4,910 research outputs found

    Simulating Soil Organic Matter Transformations with the New Implementation of the Daisy Model

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    Daisy is a well-tested deterministic, dynamic soil-plant-atmosphere model, capable of simulating water balance, nitrogen balance and losses, development in soil organic matter and crop growth and production in crop rotations under alternate management strategies. Originally it was developed as a system of single models describing each process involved, but recently it has been developed into a framework, which can be used for implementation of several different models of each of the different processes. Thus, for example a number of different models for simulating soil water dynamics can be chosen depending on the purpose of the simulation and the availability of data for parameterisation. The sub-model simulating soil organic matter is still a fixed component in the Daisy terminology. This means that there is currently only one model, which can be used to simulate soil organic matter transformations. However this sub-model can be changed considerably. Some examples are given

    Microsoft Enterprise Consortium How To’s for the Classroom

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    Practical workshop that includes presentations and “hands on” use of examples and exercises utilizing the Microsoft Enterprise Consortium hosted at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business Enterprise Systems. Industry partners of the Enterprise Systems program at the Sam M. Walton College of Business have donated computing systems and multiple, large-scale datasets for instructional use – Sam’s Club (6 tables and over 55 million rows of POS transactions for 18 stores), Dillard’s Department Stores (5 tables with a transactions table of 120 million rows), Tyson Foods, and Wal-Mart RFID data sets. This workshop provides faculty “How To’s” that can be incorporated into a wide variety of courses that include topics on databases, data warehousing, business intelligence and decision making. The Microsoft Enterprise Consortium includes the full SQL Server 2008 Management Studio and Business Intelligence Development Studio. Further, this Consortium includes access to the large datasets referenced above plus a number of datasets corresponding to database and data mining texts

    Track and Field’s Influence on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity in the 1930s, Including the 1936 Olympic Games.

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    Neal Cranston HST 499 Senior Seminar AES Abstract Track and field in the 1930s provided a unique opportunity for athletes of all races, gender, and ethnicities to come together and compete on an equal playing field. This helped bridge the tension and divide that existed within segregated America but also showed the power that athletics has in highlighting common human characteristics. The evidence that will primarily illustrate this comes from a number of primary sources including six oral histories conducted by the United States Holocaust Museum as well as The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics Archives. These interviews give a glimpse into what the 1936 Olympic experience was like for many of the athletes that did not receive the same level of recognition as their teammate Jesse Owens. The Pan American Games which took place in Dallas in 1937 highlighted some of the harsh realities of racism in the American South despite the meet promoters intentions of holding a “harmonious” track meet not centered around race.[1] Overall these sources will contribute to the field by highlighting track and field’s involvement in healing social divides far ahead of its time. [1]Dyreson, Mark. “The Original Pan-American Games? The 1937 Dallas Pan-American Olympics.” International Journal of the History of Sport 33, no. 1/2 (January 2016): 6–28

    An image-based local homogenization method to model mass transport at the steel-concrete interface

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    Mass transport (moisture and ions) at the steel-concrete interface is closely related to corrosion of rebar in reinforced concrete structures. Thus, in the model simulating mass transport, the structure of the steel-concrete interface must be well represented. In this study, an image-based local homogenization method is proposed based on images taken in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) under the backscattered electron (BSE) detector. According to the gray level of the image, porosity can be calculated and then proposed equations are used to associate the transport properties (sorption isotherms, diffusion coefficients and permeability) with porosity. Experimental data of chloride concentration taken from the literature are used to validate the proposed method and a good agreement with simulated results them is found

    Sound Quality Improvement for Hearing Aids in Presence of Multiple Inputs

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    Parental education and inequalitties in child mortality: a global systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The educational attainment of parents, particularly mothers, has been associated with lower levels of child mortality, yet there is no consensus on the magnitude of this relationship globally. We aimed to estimate the total reductions in under-5 mortality that are associated with increased maternal and paternal education, during distinct age intervals. This study is a comprehensive global systematic review and meta-analysis of all existing studies of the effects of parental education on neonatal, infant, and under-5 child mortality, combined with primary analyses of Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data

