602 research outputs found

    Who are the prisoners?

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    Criminal proceedings are socially unequal. But are they discriminatory? The impunity of some corresponds, in fact, to the ruthless condemnation of others, including due to miscarriages of justice or for minor offenses. Sociology, without being able to be definitive as to whether or not there is organized discrimination and how, presents sociographic data of the prison population. A population that is impoverished, young, male, poorly educated. Psychology contributes with likely causes of predisposition to fulfil the role of prisoner: family disruption, school failure, exclusionary cultures. Practitioners on the ground recognize pre-offenders before the age of criminal responsibility. The police demand convictions from an early age, from experience, recognizing in them the new generation of criminals who will soon commit crimes of their own. Will the analytical model most used in social theory, separating the political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, be the most appropriate to explain what the social role of the prisoners might be? What happens to the people living in the negative side of these dimensions? There is a consensus about the influence of the economic situation on the likelihood of someone being incarcerated. But there is no agreement as to how institutional processes with such symbolic and political importance as the criminal courts accept being part of a socially selective process so admittedly unjust: how do these organs of sovereignty offer themselves to fulfill a purpose so patently opposed to their doctrinal aims, and how do they gain political legitimacy by doing so? How is it that they sometimes are used to incarcerate the politically or merely socially inconvenient among us? Given that we are in the presence of a global phenomenon (all states and all powers use sequestration as a form of social control) we ask ourselves whether the typical dimensions used by social theory serve the needs of understanding prisons. Is the social role of prisoners economic, political, cultural, of status? How does this explain the centrality of gender and stigma? How to, in practice, explain the normative inconsistencies and claims of the special dangerousness of young men? Why has torture in the prisons become an internationally recognized fact by the custodial states, to the point of they themselves recognizing their incompetence to abolish such prohibited and disgusting practices? Around the hypothesis that the bulk of prisoners are modern scapegoats unconsciously created by states, according to a traditional formula for appeasing feelings of vindictiveness, we discuss the explanatory relevance of this anthropological hypothesis to the study of prisons

    Violencia y sociedad

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    The recent interest in the sociology of violence has arisen at the same time that western societies are being urged to consider the profound social crisis provoked by global financial turmoil. Social changes demand the evolution of sociological practices. The analysis herein proposed, based on the studies of M. Wieviorka, La Violence (2005), and of R. Collins, Violence: A Micro-sociological Theory (2008), concludes that violence is subject to sociological treatments centered on the aggressors, on the struggles for power and on male gender. There is a lack of connection between practical proposals for violence prevention and the sociology of violence. It is accepted that violence as a subject of study has the potential, as well as the theoretical and social centrality, to promote the debate necessary to bring social theory up to date. This process is more likely to occur in periods of social transformation, when sociology is open to considering subjects that are still taboo in its study of violence, such as the female gender and the state. The rise of the sociology of violence confronts us with a dilemma. We can either collaborate with the construction of a sub discipline that reproduces the limitations and taboos of current social theory, or we can use the fact that violence has become a “hot topic” as an opportunity to open sociology to themes that are taboo in social theory (such as the vital and harmonious character of the biological aspects of social mechanisms or the normative aspects of social settings).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trust and the face

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    Damasio´s books call for scientific cooperation between neurosciences and social sciences. He acknowledge both the epistemic limits that obstruct the free flow of knowledge between different scientific fields and Cartesian preconceptions that radically separate macro and micro analyses, societies and individuals. The face is strategically in position of mediating both worlds imaginarily untouched by one another. It challenge present scientific paradigm that presuppose the split between social and natural sciences. The face is both natural and cultural. That is the perfect research field to open to new cognitive adventures beyond the limits of science. And to help us to overcome the impasse of the development of social sciences

    Questioning the hope in science and schooling

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    The succession of extraordinary traumatic events, such as the poles defrosting, the fires in Australia and Amazon, the COVID19 pandemic, the financial global crises revival, the Black Lives Matter movement, seems to call for science (to solve problems) and schooling (to make time to the unemployed) for help. Science and schooling are some of the big successes of post-modern culture and states. But even given these successes, questions remain. Such as: Why they do not deliver what one hopes from them? What kinds of changes need to take place within both science and the academe that will foster hope and tangible results? We are left to ponder why: a) these extreme events take us by surprise; b) why this generation, who have been afforded the best education of any previous one, is so anxious, so stressed, and so worried; c) why is it that our best policies, science, and minds continue to fail us when it comes to solving the problems associated with the environment, this pandemic, capitalism, and racism; d) why given the promise of science in particular, and social science, in particular, are we so in need of solutions? Put differently, why in the midst of these crises are answers not a priority in the various disciplines that came into being to provide such?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Penerapan Metode Analitical Hierarcy Process (Ahp) Untuk Appointment System Pada Sistem Informasi Konsultan Psikolog Berbasis Website

