7 research outputs found
Hydro-structural issues in the design of ultra large container ships
ABSTRACTThe structural design of the ships includes two main issues which should be checked carefully, namely the extreme structural response (yielding & buckling) and the fatigue structural response. Even if the corresponding failure modes are fundamentally different, the overall methodologies for their evaluation have many common points. Both issues require application of two main steps: deterministic calculations of hydro-structure interactions for given operating conditions on one side and the statistical post-processing in order to take into account the lifetime operational profile, on the other side. In the case of ultra large ships such as the container ships and in addition to the classical quasi-static type of structural responses the hydroelastic structural response becomes important. This is due to several reasons among which the following are the most important: the increase of the flexibility due to their large dimensions (Lpp close to 400 m) which leads to the lower structural natural frequencies, very large operational speed (20 knots) and large bow flare (increased slamming loads). The correct modeling of the hydroelastic ship structural response, and its inclusion into the overall design procedure, is significantly more complex than the evaluation of the quasi static structural response. The present paper gives an overview of the different tools and methods which are used in nowadays practice
RĂ©ponses extrĂŞmes et fatigue dues aux chargements globaux de houle
Le juste dimensionnement des structures
navales passe la connaissance précise des efforts qu’elles auront à supporter. Ainsi par
exemple, concernant les chargements d’origine hydrodynamique, des valeurs extrêmes
atteintes expérimentalement ou tirées de calculs déterministes sont préférées aux
valeurs règlementaires de conception. Le Bassin d’essais des carènes participe à cet axe
de progrès. Le présent article expose les derniers travaux réalisés par le Bassin en la
ABSTRACT Long-term analysis is more and more used to establish the design loads by performing direct loads evaluation. The longterm distribution of wave loads acting on a ship depends on the short-term contributions of the response in all the wave conditions the ship encounters in her life: sea state, relative heading, speed, load case… For each short-term condition the statistical parameters that describe the response are considered to be constant. Therefore a long-term analysis needs a correct evaluation of the short-term parameters that characterise the short-term response. The Weibull distribution is often used to model the extreme response on a given sea state. The precision of the long-term analysis depends directly on the precision of the Weibull parameters. The first part of this paper is a study of the influence of the simulations parameters (number of wave components, simulation time) and of the different methods used to fit a Weibull distribution on the bending moment extremes, on the precision of the Weibull parameters and on the extreme values. Every choice of parameter used for the final calculations will be justified. The conclusion is that by using a correct fitting method, and provided that there are at least 128 wave components, the overall precision is only dependent on the simulation time : the precision on the 10 -5 extreme value is only ±6.4% with 400 extremes, and ±1.9% with 3200 extremes ! In order to increase the precision of the evaluation of the Weibull parameters over the entire scatter diagram, without increasing the simulation time, a smoothing method is proposed, based on a polynomial smoothing of the A 1/3 and A 1/10 values obtained from linear and non linear calculations on the same wave signal, and on the method of moments. This method leads to an increase of precision of about 3 times, that is equivalent to increase the simulation time by 8 or 9! The second part of this paper presents the results of the long-term analysis carried out on 14 ships (ferries, container vessel, naval ships,…), using a non-linear sea-keeping timedomain software. Calculations have been done without forward speed in head waves and for all the sea states of the IACS scatter diagram (more than 200 sea states). The smoothing method has been used to compute all the Weibull coefficients. Results show that it is possible to model the non-linear effects by applying a non-linear coefficient on the linear bending moment for one speed, one scatter diagram and one extreme value probability. But this coefficient can't be applied, and must be recalculated, if other cases are needed (other speed, other scatter diagram, relative heading distribution or other extreme value probabilities). Every ships will be compared in the same graph in order to evaluated the influence of the design hull form (as overall length and bow flare) on the non linear long term bending moments value (in hogging and in sagging). The calculations were focused on the case of a particular frigate where more parameters were studied as forward speed, operational profile (in speed and relative headings) and scatter diagram choice. In the third part results from model test performed on a height segmented model of the frigate will be compared to the short term results computed by the sea-keeping software. This frigate has been monitored for three years, and the strain measurements at sea will be compared to the numerical longterm analysis
Evaluation Of Green Water Loads On Offshore Structures Using A Numerical Wave Basin
International audienc
CFD tools and adapted methodologies for Marine and Offshore Engineering projects
International audienc