759 research outputs found

    Memristor-Based Edge Detection for Spike Encoded Pixels

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    Memristors have many uses in machine learning and neuromorphic hardware. From memory elements in dot product engines to replicating both synapse and neuron wall behaviors, the memristor has proved a versatile component. Here we demonstrate an analog mode of operation observed in our silicon oxide memristors and apply this to the problem of edge detection. We demonstrate how a potential divider exploiting this analog behavior can prove a scalable solution to edge detection. We confirm its behavior experimentally and simulate its performance on a standard testbench. We show good performance comparable to existing memristor based work with a benchmark score of 0.465 on the BSDS500 dataset, while simultaneously maintaining a lower component count

    Neuromorphic Dynamics at the Nanoscale in Silicon Suboxide RRAM

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    Resistive random-access memories, also known as memristors, whose resistance can be modulated by the electrically driven formation and disruption of conductive filaments within an insulator, are promising candidates for neuromorphic applications due to their scalability, low-power operation and diverse functional behaviors. However, understanding the dynamics of individual filaments, and the surrounding material, is challenging, owing to the typically very large cross-sectional areas of test devices relative to the nanometer scale of individual filaments. In the present work, conductive atomic force microscopy is used to study the evolution of conductivity at the nanoscale in a fully CMOS-compatible silicon suboxide thin film. Distinct filamentary plasticity and background conductivity enhancement are reported, suggesting that device behavior might be best described by composite core (filament) and shell (background conductivity) dynamics. Furthermore, constant current measurements demonstrate an interplay between filament formation and rupture, resulting in current-controlled voltage spiking in nanoscale regions, with an estimated optimal energy consumption of 25 attojoules per spike. This is very promising for extremely low-power neuromorphic computation and suggests that the dynamic behavior observed in larger devices should persist and improve as dimensions are scaled down

    Engineering Silicon Oxide by Argon Ion Implantation for High Performance Resistance Switching

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    We report that implanting argon ions into a film of uniform atomic layer deposition (ALD)-grown SiOx enables electroforming and switching within films that previously failed to electroform at voltages <15 V. We note an implantation dose dependence of electroforming success rate: electroforming can be eliminated when the dosage is high enough. Our devices are capable of multi-level switching during both set and reset operations, and multiple resistance states can be retained for more than 30,000 s under ambient conditions. High endurance of more than 7 million (7.9 × 106) cycles is achieved alongside low switching voltages (±1 V). Comparing SiOx fabricated by this approach with sputtered SiOx we find similar conduction mechanisms between the two materials. Our results show that intrinsic SiOx switching can be achieved with defects created solely by argon bombardment; in contrast to defects generated during deposition, implantation generated defects are potentially more controllable. In the future, noble ion implantation into silicon oxide may allow optimization of already excellent resistance switching devices

    A nanoscale analysis method to reveal oxygen exchange between environment, oxide, and electrodes in ReRAM devices

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    The limited sensitivity of existing analysis techniques at the nanometer scale makes it challenging to systematically examine the complex interactions in redox-based resistive random access memory (ReRAM) devices. To test models of oxygen movement in ReRAM devices beyond what has previously been possible, we present a new nanoscale analysis method. Harnessing the power of secondary ion mass spectrometry, the most sensitive surface analysis technique, for the first time, we observe the movement of 16O across electrically biased SiOx ReRAM stacks. We can therefore measure bulk concentration changes in a continuous profile with unprecedented sensitivity. This reveals the nanoscale details of the reversible field-driven exchange of oxygen across the ReRAM stack. Both the reservoir-like behavior of a Mo electrode and the injection of oxygen into the surface of SiOx from the ambient are observed within one profile. The injection of oxygen is controllable through changing the porosity of the SiOx layer. Modeling of the electric fields in the ReRAM stacks is carried out which, for the first time, uses real measurements of both the interface roughness and electrode porosity. This supports our findings helping to explain how and where oxygen from ambient moisture enters devices during operation

