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4 research outputs found
Acaricidal effects of Corymbia citriodora oil containing para-menthane-3,8-diol against nymphs of Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae)
A Bormane
A Estrada-Peña
+28 more
A Gardulf
CF Curtis
D Strickman
DE Sonenshine
DH Al-Rajhy
E Lindgren
E Lindgren
E Lindgren
E Zhioua
Fawzeia H. Elmhalli
G Silva-Aguayo
H Kampen
HA Mejlon
J Materna
J Piesman
Jan Örberg
Katinka Pålsson
L Bennet
L Tälleklint
M Daniel
MH Sarih
MT Yeh
PM Jensen
S Garboui
SM Ahmed
TGT Jaenson
Thomas G. T. Jaenson
W-I Choi
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
In vitro acaricidal effect of Melia azedarach and Artemisia herba-alba extracts on Hyalomma dromedarii (Acari: Ixodidae): embryonated eggs and engorged nymphs
A Abbas
A Abbas
+41 more
A Elghali
A Estrada-Pena
A Sariosseiri
AA Guglielmone
AAY Rubae
ACDS Chagas
ACS Chagas
AEHH Mohamed
AR Brody
AR Walker
AT Showler
CA Maxwell
DH Al-Rajhy
DJ Finney
EM Laghzaoui
GC Bansal
H Tunon
HH Abdullah
HR El-Seedi
IM Osman
JE Keirans
JF Ferreira
LA De Sousa
LMF Borges
LS Roberts
M Idris
M Van Straten
MN Khan
MS Mulla
P Pillay
PJ Homsher
PK Yadav
R Godara
R Godara
S Abdel-Shafy
S Abdel-Shafy
S Ghosh
S Masood
SF Soares
SM Aboelhadid
SM Habeeb
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Photosensitizers in the fight against ticks: safranin as a novel photodynamic fluorescent acaricide to control the camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii (Ixodidae)
A Barbieri
A Elghali
+89 more
A Elghali
AA Ali
AF El-Nahas
AM Alahmed
AM Helleck
AS Marzouk
AW Mukhebi
B Bhattacarya
B Dondji
BW Bissinger
CA Rebeiz
CA Rebeiz
DA Apanaskevich
DE Sonenshine
DE Sonenshine
DH Al-Rajhy
DJ Finney
DM Soderlund
E Hecht
EC Webb
EM Salama
F Abdel-Ghaffar
F Dantas-Torres
F Nchu
FA Jenkins
G Benelli
G Jori
G Jori
Giovanni Benelli
GM Klafke
H Cetin
H Lu
H Mehlhorn
H Mehlhorn
Hanem Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HF Khater
HH Tonnesen
IT Kadima
J Lumaret
J Nolan
JE George
JF Anderson
JR Albani
Kadarkarai Murugan
KM Cooper
L Lucantoni
M Fadel
M Straten van
M Sun
M Wainwright
MA Hassanain
Marimuthu Govindarajan
ME Hakim El
MS Baptista
MS Sajid
N Sheikh
Nabil Hendawy
NB Aref
OME El-Azazy
P Martin
R Galarini
S Abdel-Shafy
S Abdel-Shafy
SA Abdelsalam
SA Seddiek
SM Habeeb
SP Bradbury
T Ben Amor
T Ben Amor
T Ben Amor
T Ben Amor
T Deplazes
T Hasan
TE Fairbrother
TGM Smijs
TJ Shafer
V Buda
Y Bhattacharyulu
Z Luksiene
Þ Lukðienë
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Azadirachta indica (neem): a plant of multiple biological and pharmacological activities
A Jain
A Kar
+146 more
A Kumar
A Ray
A Seyoum
A Singh
A Singh
A Tepsuwan
A Vanka
A Yanes
AD Rao
AK Mishra
AO Prakash
AR Joshi
AT Showler
AV Ofulla
B Khillare
BG Knols
BH Ali
BK Das
BN Nagpal
BS Siddiqui
BS Siddiqui
BS Siddiqui
CB Wandscheer
D Boral
DH Al-Rajhy
DN Choudhary
DR Rao
E Hummel
EM Halim
FA Ajayi
FV Dunkel
G Brahmachari
G Kaur
GP Talwar
GP Talwar
H Schmutterer
I Chattopadhyay
IA Ibrahim
IA Ibrahim
IE Ebenso
IG Rao
IG Rao
IM Scott
J Bardhan
JA Miller
JB Githiori
JB Githiori
JM Nat van der
Joy C. Atawodi
JT Jensen
K Almas
K Biswas
K Girish
K Nakahara
K Palsson
K Subapriya
KS Awasthy
KS Awasthy
L Badam
LE Wolinsky
M Damayanti
M Gandhi
M Kasturi
M SaiRam
MF Rahman
MF Rahman
MG Ghodesawar
MG Ghosesawar
MJ Mitchell
MK Rai
MM El-Shazly
MM Parida
MO Abatan
MO Nwosu
MR Pai
MS Simmonds
N Bhattacharyya
N Chinnasamy
NE Lale
NG Das
NR Farnsworth
NS Alzoreky
O Koul
O Koul
O Parshad
P Azambuja De
P Chandra
P Hanachi
P Hordegen
P Khosla
P Sen
PL Mitchell
PR Karmakar
PS Babu
R Baral
R Dhar
R Subapriya
R Subapriya
R Subapriya
RB Monzon
RH Aladakatti
RH Aladakatti
RP Labadie
RR Chattopadhyay
RR Chattopadhyay
RR Chattopadhyay
S Abdel-Shafy
S Arivazhagan
S Arivazhagan
S Arivazhagan
S Balasenthil
S Garg
S Garg
S Garg
S Gholap
S Gupta
S Mukherjee
S Mukherjee
S Mukherjee
S Nanduri
S Omar
S Siddiqui
SA Mossini
SB Bhonde
SB Sara
SJ Boeke
SK Sagar
SM Njiro
SN Upadhyay
SN Upadhyay
SN Upadhyay
SU Yanpallewar
Sunday E. Atawodi
SV Ley
T Dasgupta
TR Govindachari
U Bandyopadhyay
V Natarajan
V Sharma
VP Sharma
VP Sharma
VS Verma
VY Deshpande
W Fabry
W Fabry
Y Raji
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text