137 research outputs found

    Biomarkers of inflammation, metabolism, and oxidative stress in blood, liver, and milk reveal a better immunometabolic status in peripartal cows supplemented with Smartamine M or MetaSmart

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    The peripartal dairy cow experiences a state of reduced liver function coupled with increased inflammation and oxidative stress. This study evaluated the effect of supplementing basal diets with rumen-protected Met in the form of MetaSmart (MS) or Smartamine M (SM) (both from Adisseo Inc., Antony, France) during the peripartal period on blood and hepatic biomarkers of liver function, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Thirty-seven multiparous Holstein cows were fed the same basal diet from −50 to −21 d relative to expected calving [1.24 Mcal/kg of dry matter (DM); no Met supplementation]. From −21 d to calving, the cows received diets (1.54 Mcal/kg of DM) with no added Met (control, CON; n = 13), CON plus MS (n = 11), or CON plus SM (n = 13). From calving through 30 d in milk (DIM), the cows received the same postpartal diet (1.75 Mcal/kg of DM; CON), or CON plus MS or CON plus SM. Liver and blood samples were harvested at various time points from −21 to 21 d relative to calving. Preplanned contrasts of CON versus SM + MS during prepartum (−21 and −10 d before calving) and postpartum (7, 14, and 21 d after calving) responses were evaluated. Cows fed MS or SM compared with CON had lower overall concentrations of plasma ceruloplasmin and serum amyloid A (SAA). Compared with CON, Met-supplemented cows had greater overall plasma oxygen radical absorbance capacity. Liver concentrations of glutathione and carnitine also were greater overall with Met supplementation. Milk choline and liver phosphatidylcholine were lower overall in cows fed Met compared with controls. Liver tissue choline concentrations did not differ. Data indicate that supplemental Met enhanced de novo glutathione and carnitine synthesis in liver and, thus, increased antioxidant and β-oxidation capacity. The greater decrease of IL-6 after calving coupled with lower ceruloplasmin and SAA in Met-supplemented cows indicated a reduction in proinflammatory signaling within liver. The lower hepatic phosphatidylcholine in Met-supplemented cows might have been associated with greater assembly or export of very low density lipoproteins. Overall, biomarker analyses in blood and tissue indicate that the beneficial effect of feeding SM and MS on postpartal cow performance is due in part to a better immunometabolic status

    Better postpartal performance in dairy cows supplemented with rumen-protected methionine compared with choline during the peripartal period

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    The onset of lactation in dairy cows is characterized by high output of methylated compounds in milk when sources of methyl group are in short supply. Methionine and choline (CHOL) are key methyl donors and their availability during this time may be limiting for milk production, hepatic lipid metabolism, and immune function. Supplementing rumen-protected Met and CHOL may improve overall performance and health of transition cows. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental rumen-protected Met and CHOL on performance and health of transition cows. Eighty-one multiparous Holstein cows were used in a randomized, complete, unbalanced block design with 2×2 factorial arrangement of Met (Smartamine M, Adisseo NA, Alpharetta, GA) and CHOL (ReaShure, Balchem Inc., New Hampton, NY) inclusion (with or without). Treatments (20 to 21 cows each) were control (CON), CON+Met (SMA), CON+CHOL (REA), and CON+Met+CHOL (MIX). From -50 to -21d before expected calving, all cows received the same diet (1.40Mcal of NEL/kg of DM) with no Met or CHOL. From -21d to calving, cows received the same close-up diet (1.52Mcal of NEL/kg of DM) and were assigned randomly to treatments (CON, SMA, REA, or MIX) supplied as top dresses. From calving to 30 DIM, cows were fed the same postpartal diet (1.71Mcal of NEL/kg of DM) and continued to receive the same treatments through 30 DIM. The Met supplementation was adjusted daily at 0.08% DM of diet and REA was supplemented at 60g/d. Incidence of clinical ketosis and retained placenta tended to be lower in Met-supplemented cows. Supplementation of Met (SMA, MIX) led to greater DMI compared with other treatments (CON, REA) in both close-up (14.3 vs. 13.2kg/d, SEM 0.3) and first 30d postpartum (19.2 vs. 17.2kg/d, SEM 0.6). Cows supplemented with Met (SMA, MIX) had greater yields of milk (44.2 vs. 40.4kg/d, SEM 1.2), ECM (44.6 vs. 40.5kg/d, SEM 1.0), and FCM (44.6 vs. 40.8kg/d, SEM 1.0) compared with other (CON, REA) treatments. Milk fat content did not differ in response to Met or CHOL. However, milk protein content was greater in Met-supplemented (3.32% vs. 3.14%, SEM 0.04%) but not CHOL-supplemented (3.27 vs. 3.19%, SEM 0.04%) cows. Supplemental CHOL led to greater blood glucose and insulin concentrations with lower glucose:insulin ratio. No Met or CHOL effects were detected for blood fatty acids or BHB, but a Met × time effect was observed for fatty acids due to higher concentrations on d 20. Results from the present study indicate that peripartal supplementation of rumen-protected Met but not CHOL has positive effects on cow performance

