6 research outputs found

    La communication dans la relation praticien patient en odontologie

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    Savoir écouter, c est savoir soigner , on pourrait ajouter à cette formule : savoir parler au patient c est pouvoir le soigner. On l aura compris, la première étape dans la prise en charge d un patient est primordial, d elle découle l harmonie du couple soignant-soigné. ON envisage donc dans une première partie les grands principes de la communication avec les théories développées autour des acteurs et des différents facteurs qui en découlent aboutissant à l étape clé de la consultation. Dans une deuxième partie on envisagera tous les éléments qui nourrissent cet échange : l élocution, l expression du visage, les silences. La dernière partie montre la manière dont le praticien va exploiter ces données théoriques pour mettre en place avec l accord du patient dont il aura acquis la confiance, un plan de traitement compris et accepté.BORDEAUX2-BU Sci.Homme/Odontol. (330632102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evaluation de l'alternance de l'onde T par la méthode de la variabilité (à propos de 48 cas)

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    POITIERS-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Diagnostic du compartiment macrophyte dans 17 masses d’eau de transition lagunaires en 2016, 2017 et 2018

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    En Méditerranée, des campagnes de surveillance sont mises en oeuvre tous les 3 ans depuis 2006 pour répondre aux objectifs de surveillance des eaux côtières et de transition. Ce rapport présente en détail les résultats des campagnes de suivi de l’état des macrophytes dans les masses d’eau de transition (MET) lagunaires, réalisées en 2016, 2017 et 2018, intégrées à l’état des lieux DCE 2018.

    Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata population decline at a nickel-mining site: a critical need for adapted conservation strategies

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    New Caledonia hosts a large part of the world’s breeding population of the Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata. This rare, cryptic and little-studied seabird nests locally in the mountains up to 1,200 m in altitude, particularly in ultramafic (i.e. nickel-rich) areas where mining activity is a major threat. The considerable development of mining activities in New Caledonia over the past decade raises concerns about its potential impacts on breeding populations through both direct habitat destruction and side effects such as pollution or repeated disturbances. This context calls for a dedicated assessment of the persistence of local populations to guide the design of an adapted conservation strategy and potential restoration programmes. We investigated the impact of mining activities on a Tahiti Petrel population when surveyed pre-mining (2004–2007) and following a period of full mining (2017–2018). The vocal activity was assessed at a total of 114 night-call count stations spread over the Koniambo massif. Areas with ground-originated vocal activity were then searched during daytime for nesting evidence. Finally, georeferenced aerial photos were used to estimate habitat degradation as the percentage of bare soil cover (PBSC) within a 400-m radius around each call count station. Our study revealed a dramatic decline in the Tahiti Petrel vocal activity and a desertion of breeding habitats during the full-mining period compared to the pre-mining period. In light of these results, we recommend designing safe breeding areas and combining restoration methods including social attraction, predation control and artificial burrows at mining sites

    Comparative phenotypic, genotypic and genomic analyses of Bacillus thuringiensis associated with foodborne outbreaks in France.

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    Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) belongs to the Bacillus cereus (Bc) group, well known as an etiological agent of foodborne outbreaks (FBOs). Bt distinguishes itself from other Bc by its ability to synthesize insecticidal crystals. However, the search for these crystals is not routinely performed in food safety or clinical investigation, and the actual involvement of Bt in the occurrence of FBOs is not known. In the present study, we reveal that Bt was detected in the context of 49 FBOs declared in France between 2007 and 2017. In 19 of these FBOs, Bt was the only microorganism detected, making it the most likely causal agent. Searching for its putative origin of contamination, we noticed that more than 50% of Bt isolates were collected from dishes containing raw vegetables, in particular tomatoes (48%). Moreover, the genomic characterization of isolates showed that most FBO-associated Bt isolates exhibited a quantified genomic proximity to Bt strains, used as biopesticides, especially those from subspecies aizawai and kurstaki. Taken together, these results strengthen the hypothesis of an agricultural origin for the Bt contamination and call for further investigations on Bt pesticides