25 research outputs found

    Execution of administrative court decisions

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    Ne treba ignorirati ovaj problem; pojedine odluke upravnog suda s ili uopće ne izvrše ili se izvrše loše ili sa zakašnjenjem. Međutim, ne treba ni pretjerivati, posebno kad znamo za dogovor koji postoji (u posljednje vrijeme) između zakonodavca, Državnog savjeta i upravnih sudova na poticanju u pogledu izvršenja odluka i rokova presuđivanja.One should not ignore this problem: certain administrative court decisions are not executed at all or are executed poorly or with delay. However, one does not need to exaggerate, especially when we are aware of the agreement which exists (recently) between legislatures, State Council, and administrative courts to encourage the execution of decisions and deadlines

    Adequacy of Article 299 as a Legal Framework for EU/Member State Territories Relations

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    La Communauté, les Dix et les « sanctions » contre l'Argentine - De la crise iranienne à la crise des Malouines

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    Dewost Jean-Louis. La Communauté, les Dix et les « sanctions » contre l'Argentine - De la crise iranienne à la crise des Malouines. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 28, 1982. pp. 215-232

    Contractual law and European aspects

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    Ne može se raspravljati o ugovornom pravu, bez da se diskutira o Europi. Cjelokupna građa EU, koja se odnosi na ugovorno pravo, obuhvaća: prvo, tzv. primarni zakonodavni okvir, drugo, tzv. sekundarni zakonodavni okvir, treće, praksu Europskog suda, te četvrto, odluke Europske komisije. Dosljedna primjena načela u ugovornom prava (načelo nediskriminacije, jednakog tretmana, transparentnosti, proporcionalnosti i uzajamnog priznavanja), ide u prilog slobodnog natjecanja na tržištu EU i učinkovite javne nabave, a suprotstavlja se mogućim zlouporabama zbog ostvarivanja vlastitih interesa i probitaka.Contractual law cannot be discussed without mentioning Europe. The entire make-up of the EU related to contractual law, includes: firstly, the so called primary legislative framework, secondly, the so- called secondary legislative framework, thirdly, European court practice, and fourthly, decisions of the European Commission. Faithful application of the principles in contractual law (the principle of non-discrimination, equal treatment, transparency, proportionality and mutual recognition), supports free competition in the EU market for effective public procurement, and opposes several possible abuses occurring due to trying to attain individual interests and benefits

    Alain A. Levasseur, Richard F. Scott, Arnaud Raynouard, Christine A. Corcos, Joël Monéger et Jean-Claude Piris. -The Law of the European Union, 2013

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    Dewost Jean-Louis. Alain A. Levasseur, Richard F. Scott, Arnaud Raynouard, Christine A. Corcos, Joël Monéger et Jean-Claude Piris. -The Law of the European Union, 2013. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 66 N°1,2014. pp. 178-182

    François Lichère. -Partenariats public-privé : rapports du XVIIIe Congrès de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé / Public-Private Partnership : Reports of the XVIII Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, coll. «Droit administratif/ Administrative Law », 2011

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    Dewost Jean-Louis. François Lichère. -Partenariats public-privé : rapports du XVIIIe Congrès de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé / Public-Private Partnership : Reports of the XVIII Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, coll. «Droit administratif/ Administrative Law », 2011. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 64 N°4,2012. pp. 1039-1042

    Ugovorno pravo i europski aspekti

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    Ne može se raspravljati o ugovornom pravu, bez da se diskutira o Europi. Cjelokupna građa EU, koja se odnosi na ugovorno pravo, obuhvaća: prvo, tzv. primarni zakonodavni okvir, drugo, tzv. sekundarni zakonodavni okvir, treće, praksu Europskog suda, te četvrto, odluke Europske komisije. Dosljedna primjena načela u ugovornom prava (načelo nediskriminacije, jednakog tretmana, transparentnosti, proporcionalnosti i uzajamnog priznavanja), ide u prilog slobodnog natjecanja na tržištu EU i učinkovite javne nabave, a suprotstavlja se mogućim zlouporabama zbog ostvarivanja vlastitih interesa i probitaka