    Effect of the level of maternal energy intake prepartum on immunometabolic markers, polymorphonuclear leukocyte function, and neutrophil gene network expression in neonatal Holstein heifer calves1

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    A conventional approach in dairy cow nutrition programs during late gestation is to feed moderate-energy diets. The effects of the maternal plane of nutrition on immune function and metabolism in newborn calves are largely unknown. Holstein cows (n=20) were fed a controlled-energy (CON) diet (1.24 Mcal/kg) for the entire dry period (~50 d) or the CON diet during the first 29 d of the dry period followed by a moderate-energy (OVE) diet (1.47 Mcal/kg) during the last 21 d prepartum. All calves were weighed at birth before first colostrum intake. Calves chosen for this study (n=6 per maternal diet) had blood samples harvested before colostrum feeding (d 0) and at 2 and 7 d of age. Blood samples were used to determine metabolites, acute-phase proteins, oxidative stress markers, hormones, phagocytic capacity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and monocytes, and total RNA was isolated from PMN. Calves from OVE dams weighed, on average, 5kg less at birth (44.0 vs. 48.6kg) than calves from CON dams. Blood glucose concentration in OVE calves had a more pronounced increase between 0 and 2 d than CON, at which point phagocytosis by PMN averaged 85% in OVE and 62% in CON. Compared with CON, calves from OVE had greater expression of TLR4, but lower expression of PPARA and PPARD at birth. Expression of PPARG and RXRA decreased between 0 and 2 d in both groups. Concentrations of leptin, cholesterol, ceruloplasmin, reactive oxygen metabolites, myeloperoxidase, retinol, tocopherol, IgG, and total protein, as well as expression of SOD2 and SELL increased markedly by 2 d in both groups; whereas, cortisol, albumin, acid-soluble protein, NEFA, insulin, as well as expression of IL6, TLR4, IL1R2, LTC4S, and ALOX5 decreased by 2 d. By 7 d of age, the concentration of haptoglobin was greater than precolostrum and was lower for OVE than CON calves. Our data provide evidence for a carry-over effect of maternal energy overfeeding during the last 3 wk before calving on some measurements of metabolism in the calf at birth and the phagocytic capacity of blood neutrophils after colostrum feeding. It might be feasible to design nutrient supplements to fortify colostrum in a way that metabolic and immunologic capabilities of the calf are improved

    Blood immunometabolic indices and polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in peripartum dairy cows are altered by level of dietary energy prepartum

