2,745 research outputs found

    Impact of Ageratum conyzoides L. on the diversity and composition of vegetation in the Shivalik hills of Himachal Pradesh (Northwestern Himalaya), India

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    The flora of the Shivalik hills of Himachal Pradesh, India is under threat due to the rapid invasion of invasive species. Invasive species means an alien species, which becomes established in natural or semi-natural ecosystems and threatens native biological diversity. In their new regimes they show diverse life forms, habit, morphology, reproductive biology, grow fast, have the ability to grow under different habitats, produce enormous number of very small, light weight seeds that and can-survive in soil for years helping long distance dispersal and spread. They can out-compete native species, reduce wildlife habitat potential, alter natural ecosystem processes and limit overall biodiversity. Ageratum conyzoides is one such widely adaptive weed from sub-tropical America that has entered in the Shivalik hills of Hamrpur district of Himachal Pradesh. It has grown as monocultures, in grasslands, forests, agricultural, plantations and horticultural fields in Himachal Pradesh. Hence, it was decided to evaluate the impact of A. conyzoides on the diversity and floristic compositions of native species. It was found that as compared to control, in the Ageratum invaded area; the average number of plant species has reduced by 32.10%; the α diversity has reduced by 41.21% and the dry biomass of plants has also reduced significantly. It was concluded that invasion of A. conyzoides is drastically affecting the productivity and diversity of the invaded areas in Shivalik hills of Hamirpur district

    Comparison of the safety and efficacy of caroverine and betahistine in patients of subjective tinnitus

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    Background: Owing to lack of any established treatment and handicap assessment methods, subjective tinnitus can be a debilitating disorder. This study was carried out to compare the safety and efficacy of caroverine and betahistine in patients of subjective tinnitus.Methods: A total of 60 patients of subjective tinnitus were randomized into two groups and followed-up for 12 weeks using tinnitus handicap inventory (THI) questionnaire. One group received 8 mg betahistine tablet TDS for a month whereas the other group was given supervised intravenous (IV) infusion of 160 mg of caroverine dihydrochloride. Data for the safety were also recorded.Results: Both the drugs showed significant improvement in severity of symptoms at 1 week, 4 weeks and 12 weeks individually as assessed by the THI scores. The response to caroverine was significant up to 4 weeks, but it was not significant at 12 weeks; whereas the response to betahistine was significant up to 12 weeks. A total of 28 adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were reported (53.6% with caroverine, 46.4% with betahistine). 24 ADRs were mild and 4 were moderate in intensity. There was no serious adverse event.Conclusions: Both the drugs are safe and efficacious in reducing the handicap of subjective tinnitus. A single IV infusion of caroverine may suffice for 4-6 weeks, so it may be repeated after 6 weeks to maintain the relief

    Medicinal and economic uses of some introduced plant species and their conservation in the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida

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    Plants are an important part of human communities and their conservation should be done on priority basis. These plant species have been used for medicinal and economic purposes by the tribal human communities for many centuries. In the 21st century, many such plant species are under threat due to loss of habitats, over-exploitation, alien/invasive species and several other anthropogenic reasons. Thus, these plant species need to be conserved for the future generations before their permanent extinction from the planet earth. The Botanic Gardens have a very important role in their conservation. In the present study, an attempt has been made to conserve such medicinally and economically important plants at the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic (BGIR), Noida. Many plant species from all over India have been introduced in this garden for conservation since 2002. Out of them, a total of 51 species were selected and their medicinal and economic uses were studied and evaluated during the study along with other details like Hindi names, areas of distribution in India, and flowering and fruiting period at the BGIR. More details like the type of diseases treated from these plant species and particular plant parts used for the treatment have also been discussed. This paper will provide a comprehensive study of the uses of plant species conserved in the Botanic Garden from different phytogeographical regions of India

    Medicinal and economic uses of some introduced plant species and their conservation in the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic, Noida

