178 research outputs found

    Diskriminasi Perempuan dalam Antologi Cerpen Titik Nadir Penantian Karya Perempuan Lapas

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang diskriminasi yang dialami oleh para tokoh perempuan. Antologi cerpen ini merupakan coretan kisah para perempuan binaan lapas dari latar belakang kehidupan yang penuh dengan problematika mereka masing-masing. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengungkap bentuk-bentuk dan faktor penyebab diskriminasi perempuan dalam Antologi Cerpen Titik Nadir Penantian Karya Perempuan Lapas IIA Sukun Malang. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Sumber data yaitu Antologi Cerpen Titik Nadir Penantian Karya Perempuan Lapas IIA Sukun Malang Edisi Revisi. Data penelitian berupa dialog dan narasi dalam cerpen yang mengungkap bentuk-bentuk diskriminasi perempuan dan faktor penyebab terjadinya diskriminasi perempuan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan menurut Miles dan Huberman dengan tahapan sebagai berikut: (1) tahap reduksi; (2) tahap penyajian data; (3) tahap penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian berupa bentuk-bentuk diskriminasi perempuan yaitu: (1) bentuk subordinasi; (2) bentuk stereotip; (3) bentuk kekerasan; (4) bentuk beban kerja. Faktor penyebab yang membuat perempuan mengalami diskriminasi di antaranya: (1) faktor keluarga dan (2) faktor lingkungan

    Hollanda Yüksek Öğretim Enstitüsü Erken Çocukluk Gelişimi Diploma Kursu: İzlenimler ve Öneriler

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    Quality of the personnel employed at libraries for children in pre-school or early childhood years has gained in significance nowadays. For the personnel to be employed at pre-school and children’s departments, Netherlands Institute for Higher Education based in Ankara implemented the project called “Early Childhood Development (ECD) Diploma Course” to give training in the fields of pre-school education, child psychology and children’s literature. The first program was completed at the end of 2010 while the second started in January 2011 and ended with the graduation ceremony in November 2011. Throughout the year 2011, 3-day trainings were given for 5 times in different time spans and a one-week training trip to the Netherlands was organized. It was understood that habits of reading and library usage are gained more easily in early childhood years and that public and children’s libraries assume a special role in the process of learning how to read and meeting libraries for the first time.Günümüzde okul öncesi ya da erken çocukluk dönemindeki çocuklara yönelik kü­tüphanelerdeki personelin niteliği önem kazanmıştır. Ankara’da yerleşik olarak hizmet veren Hollanda Leiden Üniversitesi Yüksek Öğretim Enstitüsü okul öncesi ve çocuk bölümlerinde görev yapacak personelin okul öncesi eğitimi, çocuk psi­kolojisi, çocuk edebiyatı alanlarında eğitim almaları amacıyla “Erken Çocukluk Gelişimi Diploma Kursu (Early Childhood Development- ECD)” projesini uy­gulamıştır. Programın birincisi 2010 yılının sonunda tamamlanmış, ikinci eğitim programı Ocak 2011’de başlayıp, Kasım 2011 tarihindeki diploma töreni ile sona ermiştir. 2011 yılı süresince farklı zamanlarda 5 defa 3’er günlük eğitimler veril­miş ve Hollanda’ya 1 haftalık bir eğitim gezisi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Okuma ve kü­tüphane kullanma alışkanlığının çok erken yaşlarda daha kolay kazanıldığı, halk ve çocuk kütüphanelerinin okumayı öğrenme ve kütüphanelerle tanışma sürecinde çok özel bir rol üstlendiği anlaşılmıştır

    Perencanaan Konstruksi Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom

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    Dide Khoirul Adam. 2022. Perencanaan Konstruksi Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom. Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom Dirancang Dengan Tujuan Untuk Memproduksi Sandal Secara Masal, Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom Ini Dapat Dioperasikan Secara Efektif dan Efisien. Selain Bertujuan Untuk Diproduksi Masal, Sandal Custom Rencananya Untuk Program Pengabdian Masyarakat Dengan Membagikan Sandal Wakaf Untuk Wudhu Di Masjid Sekitar. Metode Yang Diterapkan Dalam Perancangan Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom Ini Diawali Dengan Perancangan Konsep. Penyajian Gambar Dan Indentifikasi Alat Dan Bahan Yang Digunakan Pada Perancangan Konstruksi Mesin Produksi Sandal Custom Ini Terdiri Dari Besi Hollow, Besi Kanal U (UNP), Plat Besi, Roda. Hasil Perhitungan Tegangan Las Sebesar 0,0915 Kg/Mm, Regangan 1,106 Kg/Mm, Tegangan Patah 0,010 Kg/Mm. Tegangan Geser Baut 0,001 Kg/〖Mm〗^2 Dan Mur 0,182 Kg/〖Mm〗^2, Tegangan Tarik Mur Dan Baut 0,42 Kg/〖Mm〗^2, Tegangan Tekan Mur Dan Baut 0,009 Kg/〖Mm〗^2 Serta Mur Dan Baut Mengalami Momen Torsi Sebesar 0,248 Kg/〖Mm〗^2. Pembebanan Dan Reaksi Gaya Pada Titik A Sebesar 2,03 Kg Dan Pada Titik B Sebesar 1,76 Kg

    Early-Phase Clinical Trials of Bio-Artificial Organ Technology:A Systematic Review of Ethical Issues

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    Regenerative medicine has emerged as a novel alternative solution to organ failure which circumvents the issue of organ shortage. In preclinical research settings bio-artificial organs are being developed. It is anticipated that eventually it will be possible to launch first-in-human transplantation trials to test safety and efficacy in human recipients. In early-phase transplantation trials, however, research participants could be exposed to serious risks, such as toxicity, infections and tumorigenesis. So far, there is no ethical guidance for the safe and responsible design and conduct of early-phase clinical trials of bio-artificial organs. Therefore, research ethics review committees will need to look to related adjacent fields of research, including for example cell-based therapy, for guidance. In this systematic review, we examined the literature on early-phase clinical trials in these adjacent fields and undertook a thematic analysis of relevant ethical points to consider for early-phase clinical trials of transplantable bio-artificial organs. Six themes were identified: cell source, risk-benefit assessment, patient selection, trial design, informed consent, and oversight and accountability. Further empirical research is needed to provide insight in patient perspectives, as this may serve as valuable input in determining the conditions for ethically responsible and acceptable early clinical development of bio-artificial organs

    Clinical Translation of Bio-Artificial Pancreas Therapies:Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Interdisciplinary Considerations and Key Recommendations

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    The field of regenerative medicine offers potential therapies for Type 1 Diabetes, whereby metabolically active cellular components are combined with synthetic medical devices. These therapies are sometimes referred to as “bioartificial pancreases.” For these emerging and rapidly developing therapies to be clinically translated to patients, researchers must overcome not just scientific hurdles, but also navigate complex legal, ethical and psychosocial issues. In this article, we first provide an introductory overview of the key legal, ethical and psychosocial considerations identified in the existing literature and identify areas where research is currently lacking. We then highlight two principal areas of concern in which these discrete disciplines significantly overlap: 1) individual autonomy and 2) access and equality. Using the example of beta-cell provenance, we demonstrate how, by harnessing an interdisciplinary approach we can address these key areas of concern. Moreover, we provide practical recommendations to researchers, clinicians, and policymakers which will help to facilitate the clinical translation of this cutting-edge technology for Type 1 Diabetes patients. Finally, we emphasize the importance of exploring patient perspectives to ensure their responsible and acceptable translation from bench to body.</p