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    Cows experience some degree of negative energy balance and immunosuppression around parturition, making them vulnerable to metabolic and infectious diseases. The effect of prepartum feeding of diets to meet (control, 1.34 Mcal/kg of dry matter) or exceed (overfed, 1.62 Mcal/kg of dry matter) dietary energy requirements was evaluated during the entire dry period (∼45 d) on blood polymorphonuclear neutrophil function, blood metabolic and inflammatory indices, and milk production in Holstein cows. By design, dry matter intake in the overfed group (n=9) exceeded energy requirements during the prepartum period (-4 to -1 wk relative to parturition), resulting in greater energy balance when compared with the control group (n=10). Overfed cows were in more negative energy balance during wk 1 after calving than controls. No differences were observed in dry matter intake, milk yield, and milk composition between diets. Although nonesterified fatty acid concentration pre- (0.138 mEq/L) and postpartum (0.421 mEq/L) was not different between diets, blood insulin concentration was greater in overfed cows prepartum (16.7 μIU/mL) compared with controls pre- and postpartum (∼3.25 μIU/mL). Among metabolic indicators, concentrations of urea (4.63 vs. 6.38 mmol/L), creatinine (100 vs. 118 μmol/L), and triacylglycerol (4.0 vs. 8.57 mg/dL) in overfed cows were lower prepartum than controls. Glucose was greater pre- (4.24 vs. 4.00 mmol/L) and postpartum (3.49 vs. 3.30 mmol/L) compared with control cows. Among liver function indicators, the concentration of bilirubin increased by 2 to 6 fold postpartum in control and overfed cows. Phagocytosis capacity of polymorphonuclear neutrophils was lower prepartum in overfed cows (32.7% vs. 46.5%); phagocytosis in the control group remained constant postpartum (50%) but it increased at d 7 in the overfed group to levels similar to controls (48.4%). Regardless of prepartum diet, parturition was characterized by an increase in nonesterified fatty acid and liver triacylglycerol, as well as blood indices of inflammation (ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin), oxidative stress (reactive oxygen metabolites), and liver injury (glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase). Concentrations of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds vitamin A, vitamin E, and β-carotene decreased after calving. For vitamin A, the decrease was observed in overfed cows (47.3 vs. 27.5 μg/100 mL). Overall, overfeeding energy and higher energy status prepartum led to the surge of insulin and had a transient effect on metabolism postpartum

    Liver lipid content and inflammometabolic indices in peripartal dairy cows are altered in response to prepartal energy intake and postpartal intramammary inflammatory challenge.

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    This study evaluated the effect of feeding a control diet (CON) or a moderate energy diet (overfed, OVE) during the dry period (∼45d) and a postpartum intramammary lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge on blood metabolic and inflammatory indices, milk production, and hepatic gene expression. A subset of cows (n=9/diet) in CON (1.34 Mcal/kg of dry matter) and OVE (1.62 Mcal/kg of dry matter) received an intramammary LPS challenge (200 μg; CON-LPS, OVE-LPS, respectively). Liver biopsies were harvested at -14 d from calving, and postpartum at 2.5h post-LPS on d 7, 14, and 30. Prepartum, the OVE group was in more positive energy balance (EB) and had greater body condition score compared with CON. In contrast, during wk 1 postpartum and before the LPS challenge, the OVE group was in greater negative EB than CON. Prepartal diet did not affect postpartal milk production or dry matter intake. At 2h postchallenge on d 7, we observed an increase in serum nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and bilirubin and a decrease in hydroxybutyrate, regardless of diet. That was coupled with greater haptoglobin in OVE-LPS compared with CON-LPS. In addition, OVE-LPS cows versus CON nonchallenged, OVE nonchallenged, and CON-LPS had greater liver triacylglycerol (TAG) concentration 2.5h postchallenge on d 7. The concentration of TAG in liver of OVE-LPS remained elevated by 30d postpartum. The liver TAG concentration in OVE-LPS compared with CON-LPS cows was associated with greater serum concentration of NEFA and reactive oxygen metabolites on d 10 and 14 postpartum. Cows in OVE-LPS also had greater concentrations of ceruloplasmin, cholesterol, and vitamin E from d 10 through 21. Among 28 genes associated with fatty acid oxidation, inflammation, oxidative stress, and gluconeogenesis, only SAA3 (which encodes an acute phase protein) was greater in CON-LPS compared with OVE-LPS at 2.5h postchallenge. Expression of HP, which encodes another acute phase protein, was greater in OVE-LPS than in CON-LPS at 14 and 30 d postpartum. Several inflammation-related genes (TNF, IRAK1, NFKB1, ANGPTL4) showed markedly decreased expression between 7 and 14 d, after which expression remained unchanged. No differences were observed in several genes of the growth-hormone/insulin-like growth factor-1 axis, except for SOCS2, expression of which decreased markedly between 7 and 14 d in OVE-LPS but not in CON-LPS. These data suggest that overfeeding a moderate-energy diet prepartum alters the response of the cow to an intramammary challenge after calving and may predispose it to sustained liver lipidosis

