1 research outputs found
- Author
- Abbasi
- Abrams
- Akita
- Akita
- Albini
- Albini
- Alderson
- Alpert
- Alpert
- Alpert
- Alpert
- Alpert
- Alpert
- American Society for Testing and Materials
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
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- Andrews
- Anthony
- Apte
- Atkins
- Atkinson
- Atkinson
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- Atreya
- Atreya
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
- Babrauskas
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- Burgoyne
- Burgoyne
- Burgoyne
- Burgoyne
- Burgoyne
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- Butcher
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- Cadorin
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- Cetegen
- Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers
- Chatris
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- Chitty
- Chuah
- Clancey
- Cleary
- Colwell
- Conseil Internationale du Bâtiment W14
- Conseil Internationale du Bâtiment W14
- Cook
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- Cooper
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- Cordova
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- Corlett
- Corlett
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- Cox
- Cox
- Cox
- Cox
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- de Ris
- de Ris
- de Ris
- de Ris
- de Ris
- Deal
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- Delichatsios
- Delichatsios
- Department for Communities and Local Government
- Department of Transport
- di Blasi
- di Blasi
- Di Nenno
- DIN 18230
- DIN 4102
- Dixon-Lewis
- Dixon-Lewis
- Dixon-Lewis
- DOC FF 3-71
- Dong
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- Dosanjh
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- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
- Drysdale
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- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
- Fernandez-Pello
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- Fleischmann
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- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
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- Glassman
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- Gottuk
- Gottuk
- Gottuk
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- Grant
- Grant
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- Gray
- Gray
- Gray
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- Griffiths
- Griffiths
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- Gross
- Gross
- Gross
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- Gugan
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- Harmathy
- Harmathy
- Harmathy
- Harmathy
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- Harrison
- Harrison
- Harrison
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- Hasemi
- Hasemi
- Hasemi
- Hasemi
- Hasemi
- Hasemi
- Hasemi
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- Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety Executive
- Health and Safety Executive
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- Hertzberg
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- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
- Heskestad
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- Hirano
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- Hottel
- Hottel
- Hottel
- Hottel
- Hottel
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- Huggett
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- Ishida
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- Ito
- Ito
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- Janssens
- Janssens
- Janssens
- Janssens
- Janssens
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- Jin
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- Joint Fire Research Organization
- Joint Fire Research Organization
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- Kanury
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- Kashiwagi
- Kashiwagi
- Kashiwagi
- Kashiwagi
- Kashiwagi
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- Law
- Law
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- Lawson
- Lawson
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- Manzello
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- Markstein
- Markstein
- Markstein
- Markstein
- Markstein
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- Martin
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- McCaffrey
- McCaffrey
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- McCarter
- McCarter
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- McGrattan
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- McIntosh
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- Mikkola
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- Milke
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- Miller
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- Moghtaderi
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- Moore
- Moore
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- Moussa
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- Mowrer
- Mowrer
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- Nakaya
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- Nelson
- Nelson
- Neoh
- Newman
- Newton
- Novozhilov
- Odeen
- Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
- Ohlemiller
- Ohlemiller
- Ohlemiller
- Ohlemiller
- Ohlemiller
- Ohlemiller
- Ohtani
- Orloff
- Orloff
- Orloff
- Orloff
- Orloff
- Orloff
- Pagni
- Pagni
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- Palmer
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- Parker
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- Pitts
- Pitts
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- Purser
- Purser
- Putzeys
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Quintiere
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rasbash
- Rath
- Rein
- Rein
- Rein
- Rein
- Rich
- Richter
- Ricou
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robertson
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- Rockett
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- Ross
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- Sato
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- Seader
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- Simmons
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- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
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- Spalding
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- Stec
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- Steckler
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- Stern-Gottfried
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- Steward
- Steward
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- Stull
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- Sultan
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- Suzuki
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- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Tewarson
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
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- Thyer
- Tien
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- Torero
- Torero
- Torero
- Tritton
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- Tse
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- Tu
- Ural
- Vagelopoulos
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- Viegas
- Vytenis
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- Wagner
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- Walton
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- Weng
- White
- White
- White
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- Wickstrom
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wolfhard
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- Woodburn
- Woodburn
- Woolley
- Woolley
- Woolley
- Woolley
- Woolley
- Wotton
- Wu
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- Yeoh
- You
- You
- Yuan
- Yule
- Yumoto
- Zalosh
- Zhang
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- Zhou
- Zhou
- Zukoski
- Zukoski
- Zukoski
- Zukoski
- Zukoski
- Ă–stman
- Ă–stman
- Ă–stman
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study