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    795-803Plants are an important part of human communities and their conservation should be done on priority basis. These plant species have been used for medicinal and economic purposes by the tribal human communities for many centuries. In the 21st century, many such plant species are under threat due to loss of habitats, over-exploitation, alien/invasive species and several other anthropogenic reasons. Thus, these plant species need to be conserved for the future generations before their permanent extinction from the planet earth. The Botanic Gardens have a very important role in their conservation. In the present study, an attempt has been made to conserve such medicinally and economically important plants at the Botanic Garden of Indian Republic (BGIR), Noida. Many plant species from all over India have been introduced in this garden for conservation since 2002. Out of them, a total of 51 species were selected and their medicinal and economic uses were studied and evaluated during the study along with other details like Hindi names, areas of distribution in India, and flowering and fruiting period at the BGIR. More details like the type of diseases treated from these plant species and particular plant parts used for the treatment have also been discussed. This paper will provide a comprehensive study of the uses of plant species conserved in the Botanic Garden from different phytogeographical regions of India

    A case of Dystocia due to Fetal Ascites in Murrah Buffalo

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    Dystocia in buffalo due to fetal causes is not common. However there are reports suggesting dystocia due to dropsical condition of fetus. Present case reports one of the fetal dropsical conditions in buffalo. In this case we report a successful management of dystocia due to fetal ascites in Murrah buffalo by incising the fetal abdomen to take out the fluid from peritoneum

    Paisatges funeraris i diversitat a Anglaterra i a Gal·les: l'establiment d'una agenda = Deathscapes and diversity in England and Wales: setting an agenda

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    Aquest article se centra en una dimensió poc discutida, però important, de les experiències dels migrants i les minories a Anglaterra i Gal·les: els cementiris i crematoris de què disposen. Basat en una àmplia investigació amb comunitats locals i proveïdors de serveis en quatre ciutats casos d’estudi, aquest article ex-plora les diverses necessitats funeràries culturals i religioses a Anglaterra i Gal·les, els reptes que hi estan associats i les formes en què tant les comunitats com els proveïdors de serveis (p. ex.: planifica-dors i directors funeraris) hi responen. Destaquen vuit temes clau: i)l’oferta de cementiris; ii)l’oferta de crematoris; iii)l’oferta desigual per diferents grups migrants i minoritaris; iv)la diversitat en la diversitat; v)els canvis de patrons de repatriació;vi)el foment del diàleg;vii)la comprensió entre professionals icomunitats, i viii)la planificació dels cementiris com aespais de trobada.Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro.This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter. / Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro. / This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter

    Influence of surface engineering on 3D printed Ti lattice structure towards enhanced tissue integration: An in vitro and in vivo study

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    Reconstruction of segmental defects are popularly approached with surface engineered additively manufactured scaffolds owing to its enhanced post-surgery tissue integration properties. The present work is aimed at fabrication of Ti lattice structures using 3D printing, with a novel approach of silane chemistry-based surface modification of those Ti-surfaces with osteogenic peptides (OGP). The lattice structures with 0.6 mm strut-diameter having 0.5 mm inter-strut distance were chosen for fabrication using an extrusion-based 3D printing. Based on the evidence, it could be concluded that extrusion-based 3D printing is an optimal alternative as compared to those high cost incurring additive manufacturing processes. Therefore, OGP were grafted on the pristine Ti-surfaces using a silane chemistry based novel vapour deposition process. In vitro assessments of the surface modified scaffolds using human amniotic derived mesenchymal stem cells showed evidence of enhanced cell adhesion and viability. In vivo subcutaneous study in rat models of the surface modified Ti-scaffolds also showed enhanced tissue integration in terms of Collagen I deposition around the boundary of the tissue-integrated struts as compared to those of pristine scaffolds. The study has established that the novel surface modification technique is capable to engineer the Ti-surfaces towards enhanced tissue integration in vivo