    Gene network and pathway analysis of bovine mammary tissue challenged with Streptococcus uberis reveals induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of PPARγ signaling as potential mechanism for the negative relationships between immune response and lipid metabolism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Information generated via microarrays might uncover interactions between the mammary gland and <it>Streptococcus uberis </it>(<b><it>S. uberis</it></b>) that could help identify control measures for the prevention and spread of <it>S. uberis </it>mastitis, as well as improve overall animal health and welfare, and decrease economic losses to dairy farmers. The main objective of this study was to determine the most affected gene networks and pathways in mammary tissue in response to an intramammary infection (<b>IMI</b>) with <it>S. uberis </it>and relate these with other physiological measurements associated with immune and/or metabolic responses to mastitis challenge with <it>S. uberis </it>O140J.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Streptococcus uberis </it>IMI resulted in 2,102 (1,939 annotated) differentially expressed genes (<b>DEG</b>). Within this set of DEG, we uncovered 20 significantly enriched canonical pathways (with 20 to 61 genes each), the majority of which were signaling pathways. Among the most inhibited were <it>LXR/RXR Signaling </it>and <it>PPARα/RXRα Signaling</it>. Pathways activated by IMI were <it>IL-10 Signaling </it>and <it>IL-6 Signaling </it>which likely reflected counter mechanisms of mammary tissue to respond to infection. Of the 2,102 DEG, 1,082 were up-regulated during IMI and were primarily involved with the immune response, e.g., <it>IL6</it>, <it>TNF</it>, <it>IL8, IL10, SELL, LYZ</it>, and <it>SAA3</it>. Genes down-regulated (1,020) included those associated with milk fat synthesis, e.g., <it>LPIN1, LPL, CD36</it>, and <it>BTN1A1</it>. Network analysis of DEG indicated that <it>TNF </it>had positive relationships with genes involved with immune system function (e.g., <it>CD14, IL8, IL1B</it>, and <it>TLR2</it>) and negative relationships with genes involved with lipid metabolism (e.g., <it>GPAM</it>, <it>SCD</it>, <it>FABP4</it>, <it>CD36</it>, and <it>LPL</it>) and antioxidant activity (<it>SOD1</it>).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results provided novel information into the early signaling and metabolic pathways in mammary tissue that are associated with the innate immune response to <it>S. uberis </it>infection. Our study indicated that IMI challenge with <it>S. uberis </it>(strain O140J) elicited a strong transcriptomic response, leading to potent activation of pro-inflammatory pathways that were associated with a marked inhibition of lipid synthesis, stress-activated kinase signaling cascades, and PPAR signaling (most likely PPARγ). This latter effect may provide a mechanistic explanation for the inverse relationship between immune response and milk fat synthesis.</p

    Effects of dry period energy intake on insulin resistance, metabolic adaptation, and production responses in transition dairy cows on grass silage-based diets

