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5 research outputs found
Action of topical mometasone on the pigmented halos of micrografting in patients with vitiligo
Agarwal US
Barman KD
+30 more
Barros JA
Bellet JS
Carlos D'Apparecida Santos Machado Filho
Czajkowski R
Duarte I
Falabella R
Francisco Macedo Paschoal
Gawkrodger DJ
Geraldez CB
Holla AP
Karine Dantas Diógenes Saldanha
Khunger N
Kim SM
Kose O
Kostovic K
Lahiri K
Lahiri K
Lahiri K
Lahiri K
Le Poole C
Mahmoud BH
Masuria BL
Mutalik S
Njoo MD
Nunes DH
Parsad D
Pianigiani E
Rusfianti M
Steiner D
Tamler C
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Pigmentation effect of electromagnetic fields at various intensities to melanocytes
AK Alhowaish
B Wei
+29 more
C Levy
CC Lan
D Dong
D Jian
D Parsad
D Shahbazi-Gahrouei
D Simon
DJ Goldberg
GE Costin
H Cho
HC Lee
IF Videira
IF Videira
J Vachtenheim
JW Byun
JY Lin
KA Sherwood
M Tachibana
MC Pirozzoli
MO Kim
P Julio César Hernández
PD Henion
R Buscà
S Baek
T Lotti
V Violaine
Y Sun
YK Choi
Z Jiang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Time dependent study to evaluate the efficacy of zinc on hepatic marker enzymes and elemental profile in serum and liver of protein deficient rats
A Goel
A Tandon
+44 more
A Tandon
AC Martel
AE Adames
AS Parsad
B Hultberg
B Sharda
B Singh
BS Yang
C Jacob
CJ Huang
D Dhawan
D Dhawan
D Dhawan
DA Johnson
DJ Davenport
DK Dhawan
E Layne
ER Driscoll
FZ Squali Houssaini
HH Sandstead
I Bremmer
J Kaur
JC Wallwork
JT Deagen
JV Klavins
LJ Wykes
M Rukgauer
ME Conard
MM Tokha-el-Sherif
MP Richards
MP Zago
OH Lowry
PN Singla
R Kumari
RC Srivastava
RE Burch
RE Gonzalez
RS Eisenstein
S Reitman
SK Tekeli
T Takeda
VA Obatolu
WC Pond
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Syntheses, characterization and crystal structures of new mono- and bis-Schiff base compounds derived from 1,2,4-triazine and the silver(I) complexes containing mono-Schiff base ligands
A Altmore
A Bondi
+52 more
A Dornow
A Garoufis
AA Bekhit
AA El-Barbary
AF Williams
AL Spek
B Boehner
CK Johnson
D Britton
DJ Parsad
F Heshmatpour
GM Sheldrick
GM Sheldrick
HW Roesky
J Costamagna
J Lv
K Singh
K Sundaravel
KC Gupta
L Shi
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Ghassemzadeh
M Mashali
M Sithambaram Karthikeyan
M Tabatabaee
M Timer
M Yazdanbakhsh
MA Ali
MGB Drew
MJ Hannon
MS Refat
N Raman
R Nair
R Ziesel
RA Archer
RM Abdel-Rahman
RM Abdel-Rahman
RM Abdel-Rahman
S Kumar
SK Padney
T Kaliyappan
T Sharafi
TE Ali
TG Richmond
W Radecka-Paryzek
Z El-Gengy
ZH Cohan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Treatment of Acne in Children
A Jarvinen
A Kadayifci
+91 more
A Langner
A Torrelo
A Ward
AC Yan
AD Katsambas
AJ Mancini
AK Gupta
AM Drucker
AM Kligman
Anthony D. Ormerod
AR Brecher
AW Lucky
AW Lucky
AW Lucky
AW Tan
B Dreno
B Martin
B Schroeder
BA Yentzer
C Antoniou
C Léauté-Labrèze
C Pierard-Franchimont
CB Turowski
CJ Barnes
CJ Witkop Jr
D Antonov
D Parsad
DI Friedman
DJ Lee
DJ Simmons
EW Chew
F Gruber
F Poli
F Sarazin
G Gordon
G Plewig
GF Webster
HE Baldwin
HM Robison Jr
JA Fenner
JE Strachan
JH Cove
JJ Digiovanna
JJ Leyden
JJ Leyden
JJ Leyden
JL Cantatore-Francis
JM Stainforth
K Degitz
K Mourelatos
KD Arbegast
L Hegemann
LA Goldsmith
LC Decker
LF Eichenfield
LF Eichenfield
Lindsey Yeo
M Ayhan
M Bjellerup
M Hello
M Patel
M Sagransky
ME Stewart
MI Herane
MK Singhi
MS Lewis-Jones
MW Mann
NB Esterly
NS Treister
O Kose
OH Mills Jr
P Coates
PC Merker
R Maleszka
R Rafiei
R Rapelanoro
RJ Brown
S Babaeinejad
S Bhambri
S Knowles
S Kus
SC Taylor
SF Friedlander
T Jansen
WF Bergfeld
WJ Cunliffe
WJ Cunliffe
WJ Cunliffe
WJ Cunliffe
WL Tom
YM Mengesha
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text