11 research outputs found

    Resolving confusions about jarrah dieback - don’t forget the plants

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    The name jarrah dieback has been used for two different disorders, leading to considerable confusion. It was coined in the 1940s to describe the sudden death of groups of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) trees in south western Western Australia, which occurred on poorly drained sites, following exceptionally heavy rainfall. In the 1960s these sites were shown to be infested by Phytophthora cinnamomi and jarrah deaths were attributed to it, even though it was only isolated from 5 % of sampled trees. Also the definition of jarrah dieback was expanded to include deaths of many other plants on infested sites, from which P. cinnamomi was more readily isolated. Jarrah trees die from severe water deficiency, indicating problems with water conduction through roots. Xylem vessel diameters vary along roots, being narrow at the root collar, while distally they are larger, providing water storage. Jarrah transpires vigorously during summer, accessing water at depth on sites with deep soil, but being more dependent on internally stored water when root systems are shallower. Following waterlogging, sapwood vessels become blocked with tyloses, reducing both conductivity and potential water storage; such trees may have insufficient water reserves for summer survival. In jarrah P. cinnamomi is unlikely to cause water deficiency because sapwood invasion is rapidly contained in healthy roots. Recent investigations into P. cinnamomi invasion and host responses in other plants show that it can potentially cause a vascular wilt in Banksia spp. and chronic, symptomless infections in herbaceous plants. Susceptibility to waterlogging damage, and/or mortality resulting from infection by P. cinnamomi can only be clarified by detailed knowledge of the hosts and their vulnerabilities. This is essential for making diagnoses, devising management strategies, and avoiding the confusions of the past

    How Phytophthora cinnamomi became associated with the death of Eucalyptus marginata – the early investigations into jarrah dieback

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    The name jarrah dieback was used in the 1940s to describe a serious economic problem in the jarrah forest in the south west of Western Australia. This was the sudden death of groups of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) trees that occurred on previously logged sites that had a tendency to become waterlogged in winter. Although the cause was not determined at the time, from symptoms recorded in early investigations the most likely explanation is that the trees died as the result of waterlogging damage. In the 1960s it was shown that many of these sites were infested by the introduced oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi and tree deaths, together with the deaths of many mid- and under-storey plants, were attributed to this pathogen. A chronology of the research, based on contemporary unpublished documents, shows that in 1968 the conclusion that P. cinnamomi caused jarrah deaths was not supported by the available evidence, because the work did not satisfy the first and fourth of Koch’s postulates. The evidence that P. cinnamomi killed many mid- and under-storey plants was much stronger. There are two problems that have been confused: the death of groups of jarrah trees (jarrah dieback) that is caused by waterlogging and the death of many mid- and under-storey plants (Phytophthora dieback) caused by P. cinnamomi infection

    Comparison of sapwood invasion by three Phytophthora spp.in different hosts

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    Many Phytophthora spp. have recently been isolated from native vegetation in Western Australia. As their pathogenicity is often unknown, it is not possible to provide advice to land managers on the impact of site infestation on native plants and how these infestations should be managed. We describe a rapid screening method based on sapwood invasion that has been used to compare the pathogenicity of Phytophthora arenaria, P. cinnamomi and P. multivora. Radial invasion into the xylem of six banksias and three eucalypts was assessed in an excised branch assay in summer and winter. Branches were wound inoculated and invasion was assessed by plating from a strip of tissue cut across the stem at the inoculation point and at 40 mm above and below. A symptomless infection had established in both the bark and sapwood within 6 days. P. arenaria was only isolated from the strip of tissue at the inoculation point. P. cinnamomi was isolated from the sapwood of Banksia attenuata, B. burdettii, B. menziesii and B. speciosa 40 mm above or below the inoculation point in some experiments. P. multivora was isolated from B. speciosa 40 mm below the inoculation point in one experiment. Hyphae of both species were seen in both ray parenchyma cells and xylem vessels. The invasiveness of the Phytophthora spp. was compared on the two groups of hosts using scores for sapwood invasion at the inoculation point. For banksias, P. cinnamomi and P. multivora had significantly higher invasion scores on banksias than P. arenaria but were not significantly different to one another. There was no significant difference between the three Phytophthora spp. on the eucalypt hosts. Assessing sapwood invasion provides a rapid, inexpensive and biologically meaningful way of screening the many Phytophthora spp. that have been isolated from native vegetation

    Relative importance of site, weather and Phytophthora cinnamomi in the decline and death of Eucalyptus marginata – jarrah dieback investigations in the 1970s to 1990s

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    Jarrah dieback was the name given to the sudden death of Eucalyptus marginata in the southwest ofWestern Australia, a serious economic problem. Although deaths were attributed to Phytophthora cinnamomi in the 1960s, the supporting evidence was weak; these deficiencies were not realised until 1980. Renewed interest in jarrah pathology showed that the incidence and severity of root lesions caused by P. cinnamomi in live trees was low, but in recent deaths it could be isolated from the root collar and large roots of some, but not all trees. Jarrah deaths result from hydraulic failure, implying extensive sapwood damage. This is unlikely to result from P. cinnamomi infection, which preferentially invades phloem, but could result from waterlogging, which causes tyloses to form in xylem vessels so they no longer conduct water. Tylosed root sapwood has been reported from investigations into jarrah deaths. An interpretation of past deaths based on stress factors better fits where and when deaths occur. This is within 3 years of exceptionally heavy rainfall, an inciting factor. Predisposing conditions are sites with some form of poor drainage, such as water-gaining sites, or those with impeded sub-soil drainage. Recent logging further increases site wetness. Phytophthora cinnamomi should be seen as a contributing factor, which is normally compartmentalised by the host, but can spread extensively in dying trees