14 research outputs found

    Imparting carrier status results detected by universal newborn screening for sickle cell and cystic fibrosis in England: a qualitative study of current practice and policy challenges

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Universal newborn screening for early detection of children affected by sickle cell disorders and cystic fibrosis is currently being implemented across England. Parents of infants identified as carriers of these disorders must also be informed of their baby's result. However there is a lack of evidence for most effective practice internationally when doing so. This study describes current or proposed models for imparting this information in practice and explores associated challenges for policy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews with Child Health Coordinators from all English Health Regions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Diverse methods for imparting carrier results, both within and between regions, and within and between conditions, were being implemented or planned. Models ranged from result by letter to in-person communication during a home visit. Non-specialists were considered the best placed professionals to give results and a similar approach for both conditions was emphasised. While national guidance has influenced choice of models, other factors contributed such as existing service structures and lack of funding. Challenges included uncertainty about guidance specifying face to face notification; how best to balance allaying parental anxiety by using familiar non-specialist health professionals with concerns about practitioner competence; and extent of information parents should be given. Inadequate consideration of resource and service workload was seen as the main policy obstacle. Clarification of existing guidance; more specific protocols to ensure consistent countrywide practice; integration of the two programmes; and 'normalising' carrier status were suggested as improvements.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Differing models for communicating carrier results raise concerns about equity and clinical governance. However, this variation provides opportunity for evaluation. Timely and more detailed guidance on protocols with clarification of existing recommendations is needed.</p

    Communicating genetic information: a difficult challenge for future pediatricians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of the pediatrician as genetic counselor is ideal because pediatricians have medical knowledge and experience with genetic disorders (e.g. Down syndrome). Moreover, pediatricians can provide comprehensive care in a medical home to patients with genetic disorders. However, changes in the curriculum of the pediatric resident are necessary to address the future challenges of effectively communicating genetic information to patients. The objective of this study was to explore these challenges and make recommendations for training to adequately prepare pediatricians for their future role as genetic counselors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three reviewers independently searched PubMed, OVID, and Medline databases to identify articles describing the challenges of communicating genetic information to patients, published from 1960 to December 2005. After the publications were identified and reviewed, four major areas of interest were identified in order to categorize the findings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-five publications were identified during the literature search. From the review, the following categories were selected to organize the findings: (1) Inherent difficulties of communicating and comprehending genetic information; (2) Comprehension of genetic information by pediatricians; (3) Genetics training in residency programs; and (4) The effect of genetic information on the future role of pediatricians and potential legal implications.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pediatricians and residents lack essential knowledge of genetics and communication skills for effective counseling of patients. The review indicated that successful communication of genetic information involves a number of important skills and considerations. It is likely that these skills and considerations are universally required for the communication of most complex specialized medical information. In the past, communication skills have not been considered a priority. Today, these skills have become a demanding professional and even legal obligation. However, the challenges involved in communicating complex medical information cannot be successfully addressed with universal, one-size-fits-all recommendations. Residency training programs require changes to adequately prepare future pediatricians for the growing challenge of communicating genetic information. Four important skills should be considered in the training of residents to improve the communication of complex information to patients. These skills are (1) discriminating, (2) understanding, (3) simplifying, and (4) explaining information.</p

    Parents' responses to receiving sickle cell or cystic fibrosis carrier results for their child following newborn screening.

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    Universal newborn screening for sickle cell disorders and cystic fibrosis aims to enable the early identification and treatment of affected babies. Screening can also identify infants who are healthy carriers, with carrier results being the commonest outcome for parents and professionals to discuss in practice. However it is unclear what the effect will be on parents on being informed of their baby’s carrier result. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of 67 family members (49 mothers, 16 fathers, 2 grandparents) of 51 infants identified by universal newborn screening as carriers of cystic fibrosis (n=27) and sickle cell (n=24), across all health regions in England. Data were analysed by thematic analysis with subsequent respondent validation. Untoward anxiety or distress among parents appeared influenced by how results were conveyed, rather than the carrier result per se. Parents who had more prior awareness of carrier status or the possibility of a carrier result assimilated the information more readily. Being left in an information vacuum while awaiting results, or before seeing a professional, led some parents to fear that their child had a serious health condition. Parental distress and anxiety appeared mostly transient, subsiding with understanding of carrier status and communication with a professional. Parents regarded carrier results as valuable information and sought to share this with their families and to inform their children in the future. However parents needed greater support after communication of results in considering and accessing cascade testing, and negotiating further communication within their families

    Tracking clinical genetic services for newborns identified through newborn dried bloodspot screening in the United States—lessons learned

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    To determine how US newborn dried bloodspot screening (NDBS) programs obtain patient-level data on clinical genetic counseling services offered to families of newborns identified through newborn NDBS and the extent to which newborns and their families receive these services. These data should serve to inform programs and lead to improved NDBS follow-up services. Collaborations were established with three state NDBS programs that reported systematically tracking genetic counseling services to newborns and their families identified through NDBS. A study protocol and data abstraction form were developed and IRB approvals obtained. Data from three state NDBS programs on a total of 151 patients indicated that genetic services are documented systematically only by metabolic clinics, most often by genetic counselors. Data from 69 endocrinology patients indicated infrequent referrals for genetic services; as expected higher for congenital adrenal hyperplasia than congenital hypothyroidism. Endocrinology patients were often counseled by physicians. While systematic tracking of genetic counseling services may be desirable for quality assurance of NDBS follow-up services, current systems do not appear conducive to this practice. Clinical records are not typically shared with NDBS programs and tracking of follow-up clinical genetic services has not been generally defined as a NDBS program responsibility. Rather, tracking of clinical services, while recognized as useful data, has been viewed by NDBS programs as a research project. The associated IRB requirements for patient-related research may pose an additional challenge. National guidance for NDBS programs that define quality genetic service indicators and monitoring responsibilities are needed. US experiences in this regard may provide information that can assist developing programs in avoiding tracking issues