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    Tekanan sosial yang semakin banyak diera sekarang ini, menyebabkan stres dan depresi. Sekarang ini tingkat stress dan depresi dikalangan remaja dan anak-anak juga meningkat. Dilihat dari akun instagram resmi tangerang yaitu, @abouttng. Kasus bunuh diri, kekerasan dan sakit jiwa semakin banyak dan dikhawatirkan akan terus menigkat. Oleh karenanya dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu sistem informasi konsultan psikolog yang dapat memberikan suatu solusi dalam pemilihan psikolog sesuai dengan keriteria yaitu kategori, tempat, waktu dan pengalaman. Tujuan dibuatnya aplikasi ini adalah agar dapat menjadi wadah atau fasilitas penghubung antara pasien dan psikolog yang sesuai dengan kriteria pasien tanpa harus bertatap muka secara langsung. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analitical Hirarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dikatakan mendekati akurat sebab rasio akurasi yang dihasilkan CR<0,100 untuk pemilihan psikolog sesuai kriteria perbandingan AHP yang dipilih pasien dan lebih cepat dibandingkan pemilihan secara manual

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Marketing Tools Serta Penerapan Metode Ahp (Analytical Hierarchy Process) pada Proses Uji Kualitas Barang ( Studi Kasus : PT Edi Indonesia )

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    Komputer telah menjadi alat bantu utama dalam tiap kegiatan manusia. Tidak hanya untuk aplikasi bisnis, namun juga dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dari setiap Perusahaan. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada bagian marketing PT. EDI Indonesia, berorientasi pada manajemen persediaan barang, pencatatan marketing tools dan penyajian informasi secara komputerisasi. Dalam artian sistem yang akan dirancangan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi mulai dari proses pengajuan permohonan marketing tools, pencatatan pemasukan dan pengeluaran data barang yang masih dilakukan secara manual, serta proses uji kualitas barang menggunakan metode AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process). Untuk itu diperlukan pengoptimalan penggunaan komputer terhadap pemrosesan data dengan perancangan sebuah sistem informasi yang diaplikasikan kedalam bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan menggunakan framework CodeIgniter dan database MySQL agar dapat memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang ada dengan mampu menjawab kebutuhan bagian marketing. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan aplikasi yaitu System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Hasil dari Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Marketing Tools ini adalah fitur pengelolaan data marketing tools, data tersebut digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengambilan keputusan secara cepat untuk melakukan pengajuan permohonan pengadaan barang serta untuk mengetahui kualitas barang. Selain itu pengolahan data dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pelaporan secara efisien kepada top management

    The new clash of generation

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    Unlike in the sixties, today's clash of generations is not about creating (post-)materialistic values. It is about human species survival. The fear of decay (of the Empire through war) and the hope of revolution ( coming back a new to a starting configuration) are similar. Social State´s financial sustainability or the new generation of energy sources are partial problems. How to have justice for all, including the environment?, that´s a global problem. The main and also repressed question is about how climate change will impose new ways of living on us all.Political and cognitive alienation from the main human problems is pushing emotional responses in different directions. Alienation closes political systems from population and from it springs populist irrationality in politics, racist and sexist scapegoating, consumers street uprisings, etc. Considering the regulatory function of the law over technology, social exclusion, war, one can assess the way modern law focuses on intergeneration relationships and how a healthy environment has been dismissed as a human right. For this propose one will consider the ongoing legal attempts to criminalize ecocide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Direitos sociais no âmbito penal

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    A primeira parte do artigo discute o efeito censório da hiperdivisão disciplinar das ciências sociais, no caso dos estudos penitenciários. Na parte seguinte, desenha-se uma das fileiras institucionais de que as prisões são parte integrante, que começa na recolha de crianças abandonadas e acaba com muitas meninas na prostituição e rapazes na prisão. Por fim, oferece-se uma teoria geral sobre o papel sacrificial das prisões nas sociedades modernas. Mecanismo âncora que fixa cada um ao seu lugar social de nascimento, na favela, na profissão.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estigma, intenções e estados-de-espírito

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    O estudo das prisões requer a clarificação de noções como dolo, culpa ou intenção, com que os serviços de Estado trabalham; assim como estigma ou repugnância social que as pessoas sentem. Nenhuma destas noções é de uso exclusivo do sistema penal. A crítica à teoria social de Mouzelis identifica o reducionismo e a reificação como problemas recorrentes, a resolver através da consideração mais rigorosa dos movimentos dos protagonistas no espaço-tempo, analisáveis em diferentes níveis de realidade. Este artigo mobiliza o conceito de estados-de-espírito como forma de seguir estas sugestões. Exemplificando os seus méritos com o caso da análise social das prisões. Fá-lo recorrendo à teoria da relatividade que previu a plasticidade do espaço-tempo a níveis de energia suficientemente elevados. Prognosticando a plasticidade das estruturas, instituições e níveis de realidade sociais em função da intensidade dos agentes e da acção. O estado-de-espírito é uma referência à estabilidade existencial, vital e institucional desejada e possível, embora precária e sempre a necessitar de renovação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio