30 research outputs found

    Checklist della flora vascolare psammofila della Toscana

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    Checklist of the psammophilous vascular flora of Tuscany. An updated list of the psammophilous vascular flora occurring in coastal areas of Tuscany is presented. The list is based on bibliographic analysis and field studies effected ad hoc in the year 2012-2013. 704 specific and infraspecific taxa are reported (641 native). They belong to 383 genera and 90 families. Most represented families are Poaceae (13%), Asteraceae (12%), Fabaceae (10%), Caryophyllaceae (5%), Apiaceae (4%). 63 units are naturalized exotic species (about 9% of the flora). Aloe arborescens is a casual exotic newly recorded for Tuscany. The Italian endemics are 6, of which three are exclusive of sandy Tuscan coasts (Centaurea aplolepa Moretti subsp. subciliata (DC.) Arcang., Limonium etruscum Arrigoni & Rizzotto, Solidago litoralis Savi). Only 11 taxa were recorded in all or almost all the study areas: Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link subsp. arundinacea H.Lindb, Cakile maritima Scop. subsp. maritima, Calystegia soldanella (L.) Roem. & Schult., Echinophora spinosa L., Eryngium maritimum L., Kali tragus (L.) Scop. s.l., Lagurus ovatus L. subsp. ovatus, Medicago marina L., Pancratium maritimum L., Sporobolus virginicus Kunth

    Convenient diastereospecific synthesis of a rociverine precursor and its resolution by lipase-catalyzed transesterification

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    Racemic cyclohexyl(hydroxymethyl)cyclohexanol I (R = H), a precursor of the antimuscarinic drug Rociverine, was obtained diastereospecifically in very high yield, from the Grignard reaction between C6H11MgCl and an appropriately protected 2-(hydroxymethyl)cyclohexanone.  The prepn. of enantiomerically enriched (+)-(1R,2S)-(hydroxymethyl)cyclohexanol II and the corresponding 2-acetoxymethyl deriv. (+)-(1S,2R)-I (R = Ac) was achieved by lipase PPL-catalyzed transesterification of racemic I (R = H) with vinyl acetate

    Catalytic hydrogenation for the industrial synthesis of the Wong's anthracyclines intermediate

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    A new catalytic synthesis of the Wong's ant.racyclines intermediate, (R)-2-acetyl-2-hydroxy-5,8-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronapthlene, starting from the corresponding 1,2-diol has been discovered through its selective hydrogenolysis in the presence of palladium heterogeneous catalysts. High yield and no racemization were found under mild reaction conditions: the molar selectivity towards the target product was always higher than 99.5%. The catalytic performances resulted strongly dependent on the nature of the palladium catalyst, unreduced Pd/C showing the best performances. This straightforward catalytic route significantly improves the up to now adopted industrial process. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved