2,396 research outputs found
Stone crayfish, Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) in Europe
Potočni rak, A. torrentium, najmanja je vrsta porodice Astacidae te jedan od četiri
autohtona europska predstavnika reda Decapoda u hrvatskim slatkovodnim ekosustavima.
Prirodno je rasprostranjen na području središnje i jugoistočne Europe, a u Hrvatskoj je autohton
u kontinentalnom dijelu u vodama crnomorskog sliva. Neke populacije zabilježene su i u
vodama jadranskog sliva kamo se vrsta proširila tijekom geološke prošlosti kada su ta dva sliva
bila povezana. Prilagođen je životu u hladnijim staništima s kamenitim dnom i dobrom
kvalitetom vode. Poremećaji u staništu, poput zagađenja i uklanjanja obalne vegetacije, utječu
na životni ciklus i morfometrijske značajke jedinki. Primjerice, zbog poremećaja u okolišu
austrijske populacije imaju niži reprodukcijski potencijal od hrvatskih. Uočeno je i smanjenje
broja zabilježenih populacija na području Europe te njihovog nestanka sa staništa u kojima su
prije obitavale. Takvi su slučajevi zabilježeni i u Hrvatskoj. Veliki utjecaj u tome, uz
antropogeni pritisak na njihova staništa, imaju alohtone invazivne vrste, signalni, bodljobradi
i mramorni rak, koje svojom agresivnošću i prenošenjem uzročnika bolesti račje kuge istiskuju
autohtone vrste iz potoka. Iz tog razloga trebale bi se poduzeti veće mjere zaštite zavičajnih
vrsta rakova kako bi se osigurao njihov dugoročni opstanak.The stone crayfish, A. torrentium, is the smallest species in the family Astacidae and
one of the four native European crayfish from the order Decapoda in Croatian freshwater
ecosystems. It is distributed in the central and south-eastern Europe. It lives in continental part
of Croatia in streams and rivers belonging to the Black Sea drainage. Some of the populations
are also found in the streams draining the Adriatic Sea where the species expanded during times
when these two drainages were still connected. Austropotamobius torrentium prefers habitats
with lower temperature, stony substrate and good quality of water. Any disturbances, such as
removal of coastal vegetation and pollution, can affect its life cycle and morphometric
characteristics. For instance, Austrian populations have lower biotic potential than those in
Croatia because of disturbances in habitat. It was noticed that the number of populations in
Europe decreases, and the same was recorded in Croatia. Reasons are different; from
anthropogenic pressure onto their habitats to invasive crayfish species that are aggressive and
are vectors of spreading of lethal disease crayfish plague. That is why we should protect
indigenous species and secure their survival
Pappusov teorem: razni dokazi i varijacije
Papusov teorem je jednostavan, ali u isto vrijeme jako bitan i koristan teorem pripisan Papusu iz Aleksandrije, posljednjem velikom matematičaru Aleksandrijske škole. Ovaj teorem pravilno iskazan sastoji se od samo devet točaka i devet pravaca i smatra se jednim od prvih velikih teorema projektivne geometrije. Fokus ovoga rada dokazi su Papusovog teorema u namjeri prezentiranja raznih metoda i razlika među njima, istodobno prikazujući njegove generalizacije i varijacije. U ovome radu naglasit ćemo posebnosti ovoga teorema koji svoju punu općenitost ima u projektivnoj geometriji. Iskazat ćemo i na dva načina dokazati jednu njegovu euklidsku varijaciju koja je zapravo specijalizacija Papusovog teorema kada se Papusov pravac nalazi u beskonačnosti. Papus je originalno dokazao ovaj teorem primjenom euklidskih metoda, ali u ovome radu ćemo također dati i dva projektivna načina kako ga dokazati koristeći homogene koordinate. Istaknuti ćemo i tri varijacije Papusovog teorema: Pascalov teorem, Chayley-Bacharach-Chasles teorem i Miquelov teorem. Svaki od ovih teorema ćemo iskazati i dokazati te objasniti u kakvoj je vezi s Papusovim teoremom. Rad ćemo završiti algebarskim dokazom Papusovog teorem u njegovoj punoj općenitosti tako što ćemo Papusov teorem izraziti pomoću vektorskih produkata i determinante. U tom na prvi pogled jednostavnom dokazu nužna je upotreba računalnog programa.Pappus’s Theorem is simple yet very important and useful theorem contributed to Pappus of Alexandria, the last great mathematician of the Alexandrian School. The statement of this theorem, when properly stated, consists only of nine point and nine lines and we consider it one of the first great theorems of projective geometry. This thesis focuses on proofs of Pappus’s Theorem with intention of giving variety of methods and discussing differences between them while also presenting his generalizations and variations. In this thesis, we will emphasize special properties of this theorem which attains its full generality in projective geometry. We will state one of his Euclidean versions which is actually the specialization