31 research outputs found

    Multiple Imputation of Missing Composite Outcomes in Longitudinal Data.

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    In longitudinal randomised trials and observational studies within a medical context, a composite outcome-which is a function of several individual patient-specific outcomes-may be felt to best represent the outcome of interest. As in other contexts, missing data on patient outcome, due to patient drop-out or for other reasons, may pose a problem. Multiple imputation is a widely used method for handling missing data, but its use for composite outcomes has been seldom discussed. Whilst standard multiple imputation methodology can be used directly for the composite outcome, the distribution of a composite outcome may be of a complicated form and perhaps not amenable to statistical modelling. We compare direct multiple imputation of a composite outcome with separate imputation of the components of a composite outcome. We consider two imputation approaches. One approach involves modelling each component of a composite outcome using standard likelihood-based models. The other approach is to use linear increments methods. A linear increments approach can provide an appealing alternative as assumptions concerning both the missingness structure within the data and the imputation models are different from the standard likelihood-based approach. We compare both approaches using simulation studies and data from a randomised trial on early rheumatoid arthritis patients. Results suggest that both approaches are comparable and that for each, separate imputation offers some improvement on the direct imputation of a composite outcome

    The versatility of multi-state models for the analysis of longitudinal data with unobservable features.

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    Multi-state models provide a convenient statistical framework for a wide variety of medical applications characterized by multiple events and longitudinal data. We illustrate this through four examples. The potential value of the incorporation of unobserved or partially observed states is highlighted. In addition, joint modelling of multiple processes is illustrated with application to potentially informative loss to follow-up, mis-measured or missclassified data and causal inference

    Trivariate mover-stayer counting process models for investigating joint damage in psoriatic arthritis.

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    In psoriatic arthritis, many patients do not develop permanent joint damage even after a prolonged follow-up. This has led several authors to consider the possibility of a subpopulation of stayers (those who do not have the propensity to experience the event of interest), as opposed to assuming the entire population consist of movers (those who have the propensity to experience the event of interest). In addition, it is recognised that the damaged joints process may act very differently across different joint areas, particularly the hands, feet and large joints. From a clinical perspective, interest lies in identifying possible relationships between the damaged joints processes in these joint areas for the movers and estimating the proportion of stayers in these joint areas, if they exist. For this purpose, this paper proposes a novel trivariate mover-stayer model consisting of mover-stayer truncated negative binomial margins, and patient-level dynamic covariates and random effects in the models for the movers and stayers, respectively. The model is then extended to have a two-level mover-stayer structure for its margins so that the nature of the stayer property can be investigated. A particularly attractive feature of the proposed models is that only an optimisation routine is required in their model fitting procedures. © 2016 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Mixture distributions in multi-state modelling: some considerations in a study of psoriatic arthritis.

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    In many studies, interest lies in determining whether members of the study population will undergo a particular event of interest. Such scenarios are often termed 'mover-stayer' scenarios, and interest lies in modelling two sub-populations of 'movers' (those who have a propensity to undergo the event of interest) and 'stayers' (those who do not). In general, mover-stayer scenarios within data sets are accounted for through the use of mixture distributions, and in this paper, we investigate the use of various random effects distributions for this purpose. Using data from the University of Toronto psoriatic arthritis clinic, we present a multi-state model to describe the progression of clinical damage in hand joints of patients with psoriatic arthritis. We consider the use of mover-stayer gamma, inverse Gaussian and compound Poisson distributions to account for both the correlation amongst joint locations and the possible mover-stayer situation with regard to clinical hand joint damage. We compare the fits obtained from these models and discuss the extent to which a mover-stayer scenario exists in these data. Furthermore, we fit a mover-stayer model that allows a dependence of the probability of a patient being a stayer on a patient-level explanatory variable

    blandaltman: A command to create variants of Bland–Altman plots

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    Bland–Altman plots can be useful in paired data settings such as measurement-method comparison studies. A Bland–Altman plot has differences, percentage differences, or ratios on the y axis and a mean of the data pairs on the x axis, with 95% limits of agreement indicating the central 95% range of differences, percentage differences, or ratios. This range can vary with the mean. We introduce the community-contributed blandaltman command, which uniquely in Stata can 1) create Bland–Altman plots featuring ratios in addition to differences and percentage differences, 2) allow the limits of agreement for ratios and percentage differences to vary as a function of the mean, and 3) add confidence intervals, prediction intervals, and tolerance intervals to the plots

    Bias in 2-part mixed models for longitudinal semicontinuous data.

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    Semicontinuous data in the form of a mixture of zeros and continuously distributed positive values frequently arise in biomedical research. Two-part mixed models with correlated random effects are an attractive approach to characterize the complex structure of longitudinal semicontinuous data. In practice, however, an independence assumption about random effects in these models may often be made for convenience and computational feasibility. In this article, we show that bias can be induced for regression coefficients when random effects are truly correlated but misspecified as independent in a 2-part mixed model. Paralleling work on bias under nonignorable missingness within a shared parameter model, we derive and investigate the asymptotic bias in selected settings for misspecified 2-part mixed models. The performance of these models in practice is further evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations. Additionally, the potential bias is investigated when artificial zeros, due to left censoring from some detection or measuring limit, are incorporated. To illustrate, we fit different 2-part mixed models to the data from the University of Toronto Psoriatic Arthritis Clinic, the aim being to examine whether there are differential effects of disease activity and damage on physical functioning as measured by the health assessment questionnaire scores over the course of psoriatic arthritis. Some practical issues on variance component estimation revealed through this data analysis are considered

    Pulmonary metastasectomy versus continued active monitoring in colorectal cancer (PulMiCC): a multicentre randomised clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Lung metastasectomy in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer has been widely adopted without good evidence of survival or palliative benefit. We aimed to test its effectiveness in a randomised controlled trial (RCT). METHODS: Multidisciplinary teams in 13 hospitals recruited participants with potentially resectable lung metastases to a multicentre, two-arm RCT comparing active monitoring with or without metastasectomy. Other local or systemic treatments were decided by the local team. Randomisation was remote and stratified by site with minimisation for age, sex, primary cancer stage, interval since primary resection, prior liver involvement, the number of metastases, and carcinoembryonic antigen level. The central Trial Management Group were blind to patient allocation until completion of the analysis. Analysis was on intention to treat with a margin for non-inferiority of 10%. RESULTS: Between December 2010 and December 2016, 65 participants were randomised. Characteristics were well-matched in the two arms and similar to those in reported studies: age 35 to 86 years (interquartile range (IQR) 60 to 74); primary resection IQR 16 to 35 months previously; stage at resection T1, 2 or 3 in 3, 8 and 46; N1 or N2 in 31 and 26; unknown in 8. Lung metastases 1 to 5 (median 2); 16/65 had previous liver metastases; carcinoembryonic antigen normal in 55/65. There were no other interventions in the first 6 months, no crossovers from control to treatment, and no treatment-related deaths or major adverse events. The Hazard ratio for death within 5 years, comparing metastasectomy with control, was 0.82 (95%CI 0.43, 1.56). CONCLUSIONS: Because of poor and worsening recruitment, the study was stopped. The small number of participants in the trial (N = 65) precludes a conclusive answer to the research question given the large overlap in the confidence intervals in the proportions still alive at all time points. A widely held belief is that the 5-year absolute survival benefit with metastasectomy is about 35%: 40% after metastasectomy compared to < 5% in controls. The estimated survival in this study was 38% (23-62%) for metastasectomy patients and 29% (16-52%) in the well-matched controls. That is the new and important finding of this RCT. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID: NCT01106261. Registered on 19 April 2010