 28 pages; v2:clarifications and references added, some minor change

    Conformational Determinants of Phosphotyrosine Peptides Complexed with the Src SH2 Domain

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    The inhibition of specific SH2 domain mediated protein-protein interactions as an effective chemotherapeutic approach in the treatment of diseases remains a challenge. That different conformations of peptide-ligands are preferred by different SH2 domains is an underappreciated observation from the structural analysis of phosphotyrosine peptide binding to SH2 domains that may aid in future drug design. To explore the nature of ligand binding, we use simulated annealing (SA) to sample the conformational space of phosphotyrosine-containing peptides complexed with the Src SH2 domain. While in good agreement with the crystallographic and NMR studies of high-affinity phosphopeptide-SH2 domain complexes, the results suggest that the structural basis for phopsphopeptide- Src SH2 interactions is more complex than the “two-pronged plug two-hole socket” model. A systematic study of peptides of type pYEEX, where pY is phosphotyrosine and X is a hydrophobic residue, indicates that these peptides can assume two conformations, one extended and one helical, representing the balance between the interaction of residue X with the hydrophobic hole on the surface of the Src SH2 domain, and its contribution to the inherent tendency of the two glutamic acids to form an α-helix. In contrast, a β-turn conformation, almost identical to that observed in the crystal structure of pYVNV bound to the Grb2 SH2 domain, predominates for pYXNX peptides, even in the presence of isoleucine at the third position. While peptide binding affinities, as measured by fluorescence polarization, correlate with the relative proportion of extended peptide conformation, these results suggest a model where all three residues C-terminal to the phosphotyrosine determine the conformation of the bound phosphopeptide. The information obtained in this work can be used in the design of specific SH2 domain inhibitors