16 research outputs found

    Molecular and microscopic characterization of a novel Eastern grey kangaroopox virus genome directly from a clinical sample

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    Abstract Poxviruses are large DNA viruses with varying zoonotic potential, and are recognised in a broad range of wildlife. Although poxviruses have been detected in kangaroos, their genetic relationships to poxviruses in other animals and humans is not well understood. Here, we present a novel genome sequence of a marsupial poxvirus, the Eastern grey kangaroopox virus (EKPV-NSW), isolated from a wild eastern grey kangaroo. In the present study, histopathologically confirmed epidermal pox lesions were used to recover the full-length viral genome and perform electron microscopic analysis, with both immature virions and intracellular mature virions detected. Subsequent analysis of the EKPV-NSW genome demonstrated the highest degree of sequence similarity with EKPV-SC strain (91.51%), followed by WKPV-WA (87.93%), and MOCV1 (44.05%). The novel EKPV-NSW complete genome encompasses most of the chordopoxviruses protein coding genes (138) that are required for genome replication and expression, with only three essential protein coding genes being absent. The novel EKPV-NSW is missing 28 predicted genes compared to the recently isolated EKPV-SC, and carries 21 additional unique genes, encoding unknown proteins. Phylogenetic and recombination analyses showed EKPV-NSW to be the distinct available candidate genome of chordopoxviruses

    Evidencias actuales sobre la estimulación magnética transcraneal y su utilidad potencial en la neurorrehabilitación postictus: Ampliando horizontes en el tratamiento de la enfermedad cerebrovascular

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    Resumen: Introducción: La estimulación magnética transcraneal repetitiva (EMTr) constituye una realidad terapéutica en la rehabilitación postictus, ya que confiere efectos neuroprotectores incidiendo favorablemente en la modulación de la neuroplasticidad (NP), ayudando así al cerebro en su capacidad para readaptar circuitos neuronales y, con ello, la restauración y adquisición de nuevas habilidades compensatorias. Desarrollo: Búsqueda de artículos en PubMed, últimos libros y recomendaciones de las guías de práctica clínica y sociedades científicas publicadas más relevantes, referentes al uso terapéutico de la EMTr en la rehabilitación de pacientes con ictus. Se incluyen las evidencias y recomendaciones según los criterios de la International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2014) al respecto. Conclusiones: La identificación de pacientes con ictus subsidiarios de recibir EMTr es importante para acelerar la fase de recuperación. La EMTr ha demostrado ser segura y efectiva para tratar los déficits que aparecen tras un ictus. Los pulsos electromagnéticos excitatorios e inhibitorios aplicados en el hemisferio cerebral ipsolateral o contralateral a la lesión, respectivamente, así como a nivel transcalloso para regular la comunicación interhemisférica cerebral, nos brindan la posibilidad de optimizar la actividad cerebral funcional. Los diferentes estudios realizados sobre EMTr han demostrado la mejoría de los trastornos motores, la afasia, la disartria, la disfagia orofaríngea, la depresión y las dificultades perceptivo-cognitivas que aparecen en estos pacientes. Sin embargo, se necesitan ensayos clínicos controlados, aleatorizados, bien diseñados, que incluyan a un mayor número de pacientes, para poder recomendar con un mayor nivel de evidencia y de forma generalizada, la utilización adecuada de la EMTr en los enfermos afectados por un ictus. Abstract: Introduction: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a therapeutic reality in post-stroke rehabilitation. It has a neuroprotective effect on the modulation of neuroplasticity, improving the brain's capacity to retrain neural circuits and promoting restoration and acquisition of new compensatory skills. Development: We conducted a literature search on PubMed and also gathered the latest books, clinical practice guidelines, and recommendations published by the most prominent scientific societies concerning the therapeutic use of rTMS in the rehabilitation of stroke patients. The criteria of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology (2014) were followed regarding the inclusion of all evidence and recommendations. Conclusions: Identifying stroke patients who are eligible for rTMS is essential to accelerate their recovery. rTMS has proven to be safe and effective for treating stroke complications. Functional brain activity can be optimised by applying excitatory or inhibitory electromagnetic pulses to the hemisphere ipsilateral or contralateral to the lesion, respectively, as well as at the level of the transcallosal pathway to regulate interhemispheric communication. Different studies of rTMS in these patients have resulted in improvements in motor disorders, aphasia, dysarthria, oropharyngeal dysphagia, depression, and perceptual-cognitive deficits. However, further well-designed randomized controlled clinical trials with larger sample size are needed to recommend with a higher level of evidence, proper implementation of rTMS use in stroke subjects on a widespread basis. Palabras clave: Afasia, Disfagia, Estimulación magnética transcraneal, Ictus, Neuroplasticidad, Neurorrehabilitación, Keywords: Aphasia, Dysphagia, Transcranial magnetic stimulation, Stroke, Neuroplasticity, Neurorehabilitatio

    Human skeletal muscle fibre contractile properties and proteomic profile: adaptations to 3 weeks of unilateral lower limb suspension and active recovery

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    It is generally assumed that muscle fibres go through atrophy following disuse with a loss of specific force and an increase in unloaded shortening velocity. However, the underlying mechanisms remain to be clarified. Most studies have focused on events taking place during the development of disuse, whereas the subsequent recovery phase, which is equally important, has received little attention. Our findings support the hypotheses that the specific force of muscle fibres decreased following unilateral lower limb suspension (ULLS) and returned to normal after 3 weeks of active recovery as a result of a loss and recovery of myosin and actin content. Furthermore, muscle fibres went through extensive qualitative changes in muscle protein pattern following ULLS, and these were reversed by active recovery. Resistance training was very effective in restoring both muscle mass and qualitative muscle changes, indicating that long‐term ULLS did not prevent the positive effect of exercise on human muscle

    High-throughput fluorescence assays for ion channels and GPCRs

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    Ca2+, Na+ and K+- permeable ion channels as well as GPCRs linked to Ca2+ release are important drug targets. Accordingly, high-throughput fluorescence plate reader assays have contributed substantially to drug discovery efforts and pharmacological characterization of these receptors and ion channels. This chapter describes some of the basic properties of the fluorescent dyes facilitating these assay approaches as well as general methods for establishment and optimisation of fluorescence assays for ion channels and Gq-coupled GPCRs