    Forskning og udvikling i økologisk ægproduktion

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    Nærværende rapport er en beskrivelse og diskussion af forskningsprojekter gennemført under FØJO i årene 1996-1999. I korthed vidste forskningen følgende: Opdrætning og belægning Det har vist sig at konventionel opdræt giver en del problemer og der er anvendt en del kræfter på at belyse konsekvensen af forskellige opdrætningsmetoder, herunder lysintensitet, adgang til udeareal, opdræt på blivende sted eller flytning. Konklusionen fra disse undersøgelser er, at: Tidlig adgang til udearealet giver øget brug af udearealet senere, tendens til færre gulvæg og signifikant færre snavsede æg Opdrætning i hytte giver større kropsvægt, større ægvægt, færre gulvæg, færre snavsede æg og bedre fjerdragt end opdrætning under konventionelle forhold. Lav belægning i æglægningsperioden med 3.5 høner pr. m2 giver højere læggeprocent, bedre fodereffektivitet, tendens til færre gulvæg og signifikant færre snavsede æg samt bedre fjerdragt, dog kun hos de høner, der var opdrættet i stald Avl og selektion Avlsmaterialets kvalitet har været en vigtig del af forskningsarbejdet, dels fordi der kun er få avlsvirksomheder tilbage, der sælger afstamninger med en vis æglægningskapacitet, dels fordi disse afstamninger primært er fremavlet med sigte på burægsproduktion. Den konklusion, der kan drages af de genetiske studier er, at såfremt fjerpilningsadfærd inddrages i et passende selektionsprogram, vil et af de største velfærdsproblemer inden for ægproduktion blive løst. Parasitter Et problem, som møder den økologiske høne, er indvoldsorme. Mulighederne for at forebygge på dette område er i projektet blevet undersøgt i forskellige sammenhænge. Konklusionen er, at man må regne med, at indvoldorme altid vil være til stede i en vis udstrækning, når besætningen har adgang til udendørs arealer. Fuldstændig udryddelse er ikke mulig. I dag findes der kun konventionelle antiparasitære midler til behandling og kontrol af parasitære infektioner. Disse midler anses ikke for at være anvendelige, da tilbageholdelsestiderne er lange. På sigt bør man avlsmæssigt arbejde mod at etablere specielle racer til udendørsproduktion som er resistente mod parasitære og andre infektioner. Grovfoder Forsøg med tildeling af grovfoder har haft en positiv effekt på ægproduktion, forbrug af fuldfoder og der var en markant lavere dødelighed. Der kan iagttages mindre fjerpilning og en forbedring af fjerdragtens kvalitet, når der gives grovfoder. Endelig kunne der hvad angår tarmsundhed konstateres en øget kråseaktivitet og øget fermentering i blindtarmene samt lavere antal af coliforme bakterier, laktose negative bakterier og enterokokker. På temamødet på Forskningscenter Foulum, berettede flere landmænd om græsrodsprojekterne, og deres resultater og erfaringer er beskrevet i denne rapport. I sit afsnit vurderer Arne Bæk Jensen bl.a., at det økologiske opdræt og anvendelsen af kyllingemødre har været en succes idet: Kyllingerne har levet under forhold, som har givet en forøgelse af dyrevelfærden. Indeklimaet i opdrætsstalden har været godt som følge af et tørt gulv Energiforbruget er blevet reduceret Den tidlige prægning har haft sin virkning I æglægningsstalden sidder ca. 90 pct. af hønerne på siddepindene om natten efter ca. 14 dage Noget tyder på, at de høner, som ikke kommer på pindene om natten, også lægger deres æg på gulvet, hvor de overnatter. Hønerne på siddepindene har en bedre redesøgningsadfærd Ved indsætning ligger hønerne et pænt stykke over normen for væg

    P6: Predictors of compliance with COVID-19 related non- pharmaceutical interventions amongst university students

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    College campuses have been an area where the novel coronavirus has spread rapidly, thus this study is focused on compliance with COVID-19 related non-pharmaceutical interventions among college students.We surveyed over 600 college students from across the United States and modeled predictors of compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions. To determine how applicable nationwide modeling might be to individual local campuses we also administered this same survey to nearly 600 students at two large universities in Utah County (Brigham Young University and Utah Valley University). We then ran structural equation modeling (SEM) to determine what factors are related to student compliance with non-pharmaceutical interventions

    Anomaly Cancelation in Field Theory and F-theory on a Circle

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    We study the manifestation of local gauge anomalies of four- and six-dimensional field theories in the lower-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory obtained after circle compactification. We identify a convenient set of transformations acting on the whole tower of massless and massive states and investigate their action on the low-energy effective theories in the Coulomb branch. The maps employ higher-dimensional large gauge transformations and precisely yield the anomaly cancelation conditions when acting on the one-loop induced Chern-Simons terms in the three- and five-dimensional effective theory. The arising symmetries are argued to play a key role in the study of the M-theory to F-theory limit on Calabi-Yau manifolds. For example, using the fact that all fully resolved F-theory geometries inducing multiple Abelian gauge groups or non-Abelian groups admit a certain set of symmetries, we are able to generally show the cancelation of pure Abelian or pure non-Abelian anomalies in these models.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos corrected, comments on circle fluxes adde