of the Pappus’s theorem when Pappus’s line is send to infinity. Pappus originally proved this theorem using Euclidean methods but in this thesis we will also describe two projective ways how to prove it using homogeneous coordinates. We will also present three variations of Pappus’s Theorem: Pascal’s Theorem, ChayleyBacharach-Chasles Theorem and Miquel’s Theorem. We will state and prove each of these theorems and explain what connections do they have with Pappus’s Theorem. We will end this thesis with algebraic proof of Pappus’s Theorem in its full generality by expressing the statements of Pappus’s Theorem using cross-products and a determinant. At first that proof seems to be very simple but the help of the computer program is essential here
Il valore della memoria nei processi di riqualificazione dei grandi complessi di edilizia residenziale pubblica
Come affrontare i processi di riqualificazione quando “il rapporto tra le aree-residenza e
elementi primari” non è più alla base della configurazione per tessuti della città e la casa
diventa monumentale memoria e gesto rappresentativo dello Stato? Concentrando lo sguardo
sul periodo tra gli anni 60' e 70' si rende evidente un intento congiunto delle amministrazioni e
degli architetti, attraverso la progettazione di complessi a scala macroscopica, spesso isolati
dal contesto classico della città, di creare una visione chiara ed iconica del ruolo assistenzialista
dello Stato. Questa stagione, sottolineata da scelte compositive in contrapposizione con la
visione “ordinaria” della città e della sua crescita per tessuti, raggiunge la sua massima
espressione nel “grande segno” che fa coincidere tipologia architettonica con morfologia urbana
e racconta di un’amministrazione che vuole essere il referente diretto per la risoluzione di
problematiche sociali e risponde in maniera reattiva e molto rapida alle questioni e alle esigenze
poste dalle sue classi più bisognose. Il primo valore da riconoscere ai progetti di questo periodo
è di essere stati rappresentativi di vocazioni collettive e di averle riassunte con un gesto
progettuale dall'alto valore iconografico. La seconda caratteristica di questa stagione
architettonica, continuando a restringere la valutazione ad una constatazione dei fatti scevra di
componenti di giudizio, è la sua ampia vocazione ad essere terreno sperimentale sia in ambiti
architettonici che urbanistici. La domanda che ci poniamo è se sia possibile ripartire da queste
due valori per re-interpretare i progetti dei grandi complessi residenziali pubblici e renderli
“abitabili” mantenendone le loro particolari vocazioni.How can we deal with requalification process in parts of the city which are no longer based on
the “relation among residential-area and primary elements” and where the house has become
the rappresentative memory of programs and ideals of the State? Concentrating on the 60' and 70' period in Italy it is clear a joined intent of the administration and the architects to create a
neat and iconographic image of the protective and directive role of the State towards its citizen,
through the designing of large, unitary social housing, often off the normal urban scale and
isolated by the rest of the city. This season, highlighted by compositive experience in sharp
contrapposition with the “ordinary” vision of the city, reach its maximal expression in “great sign
design” that tends to an equivalence between architectural typology and urban morphology. The
first merit that have to be acknowlegde to those project is to have been a representative of
collective vocations through a high valued iconographical design. A second valor to be confered
to this period is its vocation on being a laboratory for both architectural and urban
experimentation. Question we are facing is, then, if it is possibile to start over on those two
intrinsic values, seep through the lens of the european directives for sustainable renewal of the
cities, for a reinterpretation of the large housing estates in order to give them back to their
peculiar potential and to make the the center of regenerations of the city itself.Peer Reviewe
Attrition in English as a foreign language – causes and consequences
