17 research outputs found

    "Susretna distribucija" kao oblik distribucije ugostiteljskih proizvoda

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    Zbog izrazitih osobitosti proizvodnouslužnog procesa u ugostiteljstvu Å”to se očituju kroz tehničko-tehnoloÅ”ke, kadrovske i organizacijske značajke, te činjenicu da je konzumacija ugostiteljskih proizvoda i usluga u klasičnom ugostiteljstvu (izuzev ambulantne opskrbe i specifičnih ā€œpiknikā€ oblika priprave parcijalnih ugostiteljskih proizvoda i pružanja usluga) vezana za ugostiteljske proizvodne i poslužne prostore, potrebito je naglasiti da fizička distribucija u uobičajenom smislu te riječi u ugostiteljstvu nije moguća. Ta činjenica umanjuje opravdanost koriÅ”tenja pojma kanal distribucije i upućuje na traženje primjerenog izraza kad je u pitanju ugostiteljska djelatnost. Prikladnijim od kanala distribucije smatramo stoga izraz ā€œsusretna distribucija", Å”to se u radu detaljnije obrazlaže

    MarketinŔki aspekti Interneta

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    Snažan tehnoloÅ”ki napredak na području informatike svakodnevno otvara nove mogućnosti u brojnim segmentima poslovanja, pa i na području marketinga i prodaje proizvoda i usluga. Tako se, primjerice, razvojem i rastom svjetske računalne mreže Internet otvaraju velike mogućnosti njezine uporabe u komercijalne svrhe. U suvremenim uvjetima Internet postaje sve viÅ”e imperativom uspjeÅ”nog poslovanja u danaÅ”njem poslovnom okružju istiskujući tradicionalne oblike poslovne komunikacije koje gube na sadržaju i dinamici. Pored pomaka u komunikacijama, Internet pruža mogućnosti rezervacija proizvoda i usluga, a omogućava i potpuno nove oblike prodaje


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    River cruising represents one of the fastest growing segments of tourism with a tendency of further accelerated growth. At the same time, in the midst of market competition growth, the contents, boats, organization, business philosophy and strategies of all involved in river cruises are gradually changing, and there is a need for use of the marketing concept as well as a thoughtful management of the marketing program. In recent years, riverboat operators have increased their marketing budgets multiple times, leading to increased exposure of their products to potential consumers, i.e. increased visibility of products and has indirectly influenced a sustained increase in river cruise sales. The aim of this paper is to examine and determine the basic characteristics of the marketing communications in the river cruise market that are communicated by the key holders and creators of river cruises, i.e. riverboat operators who use different media for transmission of their messages such as newspapers, radio and telephone as a traditional media and Internet as a new media that allows direct connection with consumers, creating interactions and relationships with them. For the purpose of collecting primary data, analysis of documentation method was used, including the analysis of websites of the largest riverboat operators. The contribution of the work will be expressed by identifying the key determinants of the application of marketing communications to achieve the business goals of riverboat operators in the conditions of strong market competition and challenging demand which is under the influence of new technologies, with a strong need for an adventure travel and a discovery of the new and the unknown

    Is Agrotourism Popular on the Internet?

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    There is growing literature on the importance of the Internet, such as the growing importance of the agri/agrotourism role in the tourism industry, but with little inspection of the relationship in the context of word of mouth. The assumption is that online word of mouth makes the understanding of agrotourism more popular, so the aim of this paper is to examine whether the ā€œpopularityā€ of agrotourism has grown on the Internet during past years during which the Internet has recorded exceptional growth. According to that, this paper examines the distributions of using similar keywords with the same meaning - agritourism and agrotourism - during last four years (from June 2007 to June 2011) by use of Google alert and the word agroturizam which is the translation of these words in the Croatian language. Google alert was used as a monitoring tool. The paper analyzes the appearances of these three keywords monthly and daily on Google and additionally analyzes their use on Facebook as the most popular social group nowadays

