2,270 research outputs found

    Post-Activation Potentation of Trunk Rotational Movement on Punch Power Output in Amateur Bozers

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    This study aimed to investigate the post-activation potentiation (PAP) effect of a woodchop conditioning activity combined with an elastic resistance band on enhancing punching impact power among fifty-three amateur boxers (age = 21.8 Β± 4.7 years). The experimental protocol began with a pretest measuring punch impact power for rear hook, cross-punch, and frontal hook. Subsequently, participants underwent a PAP warm-up, which included a woodchop conditioning activity with an elastic resistance band at a moderate intensity, followed by a 7-minute rest interval. A onegroup pretest-posttest design was utilised to assess changes in impact power before and after the intervention. The data revealed that participants exhibited significantly greater punching impact power after completing the PAP protocol (p < .05). However, effect size (d) was trivial (d < 0.20). The data was then stratified into subgroups based on competitive level (Open-class vs. Development) and Resistance Training (RT) experience (Advanced vs. Novice). Results indicated that although significance difference was found in all three punch variations in the Development group, the effect size remained trivial. In contrast, although the Open-class group only showed significance in both the rear hook and frontal hook, the magnitude of the difference between groups was small in all three punch variations (d = 0.2-0.6). Analysing the data based on RT experience, the Novice group reported a significant difference in all punches with trivial effect sizes. Meanwhile, the Advanced group exhibited significance in the rear hook and frontal hook, but no significance in the cross-punch. Nevertheless, all three punches showed small effect sizes. In summary, the findings suggest that when combined with a woodchop conditioning activity and an elastic resistance band, PAP may lead to improvements in punch performance. Coaches and athletes seeking novel approaches to enhance performance may find this information valuable. However, it's important to note that while participants did punch with greater impact post-PAP, those with greater resistance training experience and of higher competitive level should a greater PAP sensitivity. Further research may be needed to explore the practical significance of these findings

    Nitrogen removal and ammonia-oxidising bacteria in a vertical flow constructed wetland treating inorganic wastewater

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    Nitrogen removal performance and the ammonia-oxidising bacterial (AOB) community were assessed in the batch loaded 1.3ha saturated surface vertical flow wetland at CSBP Ltd, a fertiliser and chemical manufacturer located in Kwinana, Western Australia. From September 2008 to October 2009 water quality was monitored and sediment samples collected for bacterial analyses. During the period of study the wetland received an average inflow of 1109m3/day with NH3-N = 40mg/L and NO3-N=23mg/L. Effluent NH3-N and NO3-N were on average 31mg/L and 25mg/L respectively. The overall NH3-N removal rate for the period was 1.2g/m2/d indicating the nitrifying capacity of the wetland. The structure of the AOB community was analysed using group specific primers for the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by clone libraries to identify key members. The majority of sequences obtained were most similar to Nitrosomonas sp. while Nitrosospira sp. was less frequent. Another two vertical flow wetlands, 0.8ha each, were commissioned at CSBP in July 2009, since then the wetland in this study has received nitrified effluent from these two new cells
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