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5 research outputs found
Process analytics 4.0: A paradigm shift in rapid analytics for biologics development
Aboulaich N
AbuâAbsi NR
+77Â more
AlexoviÄ M
André S
Arul AB
Arul AB
Avery G
Baker CA
Barenji RV
Berry BN
Cai H
Cao H
Capito F
Chemmalil L
Chemmalil L
Ding B
Dong J
Given AM
GroĂhans S
Holland I
Humphrey SJ
Jha S
Jiang M
Kong F
Kornecki M
Leutert M
Loonam J
Luan P
Matthews TE
Metze S
Mullard A
Narayanan H
Neubert S
Olsen K
Patel BA
Patel BA
Piparia R
Prabhu GRD
Primack J
Rathore AS
Rathore AS
Read EK
Read EK
Reed CE
Ren J
Richmond SA
Rolinger L
RomeroâTorres S
Rustandi RR
Scheitz CJF
Schmidt PM
Schmidt PM
Skobelev DO
Sokolov M
Song YE
Steele TW
Steinwandter V
Szigeti M
Tacker DH
Thakur G
Toth CA
Van ManenâBrush K
Walsh G
Warikoo V
Wasalathanthri DP
Wasalathanthri DP
Wasalathanthri DP
Wasalathanthri DP
Webster TA
Whelan J
Xu J
Yang S
Yee JC
Yilmaz D
Yuk IH
Zhang X
Zhu G
Zydney AL
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Methyl-Cytosine-Driven Structural Changes Enhance Adduction Kinetics of an Exon 7 fragment of the p53 Gene
A Bird
AJ Levine
+23Â more
AT Carvalho
C Deligkaris
CA Hunter
DP Wasalathanthri
EF Pettersen
GM Morris
H Wang
HM Kumalo
HT Wang
J Glick
J Kypr
JE Satterwhite
JM Vargason
K Jabbari
M Banyay
MF Denissenko
NE Geacintov
Q Song
S Kouidou
S Malla
S Tornaletti
YM Patel
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Application of nanodisc technology for direct electrochemical investigation of plant cytochrome P450s and their NADPH P450 oxidoreductase
A Das
A Das
+51Â more
A Fantuzzi
A Fantuzzi
A Olry
A Shukla
A Srinivasan
AK Udit
AW Munro
AW Munro
AZ Nielsen
BD Fleming
BL Moller
BL MĂžller
C Walgama
DP Wasalathanthri
E Laviron
F Chekin
F Hagn
FP Guengerich
H Wang
IG Denisov
K Jensen
K Jensen
K Jensen
KA Nielsen
LM Lassen
M Clausen
M Ingelman-Sundberg
M Mizutani
M Morant
M Wadsater
N Bistolas
N Sultana
O Sibbesen
P Mielczarek
RM Gleadow
S Ahmad
S Wei
SD Schumacher
SJ Sadeghi
SJ Sadeghi
SY Rhieu
T Ahn
T Laursen
T Laursen
T Laursen
TH Bayburt
VR Dodhia
VV Shumyantseva
W Sun
Z Zhang
Z-Y Jiang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Synthesis of hierarchical SAPO-34 catalysts modified with manganese nanoparticles for conversion of methanol to light olefins: a deactivation and regeneration study
A Gharibi Kharaji
AZ Varzaneh
+53Â more
AZ Varzaneh
AZ Varzaneh
AZ Varzaneh
AZ Varzaneh
D Chen
D Xi
DP Serrano
E Aghaei
E Borodina
FC Sena
H Shao
H Sharifi Pajaie
H Xia
J Chen
J Zhou
J-B Koo
JC Groen
JW Park
K Egeblad
L Qi
L Wu
L Zhang
LE Iton
LH Ong
M Ghalbi-Ahangari
M Kang
N Hadi
ND Wasalathanthri
P MĂ©riaudeau
P Sadeghpour
P Wang
P Wang
Q Sun
Q Sun
Q Zhang
R BulĂĄnek
RA Sheldon
SH Jhung
SH Jhung
T Ălvaro-Muñoz
TK Phung
W Dai
W Fan
W Song
W Song
X Wei
X Wu
Y Meng
Y Qiu
Y Sun
Y Wei
Z Zhu
ZY Zakaria
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Unique identifiers for small molecules enable rigorous labeling of their atoms
A Drefahl
A Elmsjo
+55Â more
A Henri
A Khan
A Kumar
AR Leach
CJ Clarke
CK Larive
CR David
D Joseph-McCarthy
D Weininger
D Weininger
DP Wasalathanthri
DR Houston
DS Wishart
DS Wishart
DS Wishart
E Lionta
EL Ulrich
EO Cannon
F. Jofre
F. Jofre
H Berman
H Fan
H Fukui
H Horai
IKH Leung
J Hastings
J Kim
JL Stark
JP Hughes
JR Kraly
JS Albert
K Haug
KF Nielsen
M Kanehisa
M Kanehisa
M Vermathen
MK Gilson
MW Maciejewski
N Schneider
NCBI PubChem Compound
NCBI PubChem Compound
NM O'Boyle
NM O'Boyle
O Beckonert
P Murray-Rust
R Caspi
S GraĆŸulis
S Hoelder
S Kim
S Zhang
SA Akhondi
SF Olson
SR Heller
Y Xi
Y Zhu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
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