5,551 research outputs found

    Anomaly-Induced Gauge Unification and Brane/Bulk Couplings in Gravity-Localized Theories

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    It has recently been proposed that gravity-localized compactifications can generate the required gauge hierarchy without the need for hierarchically large extra spacetime dimensions. In this paper, we show that gauge coupling unification arises naturally in such scenarios as a result of the anomaly induced by the rescaling of the wavefunctions of the brane fields. Thus, ``anomaly-induced'' gauge coupling unification can easily explain the apparent low-energy gauge couplings in gravity-localized compactifications. However, we also point out a number of phenomenological difficulties with such compactifications, including an inability to accommodate the GUT scale and the electroweak scale simultaneously. We also show that brane/bulk couplings in this scenario are generically too small to be phenomenologically relevant. Finally, we speculate on possible resolutions to these puzzles.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    New Directions for New Dimensions: From Strings to Neutrinos to Axions to...

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    In this talk, I discuss recent developments concerning the possibility of large extra spacetime dimensions. After briefly reviewing how such dimensions can lower the fundamental GUT, Planck, and string scales, I then outline how these scenarios lead to a new higher-dimensional seesaw mechanism for generating neutrino oscillations --- perhaps even without neutrino masses. I also discuss how extra dimensions lead to new mechanisms contributing to the ``invisibility'' of the QCD axion. This talk reports on work done in collaboration with Emilian Dudas and Tony Gherghetta.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures. Invited plenary talk given at PASCOS '99 (held at Lake Tahoe, California, 10-16 December 1999). To appear in the Proceeding

    Shape versus Volume: Making Large Flat Extra Dimensions Invisible

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    Much recent attention has focused on theories with large extra compactified dimensions. However, while the phenomenological implications of the volume moduli associated with such compactifications are well understood, relatively little attention has been devoted to the shape moduli. In this paper, we show that the shape moduli have a dramatic effect on the corresponding Kaluza-Klein spectra: they change the mass gap, induce level crossings, and can even be used to interpolate between theories with different numbers of compactified dimensions. Furthermore, we show that in certain cases it is possible to maintain the ratio between the higher-dimensional and four-dimensional Planck scales while simultaneously increasing the Kaluza-Klein graviton mass gap by an arbitrarily large factor. This mechanism can therefore be used to alleviate (or perhaps even eliminate) many of the experimental bounds on theories with large extra spacetime dimensions.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure


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    We discuss one of the generic spacetime consequences of having (1,0) worldsheet supersymmetry in tachyon-free string theory, namely the appearance of a ``misaligned supersymmetry'' in the corresponding spacetime spectrum. Misaligned supersymmetry is a universal property of (1,0) string vacua which describes how the arrangement of bosonic and fermionic states at all string energy levels conspires to preserve finite string amplitudes, even in the absence of full spacetime supersymmetry. Misaligned supersymmetry also constrains the degree to which spacetime supersymmetry can be broken without breaking modular invariance, and is responsible for the vanishing of various mass supertraces evaluated over the infinite string spectrum. [Talk delivered at Strings '95, based on material drawn from hep-th/9402006 and hep-th/9409114. To appear in Proceedings.]Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, one encapsulated figur

    Modular Invariance, Finiteness, and Misaligned Supersymmetry: New Constraints on the Numbers of Physical String States

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    We investigate the generic distribution of bosonic and fermionic states at all mass levels in non-supersymmetric string theories, and find that a hidden ``misaligned supersymmetry'' must always appear in the string spectrum. We show that this misaligned supersymmetry is ultimately responsible for the finiteness of string amplitudes in the absence of full spacetime supersymmetry, and therefore the existence of misaligned supersymmetry provides a natural constraint on the degree to which spacetime supersymmetry can be broken in string theory without destroying the finiteness of string amplitudes. Misaligned supersymmetry also explains how the requirements of modular invariance and absence of physical tachyons generically affect the distribution of states throughout the string spectrum, and implicitly furnishes a two-variable generalization of some well-known results in the theory of modular functions.Comment: standard LaTeX; 55 pages, 4 figures. (Note: This replaced version matches the version which was published in Nuclear Physics B.
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