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    High energy intake in the dry period has reportedly had adverse effects on mobilization of body reserves, dry matter intake, and productivity of dairy cows. We investigated whether grass silage (GS) fed ad libitum (high energy intake, HEI; 141% of daily metabolizable energy requirements) in an 8-wk dry period affects metabolic adaptation-specifically, peripheral insulin resistance-compared with a total mixed ration consisting of GS, wheat straw, and rapeseed meal (55/40/5%; controlled energy intake, CEI; 108% of metabolizable energy/d) fed ad libitum. Multiparous Ayrshire dairy cows (n = 16) were used in a randomized complete block design until 8 wk after parturition. Commercial concentrates were fed 1 and 2 kg/d during the last 10 to 6 and 5 to 0 d before the expected calving date, respectively. Postpartum, a similar lactation diet with ad libitum access to GS and increasing concentrate allowance (maximum of 16 kg/d) was offered to all. The HEI group gained more body weight and had higher plasma insulin, glucose, and beta-hydroxybutyrate concentrations than the CEI group prepartum. Postpartal plasma glucose tended to be higher and milk yield was greater from wk 5 onward for HEI compared with CEI cows. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed at -13 +/- 5 d and 9 +/- 1 d relative to calving. The HEI cows had greater insulin response to glucose load and smaller area under the response curve for glucose than CEI cows in prepartal IVGTT. Thus, compensatory insulin secretion adapted to changes in insulin sensitivity of the peripheral tissues, preserving glucose tolerance of HEI cows. Higher insulin levels were needed in HEI cows than in CEI cows to elicit a similar decrement of nonesterified fatty acid concentration in prepartal wurr, suggesting reduced inhibition of lipolysis by insulin in HEI cows before parturition. In conclusion, high energy intake of moderately digestible GS with low concentrate feeding in the close-up dry period did not have adverse effects on metabolic adaptation, insulin sensitivity, and body mobilization after parturition. Instead, this feeding regimen was more beneficial to early-lactation performance than GS-based total mixed ration diluted with wheat straw.Peer reviewe

    RNA-Seq transcriptomics and pathway analyses reveal potential regulatory genes and molecular mechanisms in high- and low-residual feed intake in Nordic dairy cattle

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    BACKGROUND: The selective breeding of cattle with high-feed efficiencies (FE) is an important goal of beef and dairy cattle producers. Global gene expression patterns in relevant tissues can be used to study the functions of genes that are potentially involved in regulating FE. In the present study, high-throughput RNA sequencing data of liver biopsies from 19 dairy cows were used to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between high- and low-FE groups of cows (based on Residual Feed Intake or RFI). Subsequently, a profile of the pathways connecting the DEGs to FE was generated, and a list of candidate genes and biomarkers was derived for their potential inclusion in breeding programmes to improve FE. RESULTS: The bovine RNA-Seq gene expression data from the liver was analysed to identify DEGs and, subsequently, identify the molecular mechanisms, pathways and possible candidate biomarkers of feed efficiency. On average, 57 million reads (short reads or short mRNA sequences < ~200 bases) were sequenced, 52 million reads were mapped, and 24,616 known transcripts were quantified according to the bovine reference genome. A comparison of the high- and low-RFI groups revealed 70 and 19 significantly DEGs in Holstein and Jersey cows, respectively. The interaction analysis (high vs. low RFI x control vs. high concentrate diet) showed no interaction effects in the Holstein cows, while two genes showed interaction effects in the Jersey cows. The analyses showed that DEGs act through certain pathways to affect or regulate FE, including steroid hormone biosynthesis, retinol metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism, ether lipid metabolism, arachidonic acid metabolism and drug metabolism cytochrome P450. CONCLUSION: We used RNA-Seq-based liver transcriptomic profiling of high- and low-RFI dairy cows in two breeds and identified significantly DEGs, their molecular mechanisms, their interactions with other genes and functional enrichments of different molecular pathways. The DEGs that were identified were the CYP’s and GIMAP genes for the Holstein and Jersey cows, respectively, which are related to the primary immunodeficiency pathway and play a major role in feed utilization and the metabolism of lipids, sugars and proteins. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3622-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Calf health from birth to weaning. I. General aspects of disease prevention

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    Calfhood diseases have a major impact on the economic viability of cattle operations. This is the first in a three part review series on calf health from birth to weaning, focusing on preventive measures. The review considers both pre- and periparturient management factors influencing calf health, colostrum management in beef and dairy calves and further nutrition and weaning in dairy calves