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8 research outputs found
Complex Networks and Systems Biology
A Scala
A Wagner
+24Â more
AL Barabasi
DR Wuellner
H Jeong
H Jeong
H Kitano
KV Brinda
LAN Amaral
LC Freeman
LH Greene
M Bhattacharyya
M Hongwu
M Kitsak
M Vendruscolo
MEJ Newman
MEJ Newman
MS Vijayabaskar
N Kannan
NM Goodey
R Albert
R Albert
S Roy
S Wuchty
TI Lee
Z Wunderlich
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Optimizing hospital distribution across districts to reduce tuberculosis fatalities
AB Calvo
AE Motter
+28Â more
B Hughes
C Song
CK Sook
D Brockmann
D Witthaut
DR Wuellner
EW Tiemersma
GE Stephan
GT Barkema
H Youn
HB Rosenstock
J Choi
J Current
J Um
K Kim
M Donsker
MC González
MJ Lee
MJ Lee
MT Gastner
N Megiddo
P Grassberger
PC Hopewell
R Pastor-Satorras
RL Hodgart
SH Owen
SM Gusein-Zade
Y Lee
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Networks, Metrics, and Systems Biology
A Banerjee
A Clauset
+32Â more
A Reynolds-Feighan
A Sen
A Varma
A-L Barabasi
AD Perkins
D Segre
DA Pechenick
DR Wuellner
E Gamma
EA Leicht
EH Davidson
G Bagler
G Bounova
IT Jolliffe
J Liu
J Stelling
JC Doyle
JS Edwards
MEJ Newman
MEJ Newman
MP Joy
MW Hahn
N Kashtan
R Albert
R Albert
R Dunn
R Guimera
S Zhou
SR Hegde
V Colizza
V Filkov
Z Wunderlich
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Representations of Janissary music (Mehter)
Altar Cevad Memduh
Bakhtin M. M.
+31Â more
Bartha DĂ©nes
Belon Pierre
Bey Ahmed Djevad
Christie dir. William
Covel Dr. John
Dittersdorf Karl Ditters von
Eric Rice
Fanner H. G.
Farmer H. G.
Hunter Mary
Karro Françoise
Kramer Lawrence
Locke Ralph P.
Marsigli Count Luigi Ferdinand
Martino Pierre
Mersmann Hans
Pirker Michael
Reinhard Kurt
Rouillard C. D.
Sieber Wolfgang
Tieck L.
Vinsauf Geoffrey de
Whaples Miriam K.
Whaples Miriam K.
Wuellner Guy
Yekta Ra'uf
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Using complex networks towards information retrieval and diagnostics in multidimensional imaging
A Amini
A Shokoufandeh
+39Â more
A Tomilson
AH Shirazi
AM Dandekar
ASLO Campanharo
ASLO Campanharo
B Luque
C Lai
D Geman
D Hu
D Hu
DM Greig
DR Wuellner
G Nicolis
J Zhang
J Zhang
JE Besag
KM Goins
L Lacasa
LA Rowe
M Azharuddin
M Flickner
M Girvan
MEJ Newman
N Marwan
P Li
R Albert
R Kaur Grewal
RV Donner
S Khanal
S Roy
S Roy
SJ Banerjee
SN Dorogovtsev
SV Buldyrev
T Verplancke
V Filkov
X Xu
Y Boykov
Z Gao
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Temporal Characteristics of the Chinese Aviation Network and their Effects on the Spread of Infectious Diseases
A Barrat
A Barrat
+41Â more
A Casteigts
AM Churchill
B Turton
C Poletto
C Taylor
D Brockmann
DR Wuellner
G Bagler
G Palla
H Wang
HH Lentz
II Bogoch
J Lu
J Wang
J Zhang
JT Wong
Kamran Khan
KI Goh
L Bengtsson
L Hufnagel
L Sun
M Barthelemy
M Konschake
M Rosvall
MEJ Newman
O Cenciarelli
P Holme
PJ Mucha
Q Shao
R Albert
R Guimera
R Lambiotte
R Pastorsatorras
S Otsuki
T Zhou
W Li
WG Weng
X Zeng
Y Park
Z Wu
ZT Liu Hong Kun
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Influence of basin fill architecture on fluid flow and ore genesis in the Mount Isa Basin, Northern Australia
A Bechtel
AA Krassay
+74Â more
AB Carpenter
AG Collins
AH Knoll
AJ Kaufman
AJ Stewart
AK Krassay
B Bubela
BA Mcconachie
BA Mcconachie
BA Mcconachie
BA Mcconachie
BA Mcconachie
BA Mcconachie
BE Bradshaw
BN Eiseniohr
BR Simoneit
C Bethke
C Klein
CJ Peat
CR Calver
DA Manning
DA Sverjensky
DE Wuellner
DL Scott
DL Scott
DR Lowe
EJ Hill
EK Carter
FK North
G Demaison
G Klein
GC Broadbent
GM Anderson
IR Pfimer
JA Karhu
JC Wagoner
JF Lindsay
JF Lindsay
JF Lindsay
JN Dunster
JN Dunster
JN Dunster
JN Dunster
KA Plumb
KA Plumb
LB Gustafson
LG Love
LH Hamilton
LH Wilson
LM Cathles
M Glikson
M Idnurm
M Lisk
M Solomon
M Solomon
MD Brasier
MD Muir
MD Muir
MJ Jackson
MJ Jackson
NJ Croxford
PN Southgate
PR Vail
R Blanchard
R Buick
R Myers
RE Zartman
RW Page
RW Page
S Nybakken
TJ Barrett
WE Galloway
WG Perkins
YK Kharaka
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Improving the accuracy of the k-shell method by removing redundant links: From a perspective of spreading dynamics
A Barrat
A Garas
+53Â more
A Garas
A Garas
B Corominas-Murtra
B Gonçalves
C Castellano
C Castellano
C Peng
C Song
C Song
D Cellai
D Centola
DJ Schwab
DR Wuellner
F Della Rossa
GJ Baxter
GQ Zhang
HP Young
J Bae
J Borge-Holthoefer
J Leskovec
JI Alvarez-Hamelin
L HĂ©bert-Dufresne
LK Gallos
LK Gallos
M Boguñá
M Eidsaa
M Kitsak
M Tang
MEJ Newman
MP Rombach
N Azimi-Tafreshi
N Spring
P Colomer-de-SimĂłn
P Holme
P Holme
R Guimera
R Pastor-Satorras
S Boccaletti
S Borgatti
S Carmi
S Fortunato
S González-Bailón
S González-Bailón
S Pei
S Pei
S Wuchty
SB Seidman
SN Dorogovtsev
SN Dorogovtsev
TP Peixoto
WX Wang
Y Liu
ZM Ren
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text