The study aims to define the linguistic phenomenon of language attrition and explore its causes and consequences by using data from quantitative and qualitative questionnaires. The study on first language attrition was conducted in December 2013 among 9 participants, all of whom consider Croatian as their first language and it relies on the data from the questionnaire based on self-evaluation. The participants were asked about their approach towards their L1 after leaving their home country, frequency of use of their L1 and their own assessment of the level of knowledge. The findings confirm the researcher’s assumption that the approach and personal relationship towards a language have a strong influence on the effects of language attrition. However, no matter how strong the connection to one’s L1, each of the participants admitted their level of L1 knowledge was lower than while they lived in their home country, which implies that a certain degree of attrition must have taken place. The study on second language attrition was also conducted in December 2013 among 15 participants in Zagreb. The aim was to determine the current level of knowledge of Italian (which was a second language for all the participants) and compare it to the presumed level of knowledge the participants had while in the process of learning Italian. Different aspects of language use were explored in order to try to decide whether the second language underwent attrition. Quantitative data and the participants’ personal impressions showed that their level of knowledge is at least twice as bad today than it used to be, the cause of this mostly being language negligence. Finally, the degree of language attrition varies and it depends on many factors. Even though this paper focuses only on some of them, all should be included in further research
Methods of algal culturing
Jednostanične alge (mikroalge) i makroalge igraju važnu ulogu u ekologiji planeta jer su odgovorne za gotovo 45% globalne produkcije kisika te su osnova hranidbenih lanaca u vodenim ekosustavima. Ipak, vrlo je teško odrediti njihov kvantitativni doprinos ekološkoj dinamici i biogeokemijskim kruženjima. U ovome radu opisane su najčešće tehnike uzgoja algi u kulturama, te su u globalu podijeljene na tehnike izolacije mikroalgi i makroalgi. Razvijeni su različiti mediji za izolaciju i kultivaciju slatkovodnih i morskih algi, a za neke se vrste koristi agar. Kako bi se odabrao povoljan medij, potrebno je poznavati ekologiju i fiziologiju vrste. Eksperimenti sa kulturama jesu i ostat će iznimno bitni za razumijevanje važnosti i uloge algi u ekosustavu.Single – celled algae (microalgae) and macroalgae have a vital role in the ecology of the planet, being responsible of for roughly 45% of global productivity supporting food webs in water ecosystems. However, trying to quantify their contribution to ecological dynamics and biogeochemical cycles remains a daunting process for various reasons. In this work most common algal culturing techniques are presented, with the focus to isolation techniques as well as maintenance of micro- and macroalgae cultures. Various culture media, as well as agar plates have been developed and used for isolation and cultivation of freshwater and marine algae. It's important to know the ecology and physiology of each species in order to choose right medium. Experiments with cultures are and will remain crucial in a processes of understanding how algae responses to environmental variability
Renewable energy sources in Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska County
Suvremene katastrofe zajedno s klimatskim promjenama navele su ljude na promišljanje i potragu za obnovljivim izvorima energije. Izvorima koji su čisti, lako dostupni i ekološki prihvatljivi. Cilj globalne politike, ali i hrvatske politike, je smanjiti emisiju stakleničkih plinova i uštediti energiju te ujedno i novac. Proizvodnja energije jedan je od najvećih problema današnjice. Cilj ovog rada je opisati obnovljive izvore energije, njihovu ulogu u suvremenoj industriji te njihov utjecaj na okoliš. Naglasak rada stavljen je na obnovljive izvore energije u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji, posebno na njihovu zastupljenost i koliki je njihov potencijal.Contemporary disasters, along with climate change, have led people to think and search for renewable energy sources. Sources that are clean, easily accessible and environmentally friendly. The goal of both global and Croatian politics is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and spare energy, as well as money. Today, energy production is one of the biggest problems. Purpose of this bachelor thesis is to describe renewable energy sources, their role in industry and their environmental impact. Emphasis is placed on renewable energy sources in Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska County. I will describe how much are renewable energy sources represented in Bjelovarsko-Bilogorska County and their potential
Stilovi poslovne komunikacije u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj
