14 research outputs found

    Clustered Gene Expression Changes Flank Targeted Gene Loci in Knockout Mice

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    Gene expression profiling using microarrays is a powerful technology widely used to study regulatory networks. Profiling of mRNA levels in mutant organisms has the potential to identify genes regulated by the mutated protein.Using tissues from multiple lines of knockout mice we have examined genome-wide changes in gene expression. We report that a significant proportion of changed genes were found near the targeted gene.The apparent clustering of these genes was explained by the presence of flanking DNA from the parental ES cell. We provide recommendations for the analysis and reporting of microarray data from knockout mice

    The theory of expanded, extended, and enhanced opportunities for youth physical activity promotion

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    Background Physical activity interventions targeting children and adolescents (≤18 years) often focus on complex intra- and inter-personal behavioral constructs, social-ecological frameworks, or some combination of both. Recently published meta-analytical reviews and large-scale randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that these intervention approaches have largely produced minimal or no improvements in young people\u27s physical activity levels. Discussion In this paper, we propose that the main reason for previous studies\u27 limited effects is that fundamental mechanisms that lead to change in youth physical activity have often been overlooked or misunderstood. Evidence from observational and experimental studies is presented to support the development of a new theory positing that the primary mechanisms of change in many youth physical activity interventions are approaches that fall into one of the following three categories: (a) the expansion of opportunities for youth to be active by the inclusion of a new occasion to be active, (b) the extension of an existing physical activity opportunity by increasing the amount of time allocated for that opportunity, and/or (c) the enhancement of existing physical activity opportunities through strategies designed to increase physical activity above routine practice. Their application and considerations for intervention design and interpretation are presented. Summary The utility of these mechanisms, referred to as the Theory of Expanded, Extended, and Enhanced Opportunities (TEO), is demonstrated in their parsimony, logical appeal, support with empirical evidence, and the direct and immediate application to numerous settings and contexts. The TEO offers a new way to understand youth physical activity behaviors and provides a common taxonomy by which interventionists can identify appropriate targets for interventions across different settings and contexts. We believe the formalization of the TEO concepts will propel them to the forefront in the design of future intervention studies and through their use, lead to a greater impact on youth activity behaviors than what has been demonstrated in previous studies

    Metformin and lactic acidosis: cause or coincidence? A review of case reports

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    Objective. Metformin has been associated with the serious side-effect lactic acidosis. However, it remains unclear whether the use of metformin was a cause or a coincidence in lactic acidosis. Design. A literature search of the Index Medicus (1959-66) and of the databases Embase, Medline, Medline Express (1966-99) was performed using the keywords metformin, biguanides and lactic acidosis. All articles of cases with metformin-induced lactic acidosis (MILA) were cross-referenced. Subjects. Cases were included for analysis if they met the following criteria: serum pH less than or equal to7.35, lactate concentration greater than or equal to5 mmol L-1. Intervention. A forum of six experts in intensive care medicine independently categorized the cases in MILA unlikely (score 0), possible MILA (score 1) or probable MILA (score 2). Main outcome measures. Statistical analysis included the paired interobserver agreement (kappa) and multivariate regression analysis. Results. Of 80 reported cases, 33 were excluded because of insufficient quality. The forum scores of the remaining 47 cases were distributed normally with a mean score of 7 (range 2-10). The kappa-value was 0.041 (SD = 0.24, range -0.514, 0.427). Neither lactate concentration nor mortality correlated with serum metformin concentrations. Conclusions. Given the low interobserver agreement and the lack of any relationship between metformin levels and outcome parameters, the concept that there is a simple, causal relationship between metformin use and lactic acidosis in diabetic patients has to be reconsidered