28 research outputs found

    HEATR2 Plays a Conserved Role in Assembly of the Ciliary Motile Apparatus

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    Cilia are highly conserved microtubule-based structures that perform a variety of sensory and motility functions during development and adult homeostasis. In humans, defects specifically affecting motile cilia lead to chronic airway infections, infertility and laterality defects in the genetically heterogeneous disorder Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD). Using the comparatively simple Drosophila system, in which mechanosensory neurons possess modified motile cilia, we employed a recently elucidated cilia transcriptional RFX-FOX code to identify novel PCD candidate genes. Here, we report characterization of CG31320/HEATR2, which plays a conserved critical role in forming the axonemal dynein arms required for ciliary motility in both flies and humans. Inner and outer arm dyneins are absent from axonemes of CG31320 mutant flies and from PCD individuals with a novel splice-acceptor HEATR2 mutation. Functional conservation of closely arranged RFX-FOX binding sites upstream of HEATR2 orthologues may drive higher cytoplasmic expression of HEATR2 during early motile ciliogenesis. Immunoprecipitation reveals HEATR2 interacts with DNAI2, but not HSP70 or HSP90, distinguishing it from the client/chaperone functions described for other cytoplasmic proteins required for dynein arm assembly such as DNAAF1-4. These data implicate CG31320/HEATR2 in a growing intracellular pre-assembly and transport network that is necessary to deliver functional dynein machinery to the ciliary compartment for integration into the motile axoneme

    Chinese FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa: Engaging with Large Dragons

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    Dans le cadre de l'intérêt porté aux impacts des investissements chinois en Afrique sub-saharienne (ASS), cet article porte sur l'engagement de ces pays africains dans un partenariat avec des grandes entreprises d'Etat chinoises qui investissent dans les secteurs d'infrastructures et de ressources naturelles. Après avoir démontré l'ampleur des différents types d'investissements chinois, l'attention porte sur les caractéristiques propres à ces grandes entreprises publiques. Ces investissements chinois sont étroitement liés à l'aide et au commerce. L’article conclut que les pays d’ASS devraient adopter une réponse également intégrée et ciblée vis-à-vis les investisseurs chinois ainsi qu’aux autres investisseurs à grande échelle qui cherchent à exploiter leurs ressources afin de maximiser les opportunités qui leur sont offertes du fait des dotations en ressources naturelles du continent.European Journal of Development Research (2009) 21, 551–569. doi:10.1057/ejdr.2009.24