Komunikacija je proces u kojem poruka putuje od pošiljatelja prema primatelju poruke krozneki kanal i uz neke šumove. Dvije su osnovne vrste komunikacije: verbalna i neverbalna.Ovaj rad bavi se komunikacijskim stilovima čija je osnovna razdioba na agresivan, pasivan,pasivno-agresivan i asertivan stil. Asertivan stil predstavlja komunikaciju ja-porukama,odnosno porukama kojima se iznose vlastita zapažanja, osjećaji i viđenja situacija s jasnomporukom, smisleno i bez namjere da se povrijedi aktivan slušatelj. Komunikacijski stilovi uposlovanju također se mogu podijeliti u ove četiri kategorije, a radno sposobni stanovnicisjevera Republike Hrvatske prema istraživanju provedenom na uzorku od sto osoba služe seasertivnim stilom u poslovnoj komunikaciji.Communication is the process in which one or more messages travel from it's sender to therecipient of that message - through some kind of channel and with some noise. There are twobasic types of communication: verbal and nonverbal. This paper focuses on communicationstyles, whose main distribution in an aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and assertivestyle. Assertive communication style represents I-messages, or messages that express theirown observations, feelings and perceptions of the situation with a clear meaningful messageand without intent to injure an active listener.Communication styles in the business can also be divided into these four categories. Theworking-age residents of the north of the Croatia according to a study conducted on a sampleof 100 people are used to assertive style in business communication
Adaptations of Grimms' fairy tales
Ovaj rad sadrži usporedbu bajki braće Grimm i njihova ekranizacija. Prije svega, opisani su bajka i film kao umjetnička djela. Braća Grimm, kao jedni od najvećih pisaca dječjih priča i bajki stvorili su svijet bajki koji je kasnije prenesen u film. Ekranizacija bajki može biti crtanih, igranih i animiranih filmova. Pepeljuga i Snjeguljica jedne su od najpoznatijih bajki koje imaju puno književnih obrada, od kojih su neke preoblikovane kako bi bile više primjerene djeci. Također, postoji mnogo ekranizacija mnogih redatelja iste bajke, ali u ovome radu je spomenuta samo jedna. Neke ekranizacije ne prate uvijek bajku ili priču te njihovi likovi i radnja nisu vjerno prikazani. U radu su uspoređeni bajka i film, koliko film prati bajku te koliko su njihovi likovi i radnja vjerodostojni. Uspoređivane su najpoznatije bajke braće Grimm s nekoliko različitih verzija filma.This work contains a comparison of fairytales by brothers Grimm and the screening of those fairytales. Firstly, the concept of fairy- tales and the concept of the movie is defind, in terms of artistic works. Brothers Grimm, as one of the biggest writers of children stories and fairy- tales, created a world of fairy- tales which was later transformed into the movie world. Screening of fairy- tales can be of cartoons, movies and animated movies. Cinderella and Snow White are one of the most popular fairy- tales which have a lot of literary adaptions, and some of them are adapted more to children's likings. Also, there are a lot of screenings by a lot of screenwriters of the same fairy- tale, but this work contains only one of them. Some of those screenings don't always follow the story-line, and their characters and settings are not shown truthfully. This work compares fairy- tales and their movies, how much the movies follow the story-line of the fairy-tale, and how much the characters are reliable. Some of the most famous works are compared, with several different versions of movies
Perception of Translator Status among the Students of Humanities and Social Sciences
This paper presents a survey of the perception of translator status among graduate students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. The study included 126 respondents, who were divided into three groups—students of translation, students of modern languages but not of translation, and non-philology students. The research method used was an online questionnaire consisting of Likert statements and open-ended questions. Following Dam and Zethsen (2008, 2009), the statements were formulated to examine the four categories used to operationalize status—education, visibility, salary and occupational prestige. The primary objectives of the study were to investigate students’ perception toward translation as a profession, as well as to draw conclusions about the influence of study programmes on respondents’ attitudes by analysing possible patterns in their answers. The results indicate that non-philology students perceive translation as an average-status occupation, while there is only a slight difference in the answers provided by students of languages in comparison with translation students, all of whom perceive translation as an occupation of high status. The present study, which belongs to a relatively young field of sociology of translation, not only in Croatia, but worldwide, aims to investigate the role of academic influences in the formation of the perception of translator status. As such, it could serve as a solid point of departure for further research on the topic
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