    Social networks as a support of marketing for nonprofit organizations

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    Social network web sites or social networks in short, became a surprisingly interesting and popular subject, especially since the mass acceptance of this specific form of online communication and interaction. Social networks attract the attention of both experts and scientific researchers largely because of the numerous possibilities of using the specific form of networking provided on almost every type of widely accepted social networks. Social networking is one of the key components of Web 2.0, which is characterized by openness, freedom and collective intelligence. However, the most important characteristic of Web 2.0 is the exceptional interactivity between users. All the specific aspects of nonprofit organizations and especially of the education sector are apparent in the online environment as well. Furthermore, enhanced online communication systems enable a high level of usage of the aforementioned aspects for accomplishing the organizationsā€™ goals. This paper deepens the research carried out during the spring of 2009 on the similar subject of general usage of social networks amongst its users. The paper starts with a brief overview of the historical development of social networks in order to show how these communities have changed and developed over time. Current characteristics of social network web sites are determined and described in order to give a full picture of their state and marketing possibilities as well as the implications they have on future development of Internet based interactions. In addition, there is a special comment about the value of social networks and the way of determining their value and specific types of networks that are present in the global Internet space today. This paper also gives a general picture of the state of social networks and their users in the Croatian Internet scene with estimates of further development in the near future. The practical example of Internet presence within the social network environment takes the central place in the paper. An overview of the postgraduate study profile, on the currently most popular social network Facebook, is given. In addition, the advertising campaign of the aforementioned study within the same social network, as well as its overall efficiency is accentuated and commented. At the very end, the current marketing value and the reach of social networks concerning the marketing for nonprofit organizations is summed up and directions in which the future research of this subject will go are given


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    Razvoj industrije i tehnologije u poljoprivredi doveli su do poznatih problema deagrarizacije ruralnih prostora. Razvojem turističkih aktivnosti u ruralnim prostorima otvara se mogućnost ostvarenja bolje ekonomske uspjeÅ”nosti gospodarstava i napretka socijalnih činitelja stanovnika ruralnih područja. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi starosnu i obrazovnu strukturu ljudi koji se bave agroturističkom djelatnoŔću, te glavne razloge koji su potaknuli vlasnike agroturističkih gospodarstava da se bave ovom poslovnom aktivnoŔću. Kao primjer uzeta je Istra, regija s najvećim brojem agroturističkih gospodarstava i regija u kojoj se ovaj oblik djelatnosti najranije počeo razvijati. Rezultati primarnog istraživanja, provedenog metodom intervjua, pokazala su da je glavni motiv organiziranja agroturističkih gospodarstava samozapoÅ”ljavanje (49%, n=43). Sljedeći motivi su: iskoristiti prostor, prodaja vlastitih poljoprivrednih proizvoda, osigurati djeci posao kako bi obitelj ostala na okupu. Kao ograničenja ističu se: nedovoljna organiziranost agroturističkih gospodarstava, neprilagođena zakonska regulativa i nedovoljna pomoć u edukaciji.The development of industries and technologies used in agriculture has brought to the known problem of deagrarization in rural areas. By developing tourist activity in rural areas people have possibility of generating satisfying level of income and conditions for better social life. Aim of this paper were to obtained data about age and educational degree structure of people that live and work on agrotourism households and what were the main reasons why they start with this business activity. For example we chose Istria as the region with the largest number of agrotourism households and because Istria is region with the first agrotourism households in our country. The results of primary research, that were carried out by interview, have shown that the main motive for starting agrotourism activity were self-employment (49%, n=43). Other reasons were: better use of extra place, sale of agricultural products, to ensure employment of children - how family would stay together. The main limitations were: agrotourism households are insufficiently organized, unadjusted legal regulations and insufficient help in education


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    The paper focuses on the rapidly changing digital technologies and their influence on the development of personal marketing and personal branding. Digital technologies have fundamentally changed various personal and professional communication systems, as well as communication habits and attitudes of their users. Consequently, personal marketing has been strongly influenced by the development of information and communication technologies, especially internet and mobile availability. Personal web-sites, social networks, mobile applications and various other tools allow individuals to create their personal digital identities and allow self-positioning. The current usage of internet-based tools for personal branding and related preferences and attitudes of Croatian internet users were the main sections of the conducted research. Data was collected through an online survey. The preliminary research analysis is provided, which shows respondentsā€™ views on the impact of digital technologies on privacy and online presence. Collected data shows extensive internet use, especially on a daily basis, empowered by omnipresence of mobile devices, smart phones and even wearables. In addition, users rely heavily on various social networks and mobile applications mostly for limited communication groups (friends and family). However, respondents are in general not familiar with online personal marketing and most of them donā€™t have personal websites or other tools for personal branding