525 research outputs found

    Postoperative complications associated with external skeletal fixators in cats

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to quantify complications associated with external skeletal fixators (ESFs) in cats and to identify potential risk factors. METHODS: A retrospective review of medical records and radiographs following ESF placement was performed. RESULTS: Case records of 140 cats were reviewed; fixator-associated complications (FACs) occurred in 19% of cats. The region of ESF placement was significantly associated with complication development. Complications developed most frequently in the femur (50%), tarsus (35%) and radius/ulna (33%). Superficial pin tract infection (SPTI) and implant failure accounted for 45% and 41% of all FACs, respectively. SPTI occurred more frequently in the femur, humerus and tibia, with implant failure more frequent in the tarsus. No association between breed, age, sex, weight, fracture type (open vs closed), ESF classification, number of pins per bone segment, degree of fracture load sharing, and the incidence or type of FAC was identified. No association between region of placement, breed, age, sex, weight, fracture type (open vs closed), ESF classification, number of pins per bone segment, fracture load sharing and the time to complication development was identified. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Complication development is not uncommon in cats following ESF placement. The higher complication rate in the femur, tarsus and radius/ulna should be considered when reviewing options for fracture management. However, cats appear to have a lower rate of pin tract infections than dogs

    Stoichiometry of a regulatory splicing complex revealed by single-molecule analyses

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    Splicing is regulated by complex interactions of numerous RNA-binding proteins. The molecular mechanisms involved remain elusive, in large part because of ignorance regarding the numbers of proteins in regulatory complexes. Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), which regulates tissue-specific splicing, represses exon 3 of α-tropomyosin through distant pyrimidine-rich tracts in the flanking introns. Current models for repression involve either PTB-mediated looping or the propagation of complexes between tracts. To test these models, we used single-molecule approaches to count the number of bound PTB molecules both by counting the number of bleaching steps of GFP molecules linked to PTB within complexes and by analysing their total emissions. Both approaches showed that five or six PTB molecules assemble. Given the domain structures, this suggests that the molecules occupy primarily multiple overlapping potential sites in the polypyrimidine tracts, excluding propagation models. As an alternative to direct looping, we propose that repression involves a multistep process in which PTB binding forms small local loops, creating a platform for recruitment of other proteins that bring these loops into close proximity

    Adipocyte mitochondrial genes and the forkhead factor FOXC2 are decreased in type 2 diabetes patients and normalized in response to rosiglitazone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>FOXC2 has lately been implicated in diabetes and obesity as well as mitochondrial function and biogenesis and also as a regulator of mtTFA/Tfam. In this study, the expression of FOXC2 and selected genes involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis in healthy subjects and in a matched cohort with type 2 diabetes patients before and after treatment with rosiglitazone was determined. Quantitative real time PCR was used to analyze both RNA and DNA from biopsies from subcutaneous adipose tissue.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Blood samples and subcutaneous abdominal fat biopsies were collected from 12 T2D patients, of which 11 concluded the study, pre-treatment and 90 days after initiation of rosiglitazone treatment, and from 19 healthy control subjects on the first and only visit from healthy subjects. Clinical parameters were measured on the blood samples. RNA and DNA were prepared from the fat biopsies and gene expression was measured with real time PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The expression level of genes in the mitochondrial respiratory complexes I - IV were significantly downregulated in the diabetic patients and restored in response to rosiglitazone treatment. Rosiglitazone treatment also increased the relative number of mitochondria in diabetic patients compared with controls. Furthermore, the transcription factors FOXC2 and mtTFA/Tfam displayed a response pattern identical to the mitochondrial genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>FOXC2, mtTFA/Tfam and subunits of the respiratory complexes I - IV show equivalent regulation in gene expression levels in response to TZD treatment. This, together with the knowledge that FOXC2 has a regulatory function of mtTFA/Tfam and mitochondrial biogenesis, suggests that FOXC2 has a possible functional role in the TZD activated mitochondrial response.</p

    Longevity and relationships with children: the importance of the parental role

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Social networks predict longevity across societies but specific mechanisms are largely unknown. The aim of this work was to examine the role of children in the longevity of elderly men and women in a cohort of community dwelling elderly people in Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data were taken from the "Aging in Leganes" cohort study with 15 years of follow-up. The baseline population was an age- and sex-stratified random sample of community dwelling people over 65 living in Leganés (Madrid) in 1993. Poor relationship with at least one child, emotional support and the perceived roles elders play in the lives of their children, extended family, spouse and friends were assessed at baseline. Cox proportional hazards models were fit to investigate the effects of social roles variables on longevity, adjusting for a wide range of socioeconomic, behavioural and health covariates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the fully adjusted model, having a poor relationship with at least one child increased mortality by 30%. Elderly persons who felt their role in their children's lives was important (HR = 0.70; 95% CI 0.54; 0.91) had a lower mortality risk than those who felt they played a small role. Feeling loved and listened to by one's children did not have an effect on survival. Maintaining an important role in the extended family was also significantly associated with survival.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this Mediterranean population, maintaining an important role in the lives of one's children is associated with survival. Functions of social networks related to meaning of life and different forms of social support may have important effects on mortality, and these functions may vary across cultures according to family norms and values.</p

    Multiscale Currents Observed by MMS in the Flow Braking Region

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    We present characteristics of current layers in the off-equatorial near-Earth plasma sheet boundary observed with high time-resolution measurements from the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission during an intense substorm associated with multiple dipolarizations. The four Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft, separated by distances of about 50 km, were located in the southern hemisphere in the dusk portion of a substorm current wedge. They observed fast flow disturbances (up to about 500 km/s), most intense in the dawn-dusk direction. Field-aligned currents were observed initially within the expanding plasma sheet, where the flow and field disturbances showed the distinct pattern expected in the braking region of localized flows. Subsequently, intense thin field-aligned current layers were detected at the inner boundary of equatorward moving flux tubes together with Earthward streaming hot ions. Intense Hall current layers were found adjacent to the field-aligned currents. In particular, we found a Hall current structure in the vicinity of the Earthward streaming ion jet that consisted of mixed ion components, that is, hot unmagnetized ions, cold E × B drifting ions, and magnetized electrons. Our observations show that both the near-Earth plasma jet diversion and the thin Hall current layers formed around the reconnection jet boundary are the sites where diversion of the perpendicular currents take place that contribute to the observed field-aligned current pattern as predicted by simulations of reconnection jets. Hence, multiscale structure of flow braking is preserved in the field-aligned currents in the off-equatorial plasma sheet and is also translated to ionosphere to become a part of the substorm field-aligned current system