6 research outputs found

    Potentiale fuer die Verlagerung von Expressgutdiensten auf den Passagierluftverkehr in Europa und Auswirkungen auf ausgewaehlte Schadstoffemissionen am Beispiel Deutschlands

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    The express delivery system has been growing steadily within the last two decades and it represents a major part of today's less-than-truckload (LTL) transports in Europe. The typical express delivery network consists of a hub and spoke system which is linked by truck operations on shorter distances. In this work the potential for shifting a part of these operations towards passenger air transport is analysed. Further on, it is examined what effects this shift on the amount of emitted air pollutants would have. In a first step, all air passenger services within Europe were looked at with regard to their frequencies, their hour of the day and their aircraft types. The according payload capacities for the transport of express delivery goods were generated with a capacity model on the base of real airline data. Secondly, the European express delivery markets were analysed with the help of existing market reports and own market research studies in the three biggest markets Germany, France and United Kingdom. The fuel consumption and the related CO_2 and NO_X emissions for truck and air transport were computed on seven inner German and four international routes with the help of two simulation tools. The work ends with a general comparison of specific air pollutant emissions of both transportation modes in regard to short distance freight transportation. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RN 437(99-13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Szenarien des Luftverkehrs Deutschlands im Jahr 2010 vor dem Hintergrund kapazitaetsbeengter Flughafeninfrastruktur Verkehrswissenschaftliche Beitraege

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    Die Prognose von Passagier- und Flugbewegungsaufkommen deutscher Verkehrsflughaefen wird in drei Szenarien fuer das Jahr 2010 vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse des Referenz-Szenarios, in dem als Praemisse die Engpassfreiheit im Luftverkehrssystem unterstellt wird, zeigen, dass die ermittelten Flugbewegungen die vorhandene Start und Landebahnkapazitaet auf sechs Flughaefen uebersteigen. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Infrastrukturengpaesse werden ein Angebots- sowie ein Marktszenario entwickelt. In diesen beiden Szenarien wird untersucht, ob infolge hoeherer Auslastungen, durch den Einsatz groesseren Fluggeraets, durch eine geaenderte Flughafenwahl oder eine intensivierte Bahn-Luft-Kooperation die bestehenden Aufkommensueberhaenge entsprechend der Infrastrukturkapazitaet -insbesondere auf den am staerksten betroffenen Flughaefen Frankfurt und Duesseldorf - abgebaut werden koennen. (orig.)Volumes of passenger travel and of aircraft movements are analysed and forecast for German airports in three scenarios of the year 2010. The results of the so-called reference scenario - no bottlenecks in the air transport system -show that six of the busiest airports are not capable of handling the forecast movements. Therefore, forecast variants are discussed in a so-called supply and a market scenario in order to examine the possibilities of estimating the number of air transport movements at the airports concerned, that is primarily Frankfurt and Duesseldorf, at the demand level given such as not to exceed the runway capacity. The factors tested are higher load factors, using bigger aircraft, influencing the choice of alternative departure airports and a functional cooperation of the railway and airline system. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 437(1999-43) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Liberalisierung im Luftverkehr Deutschlands. Analyse und wettbewerbspolitische Empfehlungen Verkehrswissenschaftliche Beitraege

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    Liberalized air transport markets show better results than bilaterally restrictively regulated markets; because of this the German air traffic policy should strive for multilaterally liberalized market conditions. The main focus of this report lies on the regulations of bilateral transport markets. Fringe markets like for example the market of infrastructure are analysed only marginally. A competition concept is developed and on its basis the objectives of a liberalized air transport market are described. The status quo of the regulations and of the competitive situation are described whereup recommendations are elaborated for the competition policy as well as for regulations in view of the liberalization goal. Finally we propose measures to promote and sustain competition. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 437(2000-17) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Pollutants from air traffic. Results of atmospheric research 1992 - 1997

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    Das Verbundprogramm 'Schadstoffe in der Luftfahrt: Wirkung und Praevention' wurde im Zeitraum von 1992-1997 vom Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF) gefoerdert. Das Programm besteht aus den Bereichen Atmosphaerenforschung und Triebwerkstechnologie. Ziel des Programms ist es, die langfristigen Auswirkungen von Emmissionen des Luftverkehrs zu untersuchen, Massnahmen zur Reduktion des Schadstoffausstosses aus Flugzeugtriebwerken zu erarbeiten und Daten und Verfahren fuer regulatorische Massnahmen bereitzustellen. Der Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse aus dem Bereich der Atmosphaerenforschung zusammen. Schwerpunkte der Forschungsarbeiten sind die Analyse der Schadstoffemissionen in Form von Gasen (Stickoxide, Wasserdampf, Kohlenwasserstoffe, Schwefeldioxid u.a.) und Partikel (Russ und Schwefelsaeure-Aerosol) und ihrer Auswirkungen durch Fernerkundung, In-situ-Messungen und Modellierung. Es werden die physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse untersucht, die aufgrund der Emissionen regionale und globale Aenderungen der Ozonverteilung, der Zirrusbewoelkung - u.a. durch Kondensstreifen - und damit des Klimas hervorrufen koennen. Die Forschungsarbeiten wurden unter Federfuehrung des DLR von Universitaeten und Forschungseinrichtungen in Deutschland durchgefuehrt. (orig.)'Pollutants from Air Traffic: Effects and Prevention' is a German research program sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) over the years 1992-1997. The program is composed of an atmospheric science part and an engine technology part. It aims at assessing the long-term effects of pollutants from air traffic on the atmosphere, developing measures for reducing jet engine emissions, and providing regulatory measures. The report contains results from the atmospheric science part. Atmospheric science work is directed at diagnosing emissions and assessing their possible effects through the gaseous (nitrogen oxides, water vapour, hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide etc.) and particulate components (soot, sulfuric acid aerosols). Remote and in-situ measurements as well as model studies were carried out to analyse the physical and chemical processes which control regional and global changes of atmospheric ozone, cirrus cloud distribution - including contrails - and thus climate possibly induced by air traffic emissions. The research work was performed by partners from universities and research establishments in Germany under coordination by DLR. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 278(97-04) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman