51 research outputs found

    Quality of life in workers and stress: gender differences in exposure to psychosocial risks and perceived well-being

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    Background. Quality of working life is the result of many factors inherent in the workplace environment, especially in terms of exposure to psychosocial risks. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of life with special attention to gender differences. Methods. The HSE-IT questionnaire and the WHO-5 Well-Being Index were administered to a group of workers (74 males and 33 females). The authors also used Cronbach’s alpha test to assess the internal consistency of both questionnaires and the Mann–Whitney test to evaluate the significance of gender differences in both questionnaires. Results. The HSE-IT highlighted the existence of work-related stress in all the population with a critical perception regarding the domain “Relationships.” Furthermore, gender analysis highlighted the presence of two additional domains in the female population: “Demand” ( = 0,002) and “Support from Managers” ( = 0,287). The WHO-5 highlighted a well-being level below the standard cut-off point with a significant gender difference ( = 0.009) for males (18, SD = 6) as compared to females (14, SD = 6,4). Cronbach’s alpha values indicated a high level of internal consistency for both of our scales. Conclusions. The risk assessment of quality of working life should take into due account the individual characteristics of workers, with special attention to gender

    Cellular Automata and Random Field: Statistical Analysis of Complex Space-Time Systems

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    In the classical approach to the mathematical model specification, for space-time complex system, the usual framework is the Partial Difference-Differential Equations system (PDEs). This approach is very hard from a mathematical point of view, and the search for the (PDEs) solutions, almost in the practical applications, often it is impossible. Our approach is based, on the contrary, on Cellular Automata methodology in the framework of Random Field models. The statistical model building methodology for the Random Fields, is based on very simple statistical and probabilistic reasoning that utilize the concept of divisible distributions and logistic non-linear model. The interaction rules for the Cellular Automata mechanism, are built thorough inferential statistics and data analysis

    Application of stochastic processes and the random field theory to the resolution of ecological systems from spatial and temporal point of view.

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    In this work we will develop approaches having the aim to bu9ild ecological models in the framework of mechanistic and statistical combined approach for spatial scaling and spatial/temporal modelling. The statistical and mathematical tools are stochastic processes and random field theory applied to the prediction and control of ecological systems

    WebGIS e indici sintetici per la rappresentazione e diffusione di dati funzionali all’emergenza nella città metropolitana di Napoli

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    L’elevatissima densità demografica ed edilizia e la potenziale esplosività del Vesuvio e dei Campi Flegrei rendono la Città Metropolitana di Napoli un contesto altamente vulnerabile in termini di possibile perdita di vite umane e beni immobili per eventi geodinamici. Vari modelli e applicazioni sono stati sviluppati per descrivere le probabili modalità eruttive, funzionalmente alla messa a punto di apposite misure di emergenza ed evacuazione preventiva. Notevole rilevanza riveste l’accorta valutazione degli aspetti sociali, economici e sanitari, in modo da tarare opportunamente le differenti fasi della pianificazione strategica, prevedere alternative, non escludere il verificarsi di fenomeni di rallentamento e accrescere la sensibilizzazione della popolazione. A tal fine può essere inoltre importante costruire indici sintetici di supporto alla pianificazione e diffondere e condividere specifiche informazioni in piattaforme online interattive, mettendo al servizio degli enti locali e dei residenti strumenti in grado di creare una conscia consapevolezza. Questo lavoro si pone il duplice obiettivo di: combinare dati e variabili che, opportunamente pesati ed elaborati, possano essere utilizzati per definire indici sintetici di potenziale rallentamento; mostrare alcuni WebGIS prodotti per visualizzare e interrogare le variabili confluite nell’indice sintetico di rallentamento (o di inerzia), e altri dati di interesse socio-sanitario, che, qualora trascurati, potrebbero incidere negativamente sul processo di evacuazione o amplificare le conseguenze dell’evento eruttivo

    Monitoring tropospheric ozone impact on plants in natural and urban areas with a Mediterranean climate

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    To investigate the real linkage and effectiveness of using the AOT40 index and ozone stomatal flux (FO3) in the assessment of physiological alteration/leaf injury on clover clones sensitive to ozone and Quercus ilex plants, two statistical techniques Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Neural Net Analysis (NNA)-were applied. Different results were obtained in relation to the statistical method chosen. Linear methodologies applied to clover highlighted the role of temperature (TEMP) and O-3 concentration (O(3)Mean) in affecting photosynthesis (PHOTO), leaf injury, and stomatal conductance (COND). In Quercus plants, COND was linearly correlated to two environmental variables, TEMP and Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD), and to two physiological variables, PHOTO and Leaf Transpiration (TRASP), whereas PHOTO was correlated with TEMP, sO(3), COND and sub-stomatal CO2/external CO2 ratio (Ci/Ca). These linear relationships were, in part, modified by NNA. In fact, non-linear relationships between environmental variables, and morphological and physiological variables were evident, suggesting caution when risk assessments are made on ozone concentration-based critical levels. Both plant types showed a relationship with FO3 that negatively affected leaf injury and PHOTO in clover and Quercus plants, respectively, suggesting that ozone flux-based critical levels were more effective in linking with leaf injuries or reduction in carbon metabolism

    Statistical analysis of ozone concentration: a forecasting and control model in urban areas

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    Ozone concentration in the urban areas of Rome is studied using statistical methods of multivariate and time series analysis. Data of two sites (a green park and a high motor traffic street) are evaluated and O3g concentration daily and seasonal trends are linked to other variables behaviours. Furthermore the relationship between the full set of pollution variables has analyse

    Is cellular automata algorithm able to predict the future dynamical shifts of tree species in Italy under climate change scenarios? A methodological approach

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    In this paper is presented a methodological approach which integrates statistic modelling and 2-D cellular automata (CA) in order to describe tree species shifts responding to the climate changes foreseen for Italy in the 21st century. Five Italian tree species populations of Abies alba, Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica, Acer campestris and Quercus sober and their actual potential distributions (PDs) - represented by Importance Value (IV), have been considered. Environmental and climatic relationships have been modelled through application of a new statistical methodology called extreme discretization, where the PD of a species was considered as a random field. The IV-based PD has been spatialized through a probability function pi(A,S), which represented the spatio-temporal relationships between IV values and climatic (A) and geomorphological (S) variables. For each tree species pi = (A,S) has been estimated and inserted as rule in the 2-D cellular automata. The latter, acting by a Moore neighbouring, took in consideration also the suitability map for tree species, which has been obtained by land cover map. Two time frames (2050 and 2080) and two climatic scenarios (A2 and B1) have been considered. Results described a general reduction of the IV values and their distribution for A. alba, P. sylvestris and F. sylvatica, in both climatic scenarios, whereas an increase of IVs and distribution for Q. suber and only a slight increment of distribution for A. campestris was mainly observed under the B1 scenario, but not for the more limiting A2 scenario. Convergent results have been obtained with respect to other simulation systems concerning the shift of tree species responding to different climatic change scenarios but lacking of the description of dynamical paths. Our approach seems natural and practical to describe such phenomena. The transition rules for the CA and the parameters taken into account for the construction of the probabilistic models can be surely improved to obtain a more realistic pattern of tree species shifts. Future efforts should be made to take in account the inter-specific relationships inside the Italian forest ecosystems, in order to also consider the competiveness for resources that exert some effects on the plant distribution both in time and space

    The importance of interspecific competition in the actual and future distributions of plant species assessed by a 2-D grid agent modelling

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    Currently, potential distribution of plant species is represented by different uses of presence/absence indicators or by density-dominance-based ones such as the Importance Value (I.V.), and their geographical representation is based on statistical models (Random forest model, General Regression Models etc.) relating these indicators with climate and physical features of a given territory. Here, we have built an integrated model which is able to link climate, physical features of territory and inter-specific competition at aiming to simulate potential distribution of eight plant species (Quercus cerris, Quercus pubescens, Fraxinus ornus, Fraxinus excelsior, Acer campestre, Acer obtusatum, Ostrya carpinifolia and Carpinus betulus) either at actual climate conditions or future ones (B1 and A2 climatic scenarios; IPCC, 2013). The integrated model is based on innovative methodological approach, which combined statistical tools (Principal Component Analyses and Discretization) and two-dimensional grid based model to consider the interactive effects of climate and inter-specific competition on plant species distribution. The study case was given by geographical spatialisation of the I.V. for each considered plant species, in the overall Italian territory. The simulations had always occurred by taking into consideration both expected climate change and inter-specific competition under highly complexity terrains. The results substantially differed from other studies that used only environmental predictors for estimating potential plant distributions. Variations in the I.V. distribution seemed to be due to variations of relative competitive abilities of plants, reducing both local extinctions of some species in Southern and Central Italy and migration toward North. Furthermore, our simulations suggested that under pressure of climate change the competitive ability of plant species will be likely affected by reducing the effects of competitive asymmetry

    A methodological approach for assessing the effects of disturbance factors on the conservation status of Mediterranean coastal dune systems

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    Questions How can the conservation status of Mediterranean coastal dunes be assessed? What is the effect of disturbance factors on it? Location Tyrrhenian coast of Central Italy. Methods Vegetation releves along 164 transects lying perpendicular to the shoreline along the Tyrrhenian coast of Central Italy were used to identify the presence of dune habitats by means of TWINSPAN classification and detrended correspondence analysis. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to analyse relationship between habitats and disturbance factors. The resulting Burt's table was used to build an index (habitat-disturbance, HDi) for analysing this relationship. Based on HDi values, a correspondence analysis (CA) between presence/absence of habitats and disturbances was performed. The overall plant species diversity of dunes was measured with NHDUNE, a modified version of the Shannon index. Multi-way ANOVA procedure was used to investigate effect of single disturbance factors and their interactive effect on NHDUNE. Results Classification and ordination procedures identified four sequential habitats moving from the shoreline to inland: annual vegetation on drift lines characterized by Cakile maritima; embryonic shifting dunes dominated by Elymus farctus; shifting dunes with Ammophila arenaria subsp. australis; back dune grasslands characterized by Ononis variegata. CA showed that disturbance factors influence dune habitats differently. In particular, the Cakile community had a negative relationship with beach tourism and mechanical cleaning; the Elymus community had a positive relationship with beach tourism and mechanical cleaning and a negative relationship with erosion and bathing establishments; the Ammophila community had a negative relationship with mechanical cleaning and bathing establishments and a positive relationship with dune cross-trampling; and the Ononis community had a negative relationship with bathing establishment. According to multi-way ANOVA, single disturbance factors can have different effects on plant species diversity as measured by NHDUNE. However, the overall effect is negative, with erosion as a single factor and the combination of mechanical cleaning and bathing establishments significantly lowering the plant diversity of coastal dune systems. Conclusions The proposed method allows a fast and replicable evaluation of the effects of disturbance factors on the conservation status of Mediterranean coastal dunes, providing the information necessary for development of conservation strategies focusing on a single habitat or on the overall dune system
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