    Ultra-Sensitive Hot-Electron Nanobolometers for Terahertz Astrophysics

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    The background-limited spectral imaging of the early Universe requires spaceborne terahertz (THz) detectors with the sensitivity 2-3 orders of magnitude better than that of the state-of-the-art bolometers. To realize this sensitivity without sacrificing operating speed, novel detector designs should combine an ultrasmall heat capacity of a sensor with its unique thermal isolation. Quantum effects in thermal transport at nanoscale put strong limitations on the further improvement of traditional membrane-supported bolometers. Here we demonstrate an innovative approach by developing superconducting hot-electron nanobolometers in which the electrons are cooled only due to a weak electron-phonon interaction. At T<0.1K, the electron-phonon thermal conductance in these nanodevices becomes less than one percent of the quantum of thermal conductance. The hot-electron nanobolometers, sufficiently sensitive for registering single THz photons, are very promising for submillimeter astronomy and other applications based on quantum calorimetry and photon counting.Comment: 19 pages, 3 color figure

    Substrate stabilisation and small structures in coral restoration: State of knowledge, and considerations for management and implementation.

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    Coral reef ecosystems are under increasing pressure from local and regional stressors and a changing climate. Current management focuses on reducing stressors to allow for natural recovery, but in many areas where coral reefs are damaged, natural recovery can be restricted, delayed or interrupted because of unstable, unconsolidated coral fragments, or rubble. Rubble fields are a natural component of coral reefs, but repeated or high-magnitude disturbances can prevent natural cementation and consolidation processes, so that coral recruits fail to survive. A suite of interventions have been used to target this issue globally, such as using mesh to stabilise rubble, removing the rubble to reveal hard substrate and deploying rocks or other hard substrates over the rubble to facilitate recruit survival. Small, modular structures can be used at multiple scales, with or without attached coral fragments, to create structural complexity and settlement surfaces. However, these can introduce foreign materials to the reef, and a limited understanding of natural recovery processes exists for the potential of this type of active intervention to successfully restore local coral reef structure. This review synthesises available knowledge about the ecological role of coral rubble, natural coral recolonisation and recovery rates and the potential benefits and risks associated with active interventions in this rapidly evolving field. Fundamental knowledge gaps include baseline levels of rubble, the structural complexity of reef habitats in space and time, natural rubble consolidation processes and the risks associated with each intervention method. Any restoration intervention needs to be underpinned by risk assessment, and the decision to repair rubble fields must arise from an understanding of when and where unconsolidated substrate and lack of structure impair natural reef recovery and ecological function. Monitoring is necessary to ascertain the success or failure of the intervention and impacts of potential risks, but there is a strong need to specify desired outcomes, the spatial and temporal context and indicators to be measured. With a focus on the Great Barrier Reef, we synthesise the techniques, successes and failures associated with rubble stabilisation and the use of small structures, review monitoring methods and indicators, and provide recommendations to ensure that we learn from past projects

    A Sensitive and Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Cell Free In Vitro Non-Homologous End Joining Assay for Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for sustaining hematopoietic homeostasis and regeneration after injury for the entire lifespan of an organism. Maintenance of genomic stability is crucial for the preservation of HSCs, which depends on their efficient repair of DNA damage, particularly DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). Because of the paucity of HSCs and lack of sensitive assays, directly measuring the ability of HSCs to repair DSBs has been difficult. Therefore, we developed a sensitive and quantitative cell free in vitro non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) assay using linearized plasmids as the substrates and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique. This assay can sensitively detect DSB repair via NHEJ in less than 1 µg 293T cell nuclear proteins or nuclear extracts from about 5,000 to 10,000 human BM CD34+ hematopoietic cells. Using this assay, we confirmed that human bone marrow HSCs (CD34+CD38− cells) are less proficient in the repair of DSBs by NHEJ than HPCs (CD34+CD38+ cells). In contrast, mouse quiescent HSCs (Pyronin-Ylow LKS+ cells) and cycling HSCs (Pyronin-Yhi LKS+ cells) repaired the damage more efficiently than HPCs (LKS− cells). The difference in the abilities of human and mouse HSCs and HPCs to repair DSBs through NHEJ is likely attributed to their differential expression of key NHEJ DNA damage repair genes such as LIG4. These findings suggest that the qPCR-based cell free in vitro NHEJ assay can be used to sensitively measure the ability of human and mouse HSCs to repair DSBs
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